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When do we ship New Britain Bees tickets?
We typically ship New Britain Bees tickets either the day of or the day after they are purchased. Your tickets may be shipped later, depending on when the sports venue releases the tickets; in these cases, your tickets will be shipped to you as soon as we receive them.
What to do if New Britain Bees event is postponed?
If inclement weather is being experienced on the day of the New Britain Bees event, contact the venue to see if the event has been postponed or cancelled. The sports venue will have the most updated New Britain Bees event information along with any alternate parking arrangements due to treacherous conditions in and around the location.
Can you get a New Britain Bees ticket if you lost it?
Unfortunately, TicketSupply.com is unable to help if you have lost your New Britain Bees tickets. You can contact the ticket broker to see if he or she can have the venue resend the New Britain Bees tickets. However, there are no guarantees so it is important that you keep the New Britain Bees tickets safe once you receive them. You can find your New Britain Bees ticket broker's information on your receipt that was emailed to you.