Here is a complete schedule of the training: January 27, 2022 - What is the Collaborative Process? February 24, 2022 - Making and Maintaining the Paradigm Shift March 24, 2022 - Team Building: The Importance of Mental Health Professionals, Financial Neutral and Other Professionals
Class | Start Date | Graduation Date |
15-22 | July 2, 2022 | July 30, 2022 |
16-22 | February 8, 2022 | March 8, 2022 |
17-22 | February 15, 2022 | March 15, 2022 |
18-22 | February 22, 2022 | March 22, 2022 |
What is Marine Combat Training (MCT)?
What is Marine Combat Training (MCT)? Marine Combat Training is located at Camp Pendleton in California and Camp Geiger in North Carolina. This training is a 29-day infantry training through the School of Infantry. Not all Marines are Infantry, but the Marines consider every Marine a rifleman.
Who can become an MCT?
The MCT program is for educators around the world who deliver training on Microsoft technologies. If you have a qualifying certification and are passionate about training others on Microsoft technologies, you’ll be a great MC.
Is there an up-to-date Marine combat training schedule?
I’m not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. The Marine Combat Training schedule recently just changed from 22 training days to 29 training days. The below information has been compiled from my first-hand experiences at MCT SOI East Coast at Camp Geiger, NC. I attended MCT from 2010 January 26 – 2010 February 23.
What happens after MCT in the Marines?
What Happens After MCT? After attending Marine Combat Training, it is time to attend schooling in their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) before moving on to their permanent duty station. The Marines expect every member to possess the ability to fight in combat. This is why the Marines say all Marines are riflemen.
What is MCT in Marines?
What is the second week of training?
How many days of leave do Marines get after boot camp?
How long does it take to train Marines in the ITB?
Where is Marine Combat Training?
What school do MOS go to?
Where do Marines train?
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How long is MCT USMC 2022?
Marine Combat Training Battalion (MCT) is a 29-day course. The mission is to train and conduct standards-based combat skills training of all non-infantry Marines in order to ensure that every Marine is a fighting Marine, regardless of their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).
Is MCT harder than bootcamp?
Some Marines found MCT to be a challenge, while others thought it was much easier than boot camp. After this training, Marines move on to training specific to their MOS before transferring to their Permanent Duty Stations.
What time do you wake up at MCT?
Typically, during the week, Marines will wake up between 4:00 and 6:00 A.M. and report to either their squad, unit, platoon, or, occasionally, their battalion, for morning Physical Training (PT).
Do you get leave after MCT?
There will be NO leave period after completion of ITB or MCT. You will receive orders to the Fleet Marine Force. Upon Graduation from Marine Combat Training you will receive orders to you your MOS school.
Do you get your phone at MCT?
Since the majority of training is conducted in the field during the 29 days of MCT, Marines will not always have access to their phones. Family and friends are still encouraged to send Letters as a form of communication during this training.
What do you wear to MCT?
It is recommended that you bring 3 sets of appropriate civilian clothes to wear on liberty. Your civilian clothes should resemble your Service Charlie uniform (collard shirt, slacks and/or serviceable jeans).
What percentage of recruits fail Marine boot camp?
Yes, it is possible to fail basic training. You could go through the trouble of leaving your home, job, family and friends and come back a failure. In fact, this happens to about 15% of recruits who join the military every year. Too many recruits I speak to think that it is impossible to fail basic training.
How fast do Marines have to run 3 miles?
Males must complete the three-mile run in 28 minutes or less. Females must complete the three-mile run in 31 minutes or less.
How fast do Marines have to run 2 miles?
Men have to complete a 1.5-mile run in 13 minutes, 30 seconds; women have 15 minutes. Both men and women must do 44 crunches in two minutes.
Where do Marines go after MCT?
After Graduation from the Marine Combat Training (MCT), Marines will attend schooling for their chosen MOS, or Military Occupational Specialty. Your Marine has a 4-digit MOS number that corresponds with the title of his/her Military Occupational Specialty.
What do you shoot at MCT?
While at MCT, Marines will be taught weapons skills such as the handling and firing of M203 grenade launchers, AT-4 rocket launchers, M240 machine guns, and M249 Squad Automatic Weapons.
What time do you go to sleep in basic training?
In all the branches' basic training programs, bedtime is usually 2100, or 9 p.m., except during times of special events, such as night exercises. In basic training, lights out means go to sleep.
How long are the hikes at MCT?
MCT students (male and female) must complete a 15km hike, as an MCT graduation requirement; a shorter distance and with lighter loads.
Does MCT have drill instructors?
Just as drill instructor and recruiting duty play an important role in completing the overall Marine Corps mission, MCT instructors are integral in the process of training entry-level Marines to gain basic infantry skills.
What happens after MCT?
After Graduation from the Marine Combat Training (MCT), Marines will attend schooling for their chosen MOS, or Military Occupational Specialty. Your Marine has a 4-digit MOS number that corresponds with the title of his/her Military Occupational Specialty.
What's After Boot™: Marine Combat Training
Marine Combat Training (MCT) is located at Camp Pendleton, California and Camp Geiger, North Carolina. MCT is a basic infantry training condensed into 29 days.
When is MCT graduation?
It is easy to figure out when a Marine will graduate from MCT. Your Marine’s MCT graduation date will be on a Tuesday, 29 days after his check-in date or his class-up date (if he/she isn’t held in a waiting platoon). Check-in dates are on a Monday. Simply add 4 weeks and 1 day to the date that your Marine (or you) classes up, and you’ll have your Marine’s MCT graduation date.
How many females are in the MCT platoon?
Make sure you know what you need to take to MCT. You’ll change from your Alphas into cammies and start your admin work. You’ll get a bone marrow pitch, go to medical, take a drug test, and then you’ll get assigned a platoon. The platoons on the east coast have about 10-15 females and about 80-85 males. The platoon trains mixed-gender, but the females live in separate barracks.
How many days of Marine Corps boot camp?
I’m not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. The Marine Combat Training schedule recently just changed from 22 training days to 29 training days.
How many MREs are issued during Marine Combat Training?
Be prepared to eat a lot of MREs during Marine Combat Training. The bad news is that you’ll be issued somewhere around 36 MREs for your two weeks in the field. The good news is that they don’t taste too bad, and the new ones come with chemical heaters. There will be a lot of trading, buying and selling of MREs during MCT. Do not get involved in this. Keep your food. If you’re going to be training during the cold months, then take some advice – save your heaters. I went through in February, and there were times when nothing mattered except trying to find heat and stay warm. Sleep did not matter. Food did not matter. I just wanted my fingers and toes to not feel like they were digging through broken glass. You can activate your MRE heaters and put them in your blouse pockets, use them as hand warmers and even put them in your boots to prevent your toes from getting frostbite. Just wait for the steam to simmer off of them before putting them in an enclosed area.
What sights do you get in Marine Combat Training?
During basic training you get the version with iron sights (for now at least). When you get to Marine Combat Training (MCT), you get the upgraded version with the Trijicon ACOG and the laser infrared sight. This ]
Was there a MCT in the old corps?
Great to see this as there was no MCT in the proverbial “old Corps” 😉 …. we’re so old we have a kid who’s graduating boot camp any time now, so good scoop. Although we’re mean and we probably won’t share it 😉
Is MCT fire watch worse than boot camp?
You still do fire watch at MCT. In fact, it’s much worse than at boot camp. You can get anywhere from a 2-6 hour shift of either fire watch, armory watch, or gear watch. Fire watch is the real deal here too. Get caught sleeping and you’ll have an NJP to look forward to rather than an extra set of push-ups or the sand pit the next morning. You’re not a recruit anymore… don’t act like one.
What is MCT in Marines?
On the other hand, MCT is for those without an Infantry-related MOS. Related Article – Marine Infantry MOS Guide.
What is the second week of training?
The second week consists of combat conditioning, patrolling, and military operations in urban terrain. Also, your weapons training continues.
How many days of leave do Marines get after boot camp?
After graduating from boot camp, Marines earn a day of travel and ten days of leave. Those who are in an Infantry MOS attend the School of Infantry. Those without an Infantry designation attend the Marine Combat training ...
How long does it take to train Marines in the ITB?
ITB has a mission to train infantry Marines for 59 days.
Where is Marine Combat Training?
Image: lejeune.marines.mil. Marine Combat Training is located at Camp Pendleton in California and Camp Geiger in North Carolina. This training is a 29-day infantry training through the School of Infantry. Not all Marines are Infantry, but the Marines consider every Marine a rifleman. This means all Marines must have the ability to handle themselves ...
What school do MOS go to?
Those who are in an Infantry MOS attend the School of Infantry.
Where do Marines train?
If you live east of the Mississippi river, you attend Camp Grieger. If you live in the west, you attend training at Camp Pendleton in California.
When will the MCT waiver end?
We will extend the waiver until December 31st 2021.
When will Dynamics 365 Commerce be certified?
The Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Commerce Functional Consultant Associatecertification will launch in mid-June 2021. Anyone who uses the application functionality to provide support for Dynamics 365 Commerce and who helps configure, deploy, and maintain it can benefit from this training and certification. Exam MB-340beta will measure a variety of critical skills for Commerce functional consultants and will validate their ability to:
What is the MCT battalion?
MCT Battalion generates Marine Riflemen to possess a foundational understanding of, and their role in applying, the Marine Corps' warfighting ethos, core values, basic tenets of maneuver warfare, leadership responsibilities, mental, moral, and physical resiliency in order to contribute to the successful accomplishment of their unit's mission.
Where is Marine Combat Training?
Marine Combat Training is a four week evolution at Camp Pendleton, Calif. , and Camp Geiger, N.C., where Marines with non-combat military occupational specialties are trained in basic infantry skills after graduating Recruit Training. Topics include rifle and medium machine gun marksmanship, physical conditioning and other basic infantry skills. (U.S. Marine Video by Sgt. Will Perkins)
MCT Family Day & Liberty
Visitors will need to provide the following for access to New River Air Station / Camp Geiger: • Valid Drivers License • Current Vehicle Registration • Proof of Insurance • Student Liberty hours are 3:30pm to 8:00pm on the Monday Prior to Graduation (TD-27) • Students who are expecting visitors will meet with their visitors in Bldg TC-1005,the Camp Geiger Recreation Center • Students are limited to Base Liberty Only and can not leave New River Air Station..
MCT Graduation Schedule
7:45am – 8:30am Parents and Visitors are encouraged to meet with the Marine Combat Training Battalion Commander and Sergeant Major for a Parent’s Orientation at the Camp Geiger Recreation Center loacted at the building TC-1005 (map located at the bottom of the page).
Departure From MCT
Each Marine’s schedule is different based on his/her follow on MOS School. Your Marine may or may not be able to meet with parents/visitors after the Graduation Ceremony. In the event that your Marine will have time to meet with parents/visitors, the parent/visitor should follow the unit to their Company area.
What is MCT in Marines?
On the other hand, MCT is for those without an Infantry-related MOS. Related Article – Marine Infantry MOS Guide.
What is the second week of training?
The second week consists of combat conditioning, patrolling, and military operations in urban terrain. Also, your weapons training continues.
How many days of leave do Marines get after boot camp?
After graduating from boot camp, Marines earn a day of travel and ten days of leave. Those who are in an Infantry MOS attend the School of Infantry. Those without an Infantry designation attend the Marine Combat training ...
How long does it take to train Marines in the ITB?
ITB has a mission to train infantry Marines for 59 days.
Where is Marine Combat Training?
Image: lejeune.marines.mil. Marine Combat Training is located at Camp Pendleton in California and Camp Geiger in North Carolina. This training is a 29-day infantry training through the School of Infantry. Not all Marines are Infantry, but the Marines consider every Marine a rifleman. This means all Marines must have the ability to handle themselves ...
What school do MOS go to?
Those who are in an Infantry MOS attend the School of Infantry.
Where do Marines train?
If you live east of the Mississippi river, you attend Camp Grieger. If you live in the west, you attend training at Camp Pendleton in California.

What Is Marine Combat Training (MCT)?
Marine Combat Training (MCT) Schedule
- You might attend Marine Combat Training at Camp Pendleton or Camp Geiger. In either case, your training is the same. The first week consists of checking in and the issuing of your gear. Later that week, you will do a five-mile hike, learn field care, and do a lot of hiking and running. Also, you begin weapons training. The second week consists of c...
What Is MCT like?
- Marine Combat Training is a challenging training program. While it lacks the intensity of the infantry training those with the infantry MOS enjoy, it is still tough. However, Marines who participated in the Marine Combat Training report on Quora vastly different experiences when comparing boot camp and MCT. Other Marines found the experience less pleasant. This Marine …
- The Marines expect every member to possess the ability to fight in combat. This is why the Marines say all Marines are riflemen. Marines with an Infantry MOS attend infantry school. However, those without the infantry designation still need combat training. Therefore, Marines attend a 29 day Marine Combat Training program. There are two locations for this training. If yo…