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mercury retrograde 2022 schedule

by Prof. Marlee Flatley Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

In 2022, Mercury will be in apparent retrograde motion during the following ranges of dates:
  • January 13 to February 3.
  • May 10 to June 2.
  • September 9 to October 1.
  • December 28 to January 18 (2023)

Full Answer

When will Mercury be in retrograde?

Mercury is going retrograde on May 10, 2022 in the sign of Gemini. During this time, be extra wary when making plans and communicating with others. Mercury retrograde affects all zodiac signs, but Gemini and Sagittarius feel it the most.

When does Mercury Retrograde start?

In 2022, Mercury will be in retrograde from May 10 to June 2 — and since retrograde represents the opposite of “normal” planetary movement, things may feel out of the ordinary. why does Mercury retrograde cause so many communication issues?

Is Mercury still retrograde?

Yes, Mercury is still Retrograde. It feels like a forever-retrograde because Mercury is strong in Gemini and its square Neptune for more or less the whole time.* That’s the weirdness factor. It’s not so much that Mercury is Retrograde; it’s more that it is nebulized. Lately, it’s been hyper-weird.

When does the retrograde start?

While the first Mercury retrograde of the year doesn't officially start until Friday, January 14, its shadow period began on Wednesday, December 29, 2021. During this time, we began to feel the effects of retrograde, although they are less intense than when things go full-swing.


What are the Mercury retrograde Dates for 2022?

What is Mercury retrograde and how does this affect you?First retrograde: January 14 - February 3, 2022.Second retrograde: May 10 - June 3, 2022.Third retrograde: September 9 - October 2, 2022.Fourth retrograde: December 29 - January 18, 2023.

Which signs will be affected by Mercury retrograde 2022?

Mercury is going retrograde in the sign of Libra on September 9, 2022. This astrological event will impact the balance you have—or lack—in life. Mercury retrograde will impact all zodiac signs, but Libra, Aries, and Gemini will feel it the most.

What should you not do during Mercury retrograde 2022?

An exhaustive list of what not to do during Mercury retrogradeHold off on signing any contracts. Making a big purchase? ... Be prepared for traffic and other travel mishaps. ... Avoid situations primed for misunderstandings. ... Don't rely on technology. ... Delete that "U Up?" text from a toxic ex. ... Refrain from starting anything new.

Which planets are in retrograde right now 2022?

To make things even more interesting, from Sept. 10 to Oct. 2, 2022, six planets were retrograde simultaneously, including Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. (So if those few weeks were a little wild for you, now you know why.)

How does Mercury retrograde affect health?

Mercury retrogrades can make you feel stressed and fuzzy. It is a period when people may feel out of balance mentally and physically. About a week before the Mercury retrograde, highly sensitive people will start to feel the energy turbulence as the planet is in the process of reversing its course.

Does Mercury in retrograde affect emotions?

According to Daisy, Mercury being in retrograde could cause huge relationship challenges, such as cheating, betrayal or loss of intimacy. She says: "As this planet appears to retreat, it may feel like it's all going wrong in your love life, as you bring up issues and arguments from the past.

What is Mercury retrograde good for?

According to astrologer Vaness Henry, Mercury Retrograde doesn't cause us to make more mistakes, it helps us find the mistakes we've already made. It's a great time to re-flect, re-new, re-lax, rest, slow down and heal.

How does Mercury retrograde affect relationships?

With communication going haywire, Mercury retrograde can really mess with romantic relationships, family dynamics, and emotions in general. You may say the wrong thing at the wrong time, send an awkward text, or double-book plans.

Is Mercury retrograde real?

Of course, actual scientists point out that any “retrograde” motion by Mercury is an optical illusion. And they vigorously dispute the core belief of astrology, that the motion of the planets can influence events here on Earth. In fact, studies have shown no correlation between the behavior of planets and of people.

How does retrograde affect us?

In the realm of astrology, retrograde motion has negative connotations. Because Mercury is the planet said to rule communication, those who are astrologically inclined expect frequent misunderstandings, scheduling problems and disagreements with friends during this period.

What 6 planets are in retrograde right now?

These are the planets currently moving in retrograde:Mercury from Sept. 10 to Oct. ... Jupiter from July 28 to Nov. ... Saturn June 4 to Oct. ... Uranus Aug. 24 to Jan. ... Neptune June 28 to Dec. ... Pluto April 29 to Oct.

What happens when planets are in retrograde?

Answer: Retrograde motion is an APPARENT change in the movement of the planet through the sky. It is not REAL in that the planet does not physically start moving backwards in its orbit. It just appears to do so because of the relative positions of the planet and Earth and how they are moving around the Sun.

How does Mercury retrograde affect relationships 2022?

During Mercury retrograde, you may feel like your relationship is taking a lot of work. If your love life feels overwhelming, put yourself first. “Make sure to value your time and energy,” Loftis says. “It's time to set some good boundaries with your partner and have some difficult but necessary conversations.”

Are we in a Mercury retrograde 2022?

On Sept. 9, Mercury will go retrograde for the third time in 2022. During this stretch, which ends on Oct. 2, you may hear all sorts of things being blamed on the planet of communication's retrograde period, from technology mishaps to misunderstandings with friends and loved ones.

How will Mercury retrograde affect Aquarius 2022?

AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 – FEBRUARY 18) After the 23rd, Mercury retrograde brings his worst to your intimacy, vulnerability and trust. This means that a significant relationship will likely feel imbalanced. However, this could instead cause frustration around assets, wealth or investments.

How will Mercury retrograde affect Virgo 2022?

On September 10, 2022, Mercury will become retrograde in Virgo sign which will impact natives from all walks of life. Mercury signifies speech, intelligence, business and communication. On the other hand, Virgo energy is detail-oriented and productive at its best.

How Does Mercury Retrograde Behave in Air and Earth Signs?

Mercury often has three retrograde periods each year that take place entirely within the same astrological element. However, in 2022 the four Mercury retrograde phases will straddle two elements, with each one beginning in an air sign and ending in an earth sign.

Mercury Retrograde 2022 Effects

Intense for air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini): Last year with the Mercury retrograde periods in your element of air, you received inner promptings to embrace your flexible and changeable nature.

What Is “Mercury Retrograde”?

Three times a year, the planet Mercury appears to travel backward across the sky. We refer to these periods as times when Mercury is in apparent retrograde motion , or simply ” Mercury retrograde .” To those who practice astrology, these times in particular were traditionally associated with confusion, delay, and frustration. Think undelivered love letters, email blunders, and frazzled travel plans! This is an excellent time to reflect on the past, however, and it’s said that intuition is high during these periods. Coincidences can be extraordinary.

What to do during retrograde?

If you plan to close on a home, during a retrograde, you must cross your tee's and dot your i's. That means have the home inspected by someone that has no dog in the fight, and that doesn't know the realtor. Have it inspected the day of the closing, to make sure everything has been done, that the seller said would be done. If it is not done, postpone the signing date, or have the seller subtract the amount from the sale of the home and give you the monies as a check, or cash? Also, don't waive anything that should be done before you buy, just to save the money. So make sure you get the survey of the property, before you buy.

Why does a planet move in reverse?

Sometimes, it can appear (from our perspective) that a planet has abruptly switched directions and has started to move in reverse across the sky. This is, of course, an illusion caused by the position of Earth in relation to that of the planet, since a planet in orbit always travels in one set direction and can’t suddenly reverse course. This is why we call the phenomenon apparent retrograde motion, as it only looks like the planet is moving backward (“retrograde motion”)!

Can you stop your life when Mercury is direct?

Review projects and plans at these times, but wait until Mercury is direct again to make any final decisions. You can’t stop your life, but plan ahead, have back-up plans, and be prepared for people’s shorter fuses and miscommunication.

Is Mercury retrograde here to destroy us?

You see Mercury Retrograde is not here to destroy us but it is the absence of... The absence of what you say? It's the absence of those things that makes us feel we are running and running in our lives (think hamster wheel), it helps us step outside of our life for a brief moment (a few weeks including the pre and post shadow), while it exists and we take in the other energy available to us, (feminine energy) where we will harness it for a time of reflection. It's only frustrating if you fight it... Oh my gosh, reflect? That sounds like a nightmare! But I assure you it's not. We all need respite and rest from the job, the relationship, the kids, the besties, the, the, the... you get my point here. We just need to space to feel our own breath and breathe.

What happens when Mercury turns retrograde?

If Mercury has turned retrograde in a favourable position, it enhances the wisdom, communication ability, logical skills, etc. of a person. Such natives resolve even the most difficult problems in a while and the problems which are acute for others, seem to be very simple for them. They have a sharp intellect and assume more wisdom and hence, they do not run away from facing challenges in life. Instead, they are successful in resolving all sorts of problems.

What is the favourable position of Mercury in the horoscope?

The favourable position of Mercury in one’s horoscope makes their relations healthy with their brothers and sisters, especially, sisters. Such people are clever and know how to get their work done. Such natives are sharp-minded and their retention power is commendable. Whatever they listen, see or read, they store it in their brain at once. The strong position of Mercury makes people secure good marks in examinations. They are also good at conversation.

What does Mercury represent in the second house?

The second house in a person’s horoscope represents wealth and it is also known as the house of speech. Maa Saraswati is the benefactor of communication skills and Mercury is its significator in a horoscope. If Mercury turns retrograde in the second house of a horoscope of a native, the balance between income and savings is disturbed. They may turn into a miser in the process of saving a good amount but if there is a case of any urgency, they won’t hesitate to spend their savings. Such natives can earn huge wealth by resolving the conflicts through their arguments and communication ability. In addition to this, they are good at getting their work done through their wisdom. They try to impose their decision on their family. Due to the presence of Mercury in the house, a person has to be careful while buying a property and should not make hasty decisions. Such people are good at delivering arguments and are successful in court cases.

What happens if Mercury is in an unfavourable state?

If Mercury is positioned in an unfavourable state in a horoscope then there is a great of negative effects. Also, a person may suffer from epilepsy, skin diseases, etc. Apart from this, they fail to express their feelings and ideas. Such natives may have to bear losses in business. The relationship of these people with their sister, aunt, etc. may be strained. They choose to make their career in the field of business, advocacy, journalism, writing, trading, etc. All the professions, which are related to intelligence, are controlled by Mercury.

What is the meaning of Mercury in Vedic astrology?

In the realms of Vedic astrology, Mercury is the ruling lord of intelligence and is the son of Lord Moon. The planet Mercury represents the green colour and impacts Tridosha i.e. Vata, Pitta & Kapha of a living being. It is considered to be a benefactor of all means of communication as well as transportation. As per Greek legends, Mercury is considered to be a messenger with wings. In the annals of Vedic astrology, Mercury is the ruling lord of Gemini and Virgo. It remains debilitated in Pisces and exalted in Virgo. Venus and Saturn are their friends. Since it is very close to the Sun, it remains stationed here and there around the Sun and stays mostly in a weak position.

What is the role of Mercury in the world?

The planet Mercury is the lord of rational ideas. It governs the intellect of a person and thus, helps them choose a career of their choice. All sorts of career-related options are administered by Mercury and therefore, it is believed that the strong position of Mercury makes a person win over every situation of life through their wisdom and communication ability. Such natives achieve greater progress and success in the field of education. Also, they have the ability to win scholarships. Under the influence of Mercury, if a person is curious, they can dive deep into the ocean of knowledge and satisfy themselves.

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What happens during Mercury retrograde?

First off: let’s be upfront. Planets do not actually move backward in space. But from our vantage point on Earth, they certainly look like they do!

What are the stages of a Mercury retrograde?

Mercury retrograde comes in several stages. Each one is important, as we can better understand the journey we will undergo.

What is good about Mercury retrograde?

Mercury retrograde phases are not here to destroy you or create problems. Instead, they are here to help you slow down and review, reassess and reorganize. That is why people, situations and projects from the past pop back up for us to look over once again.

What is difficult about Mercury retrograde?

Mercury retrograde is never a good time to make agreements, start relationships, become married or sign contracts. If you do, what you initiate will eventually fall apart because it is formed on rocky ground. It is also not a good time to make major purchases, start new jobs or jump upon sudden decisions.

Mercury retrograde dates 2022 -to 2023

January 14, 2022 – February 3, 2022. It begins in Aquarius and ends in Capricorn.

What is Mercury retrograde?

Mercury retrograde is all about slowing down and being more mindful. Communication is difficult (but not impossible) during this period. Be patient with other people and be more present in your expression.

How many times does Mercury retrograde?

Mercury Retrograde happens 3 to 4 times in year when planet Mercury comes between the Sun and the Earth. With its concentration of iron, the planet has a magnetic influence on the behavior of human beings and some strange things appear to happen during the retrograde period.

How long does Mercury retrograde last?

The transit of the planet Mercury between the Sun and the Earth will cause these retrogrades. These retrogrades normally last for three weeks while the overall effects will be felt over a period of 2 months.

What planet is retrograde in 2017?

December 19th 2016 (Sagittarius) – January 8th 2017 (Capricorn) Planet Mercury in astrology is connected with creativity and mental abilities. The transit of the planet Mercury between the Sun and the Earth will cause these retrogrades.

Why do we go retrograde?

Aligning ourselves with these energies will prevent us from fighting the current, which will make our own lives easier during these frustrating times. Ultimately, by going retrograde ourselves (going back over our work), we will avoid many of the pitfalls normally associated with this period in the planetary cycle.

How many times does Mercury retrograde in 2022?

Knowing the Mercury retrograde periods can help you to plan your ventures in advance so that they do not go off-track. In 2022 Mercury Retrogrades four times: • In January 2022 Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius.

How often does Mercury go retrograde?

It is better to prepare for it rather than doing it and to move ahead later with the direct phase of Mercury. Mercury goes Retrograde three times every year.

What is the term for Mercury's slow down before the retrograde period?

As it slows down before the Retrograde period, we call it the Pre-Retrograde. Mercury starts losing power then and hence new ventures cannot do well in this period. Then there is the Post-Retrograde when Mercury picks up or gains speed but is still moving slowly enough to cause a slow progress in the projects undertaken.

What is retrograde motion?

All the planets turn around the Sun. Relative from our point of view on Earth, it appears sometimes that a planet will stop and go backwards called the retrograde motion, and then stop again and go forward called the direct motion.

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