What is the schedule for the MPA Open tournament?
This Tournament will be run by the MPA. Open Singles 9 Ball - Starts on Wednesday at 07:00 PM - Check In starts at 04:00 PM. Open Scotch Doubles 8 Ball - Starts on Thursday at 10:00 AM - Check In starts at 08:00 AM. Women Singles 8 Ball - Starts on Thursday at 07:00 PM - Check In starts at 03:00 PM.
Will pre-purchased tickets be honored for sessions 16-17-18-19 and 20?
Please note that all tickets pre-purchased will be honored for sessions 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20.
Do I need to be a MPA sanctioned member to participate?
You Do Not need to be a MPA Sanctioned Member to participate! This Tournament will be run by the MPA. NOTE! - First 32 paid entries in each division! Your entry MUST BE PAID to guarantee your spot! Open Singles 8 Ball - Starts on Saturday at 10:00 AM - Check In starts at 08:00 AM. This is Not an MPA Sanctioned/Sponsored tournament.
How do I register for a tournament/event online?
Online Registration for the 2021-2022 season! If you are trying to register for a Tournament/Event you will need to have a UserID and Password for the MPA site in order to register online. If you do not have one try using your google or Facebook account. Having trouble getting logged on? Send me an Email.

What divisions play at CR's?
Master, AA, and B Divisions will play at CR's. A and C Divisions will play at Two Stooges.
Do you need a password for MPA?
If you are trying to register for a Tournament/Event you will need to have a UserID and Password for the MPA site in order to register online. If you do not have one try using your google or Facebook account.
Do you need to be a MPA member to participate in the MPA tournament?
This is a MPA Sponsored tournament. You Do Not need to be a MPA Sanctioned Member to participate! This Tournament will be run by the MPA.
Is the MPA sanctioned tournament?
This is a MPA sanctioned tournament. You MUST be a MPA Sanctioned Member to participate! This Tournament will be run by the MPA.