Where is the NCHA Super Stakes?
Fort WorthMarch 23 – April 15, 2023* • Fort Worth, TX.
Where is the NCHA Futurity?
The NCHA Futurity is now scheduled to be held from Monday, Nov. 14, through Saturday, Dec. 10 at the historic Will Rogers Memorial Complex in Fort Worth, Texas. The final payment deadline for all entries is Oct.
How old are NCHA Futurity horses?
3-year-oldThe Futurity is restricted to 3-year-old cutting horses that have never been shown in judged competition. Founded in 1962, the NCHA Futurity was the sport's first “limited age” event.
Who won the Augusta Futurity 2022?
Wood She B MagicRESULTS: 2022 Augusta Futurity - Quarter Horse News. Ridden by Austin Shepard, Wood She B Magic won her first Open Championship at the Augusta Futurity.
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