Full Answer
What is remote delivery course?
A "remote delivery" course is offered using a combination of online delivery, video conferencing and other distance learning options. A remote delivery course may move to an on-campus location, if conditions allow. These changes are reflected in the links below. Please connect with an advisor for details.
Does non-payment relieve you from MCC?
Note: Non-payment and/or non-attendance does not relieve you from your financial obligation to MCC. It is your responsibility to drop your class (es) if you do not attend.
Spring 2022 - Tarleton State University
Additional online course offerings may be available for your degree option and can be found by clicking here. Contact your academic advisor for clarification.
Spring 2022 - Texas Tech University
Additional online course offerings may be available for students to choose in more than 20 concentration areas. Click here to review those options. Contact your Texas Tech academic advisor for clarification.
How many academic pathways are there at McLennan Community College?
The Six Academic Pathways at McLennan Community College are:
What is the ultimate goal of McLennan Community College?
Our ultimate goal is the success of our students and McLennan Community College. Students are central to the mission of the College. We will always be mindful of the effect our actions have on our students, colleagues, and community. We will strive to build a community of people who love their work and seek to serve both students and each other. Each employee of the College accepts responsibility to live out these values and beliefs in all interactions with students and with each other. Our relationships with others will reflect our commitment to respect, civility, and collegiality. We will support building bridges rather than barriers. We will have an attitude of service toward our students and our fellow employees. We will work to ensure our operations are efficient and effective.
What is the purpose of the college counseling program?
Helping students not be overwhelmed when considering college and the decisions they must make when enrolling;
What is an academic pathway?
Academic pathways simplify the decision process for entering students regarding their academic choices until they are better able to decide what best suits their abilities and interests. In this process, it allows students to explore various areas while not losing pace in their progress to graduate. Each pathway will have curriculum and support services to meet the needs of students as they progress through their academic journey. This will also include intensive advising and career counseling with all of the pathways. It will also help build learning communities/cohorts of students with similar interests.
What is the academic pathway initiative?
The academic pathway initiative tackles all of these challenges: condenses abstract decisions students face at the beginning of their academic journey, provide continual guidance through advising and academic support structures, career exploration and mentoring to help students identify options and viable career choices that best meet their abilities and allow for adequate graduation timelines.
What is equal opportunity?
Equal employment opportunity shall be provided all applicants for employment and employees, without regard to their race, color, creed or religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or other factors which cannot be the lawful basis for a personnel decision.
How to report sexual harassment in MCC?
Individuals who would like to report an incident of sexual misconduct should do so by immediately contacting the Title IX Coordinator at titleix@mclennan.edu or by calling Dr. Drew Canham, Chief of Staff for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion/Title IX Coordinator at 254-299-8645. Individuals also may contact the MCC Police Department at 254-299-8911 or the MCC Student Counseling Center at MCC by calling 254-299-8210. The MCC Student Counseling Center is a confidential resource for students. Any student or employee may report sexual harassment anonymously by visiting the following website: https://www.lighthouse-services.com/mclennan/.