Schedule List

mount pleasant garbage pickup schedule 2022

by Miss Macie Collier Jr. Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What's new at garbage & recycling in Mount Pleasant?

Garbage & recycling collection in the Village of Mount Pleasant has switched to fully-automated collection for both trash and recycling. Single-stream recycling allows you to place all recyclable commodities, such as paper, cardboard, steel, plastic, tin, aluminum and glass, into one collection cart.

How does Mount Pleasant's volume-based garbage collection system work?

The volume-based system requires residents to put a ‘garbage sticker’ on each 30-gallon bag of garbage to be collected or on each bag inside a 33-gallon can. Stickers are available for purchase at the grocery stores and convenience stores in Mount Pleasant.

When is the best time to dispose of garbage and trash?

ALL GARBAGE, TRASH & RECYCLING MUST BE PLACED CURBSIDE BY 7 A.M. Holid ay (NO PICK UP) G rbg e Monday & Thursday Tuesday & Friday Commin le d R c clin

How can the village of Mount Pleasant assist persons with disabilities?

In order to assist persons with disabilities, the Village of Mount Pleasant has contracted with GFL Environmental to provide Walk Up Service to persons who qualify. 1. Be unable to wheel their cart to the curb for collection.


Where should trash be placed on garbage day?

Place your Trash items curbside on Garbage Day! Debris should be placed at the curb, a safe distance from all utilities but not blocking the road for safe travel.The trash collection vehicles will come through your neighborhood the same day as the garbage truck.

Why is yard debris collected?

The use of this type of equipment reduces injuries to our staff from having to lift and carry heavy materials. The different trucks collect different materials for proper disposal. Yard debris is collected for composting, while other debris are disposed of differently. Please remember to separate your trash piles.

Can you take e-waste to the landfill?

E-waste – Environmental regulations prohibit the disposal of televisions, computers and other electronic equipment to the landfill. These items must be placed separately at the curb for special collection/recycling. The Town will collect the items if un-broken. Please call (843) 849-2022 if you have E-waste to be picked up and we will get it as soon as possible. However, it may not be a same-day pick up. Residents can also take their E-waste to County drop-off sites or big box electronic stores for proper disposal.

Can you dump debris in a ditch?

NEVER DUMP DEBRIS in or along ditches, or in storm drains!

Can you dispose of CFL bulbs in the trash?

COMPACT FLORESCENT LIGHTBULB (CFL) DISPOSAL - These bulbs may NOT be disposed of in your garbage or trash due to mercury contamination issues. Although beneficial, CFL's do contain a small amount of mercury, which is hazardous to humans and the environment. Disposing of CFL's correctly is crucial. Charleston County recycles CFL light bulbs, and residents can bring their old CFL light bulbs to one of the eight Convenience Centers located throughout the County that accepts CFL's.

Solid Waste Collection

The City provides a curbside solid waste collection service for residential properties located within the corporate limits of Mount Pleasant. The City is divided into four route days. Your route day will depend upon your address. Solid waste is collected once each week-Monday through Thursday.


Curbside recycling services are provided to the citizens of Mount Pleasant by the Des Moines County Regional Solid Waste Commission. The Solid Waste Commission assesses the City $3.75 per household per month for recycling services. The City passes this cost along to you on your monthly utility bill.

Spring Clean Up

This service has been a favorite of Mount Pleasant residents for many years. Spring Clean Up will be held April 26, 2021 – April 29, 2021.

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