Here is a quick list of the 2022 Full Moon dates based on the information provided by NASA:
- January 17, 2022 18:48 EST (23:48 UTC)
- February 16, 2022 11:57 EST (16:57 UTC)
- March 18, 2022 03:17 EST (08:17 UTC)
- April 16, 2022 14:55 ET (19:55 UTC)
- May 16, 2022 00:14 ET (05:14 UTC)
- June 14, 2022 07:52 ET (12:52 UTC)
- July 13, 2022 14:37 ET (19:37 UTC)
- August 11, 2022 21:36 ET (or August 12, 2022 02:36 UTC)
When is the new moon in February?
The New Moon in February will crest deep in the night of January 31st PT and early on February 1st ET. This Aquarius new moon will offer us an opportunity to have a clean slate as we begin the new month. Furthermore, for those following PT, it is also going to be a “black moon” – a term given to a month’s second new moon.
What are the 8 major phases of the Moon?
What Are the 8 Major Phases of the Moon?
- New Moon. New moons are very difficult to see because a new moon is always closest to the sun. ...
- Waxing Crescent Moon. Because the moon orbits the Earth, it moves a bit to the east after a couple of days. ...
- First Quarter Moon (Half Moon) When you see half of the dark and light side, then this means the moon is half full. ...
- Waxing Gibbous Moon. ...
- Full Moon. ...
What is the full moon for February?
The February Full Moon is most commonly called the Snow Moon. Other names include Bear Moon, Eagle Moon, Raccoon Moon, Groundhog Moon, and Hunger Moon. As for why February's Moon is called the Snow Moon, the Almanac says: "February is typically a time of heavy snowfall."
What are the current phases of the Moon?
The Phases of the Moon
- NEW! Video About Moon Phases. ...
- Moon Phases in Order. ...
- New Moon. ...
- Waxing Crescent Moon. ...
- First Quarter Moon (Half Moon) Look for the First Quarter Moon in the blue afternoon sky. ...
- Waxing Gibbous Moon. ...
- Full Moon. ...
- Waning Gibbous Moon. ...
- Third Quarter Moon (Half Moon) The Third Quarter Moon begins the last quarter of the lunar cycle. ...
- Waning Crescent Moon. ...

What are the moon phases for Feb 2022?
February 2022February 2022MondayTuesdayThursday1 New Moon3 Waxing Crescent7 Waxing Crescent8 Waxing Crescent10 First Quarter14 Waxing Gibbous15 Waxing Gibbous17 Full Moon3 more rows
What is the 2022 Full Moon schedule?
When is the full moon? Calendar dates for 2022DateNameGMTAugust 11Sturgeon Moon01:36 Aug. 12September 10Harvest Moon09:59October 9Hunter's Moon20:55November 8Beaver Moon11:028 more rows•Oct 11, 2022
What date is the New Moon February 2022?
Feb. 1, 2022Early Tuesday morning, Feb. 1, 2022, at 12:46 a.m. EST, will be the new Moon, when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from the Earth.
Is there a blue moon in February 2022?
There is no Blue Moon in 2022.
What type of moon is tonight?
Waning CrescentThe Moon phase for today is a Waning Crescent phase.
What moon phase is tonight?
The Moon's current phase for today and tonight is a Waning Crescent phase. In this phase the Moon's illumination is growing smaller each day until the New Moon.
What is February full moon called?
Snow MoonFebruary: Snow Moon February's typically cold, snowy weather in North America earned its full moon the name snow moon. Storm moon and hunger moon are other common names.
What is the snow moon good for?
The spiritual meaning of the Snow Moon teaches us that by stoking our inner fires and keeping the flame of our passions burning, we can always feel warmth and embrace abundance — even when the outside world is cold and resources feel sparse.
Why is the Moon orange tonight?
Although the Moon waxes and wanes in brightness, it's always orange as its rises and sets. That's down to “Raleigh scattering.” Long wavelength red light travels more easily through Earth's atmosphere than short-wavelength blue light, which strikes more particles and gets scattered.
How often is blood moon?
about three times a yearLunar eclipses, the phenomenon that causes the red 'blood moon' colouring, happen about three times a year on average, but do not always line up with the full moon in spring.
What is the rarest type of moon?
Rather, a blue moon is special because it is the "extra" Moon in a season with four full moons. This usually only happens every two-and-a-half years. Since the 1940s, the term "blue moon" has also been used for the second full moon in a calendar month. This usually happens only every two-and-a-half years.
What does a full yellow moon mean spiritually?
A yellow moon is a sign of happiness. If you see a yellow moon, then happiness is on your way. Everyone deserves happiness in their lives and you too deserve all the happiness.
What should you do on a full moon?
7 things to try during a full moon:Cleanse your mental and physical space. The full moon tends to mark a big build-up of energy—both light and dark. ... Charge your crystals. ... Learn to meditate. ... Dance to release energy. ... Let go of emotional baggage. ... Check your to-do list. ... Chill out for a bit.
What date is next full moon?
The next full Moon will occur on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 6:02 AM EDT, and is known as the Beaver Moon. Learn more about this month's full Moon by watching our short video below: Our full Moon calendar below tells you dates, times, and unique names given to each.
What is the significance of the full moon?
Full moons are primal times for manifestation and climaxes (pun intended). This lunation can bring out everyone's inner animal. While astrologers usually associate this side effect with passion, it can also lead to fights, and there are even studies that show crime does go up during the full moon.
Why is the March full moon called a worm moon?
"The tribes kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to each recurring full moon," the almanac said. "Their names were applied to the entire month in which each occurred." This full moon is called a worm moon because in cold climates, the ground begins to thaw and earthworms appear.
One Moon, Many Names
The Maine Farmers' Almanac began publishing Native American names for full Moons in the 1930s and these names have become widely known and used.
The Moon's Connection to Calendars
In most lunar and lunisolar calendars, the months change with the new Moon and full Moons fall in the middle of the lunar month. This full Moon is the middle of the first month of the Chinese calendar, the first Adar in the Hebrew calendar, and Rajab in the Islamic calendar.
Summary of Celestial Events
As winter continues, the daily periods of sunlight continue to lengthen. On Wednesday, Feb.16, 2022 (the day of the full Moon), morning twilight will begin at 6:00 a.m. EST, sunrise will be at 6:58 a.m., solar noon will be at 12:22:07 p.m.
Evening Sky Highlights
On the evening of Wednesday, Feb.16, 2022 (the day of the full Moon), as evening twilight ends (at 6:45 p.m. EST), the bright planet Jupiter will be setting on the western horizon. The full Moon will appear about 9 degrees above the east-northeastern horizon near the bright star Regulus.
Morning Sky Highlights
On the morning of Feb.16, 2022 (the day of the full Moon), as morning twilight begins (at 6:00 a.m. EST), the bright planet Venus will appear 15 degrees above the southeastern horizon. The planet second in brightness will be Mercury appearing 3 degrees above the east-southeastern horizon.
February 10
Thursday night, Feb. 10, 2022, at 9:38 p.m. EST, the Moon will be at apogee, its farthest from the Earth for this orbit.
February 13-14
Sunday night into Monday morning, Feb. 13 to 14, 2022, the bright star Pollux (the brighter of the twin stars in the constellation Gemini) will appear near the waxing gibbous Moon. Pollux will appear about 3 degrees to the upper left of the Moon as evening twilight ends (at 6:42 p.m. EST).
Why is surgery recommended during the waning moon?
Attention: Surgical operations are generally recommended during the Waning Moon, because human body is healing better after surgery . However, try to avoid surgeries of the organs under the influence of the zodiac sign the Moon is in on the day of the surgery. These organs are more sensitive when the Moon is passing the sign they are affiliated ...
Can you have surgery on the moon?
NO! Surgical operations are generally recommended during the Waning Moon, because human body is healing better after surgery. However, try to avoid surgeries of the organs under the influence of the zodiac sign the Moon is in on the day of the surgery.
Is there a lunar phase in February 2022?
February 2022 - Lunar calendar, Moon Phases. NO! Surgical operations are generally recommended during the Waning Moon, because human body is healing better after surgery. However, try to avoid surgeries of the organs under the influence of the zodiac sign the Moon is in on the day of the surgery.