Patch | Scheduled Date |
12.14 | Wednesday, July 27, 2022 |
12.15 | Wednesday, Aug 10, 2022 |
12.16 | Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022 |
12.17 | Thursday, Sept 8, 2022 |
What is the 2022 patch schedule of League of Legends?
In the same way, the 2022 patch schedule of League of Legends has been made available. League of Legends will be receiving major patch twice every month in 2022. (Picture: Riot Games) League of Legends will be receiving its next major patch 12.1, in January 2022 and here is the complete timetable of all the updates:
What's happening with League of Legends patch 12.19?
We are on LoL Patch 12.19 right now. While the previous patches have been geared towards the pro players due to the 2022 League of Legends World Championship, we're getting some off-meta shenanigans this patch. Oh, and Syndra is finally receiving some love with a great skin and a mid-scope update. What Do We Know About Future Patches?
How often does Riot Games release patches for League of Legends?
Riot Games releases patches for League of Legends twice a month to introduce new content in the game, including events, skins, etc., along with balance changes, gameplay improvements and more. To inform players about their plans, the publisher releases a patch schedule every year, listing the dates on which they will be pushing out updates.
Is League of Legends ready for the end of the year?
League of Legends fans might be preparing for the end of the year, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared for the future. Riot Games has already released League’s new patch schedule for 2022 and it should look relatively familiar to experienced players.

How often is LoL patch?
every two weeksPatches are usually released every two weeks.
What day are League of Legends patches?
LoL Patch Release Time There is no fixed release time for League of Legends updates; however, based on previous updates, patches are released in the middle of the week, with servers going down for maintenance at 6 am EST for roughly 3 hours, with new patches then going live around 9 am EST.
How long is LoL maintenance?
Usually, it takes Riot Games three hours to implement the update into the servers and conclude the maintenance, though it could be extended if anything unexpected happens.
Is League patch 12.4 out?
According to the League of Legends 2022 patch schedule, the League of Legends patch 12.4 release date is set for Wednesday, February 16, 2022.
What is current LoL patch?
Latest LoL Patch Notes: 12.20 With new League of Legends patch notes updates releasing every two to three weeks, the game is constantly shifting and transforming.
Is One for All Coming Back 2022?
One for All 2022 Start and End Date One for All is going to return to the Summoner's Rift with the Anima Squad event, and it will start from LoL patch 12.6, March 31, 2022. One for All game mode will be available throughout the whole event, and it will end at the same time as the event ends.
Why is LoL client so laggy?
A weak internet connection can cause the client to lag, especially during champion select. You can learn more about your internet connection's impact on the game here. Close applications and programs you don't need.
Why is LoL maintenance so long?
Riot hasn't directly explained why it's undertaking such a lengthy period of maintenance, saying that the aim is simply to "improve the experience." Over on Reddit (opens in new tab), however, players have been suggesting that they've been facing significant lag spikes over the last week or so.
Why is ranked TFT down?
No timetable for a fix has been given by Riot at this time. Ranked queues for both League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics are currently disabled in every region.
Is Renata getting nerfed?
The ally can stop the burn by killing a champion before they die. Renata Glasc's nerfs include: Armor growth reduced from 4 to 3.5. Passive damage reduced from 1 to 5% max HP to 1 to 3%, stops scaling at level 11.
Did Kassadin get reworked?
The new art keeps Kassadin's iconic look while making it much more thematically appropriate for his associated regions. The new art maintains his signature mask and breathing tubes, as well as his spiked purple armor, but makes an effort to make it seem more evocative of both Shurima and the Void.
What time does patch 12.4 go live?
The 12.4 update will arrive in League of Legends on Tuesday 15th February 2021. Here's roughly when you can expect the update to roll out: 3 am PT (NA servers) 5 am GMT (EUW servers)
What time does patch 12.11 come out?
League of Legends patch 12.11 release date 3 AM PT (NA)
What time do League skins drop?
3AM PT (NA Servers)
What time do EDG skins Release league?
The EDG World Championship skins are all going to be released in League of Legends Patch 12.9 which is set to hit the rift on May 11, 2022.
What is the next rotating game mode LoL?
Riot Games officially confirms that Pick URF will be League of Legends' next rotating game mode — releasing on patch 12.19. Besides the two permanent game modes, Summoner's Rift & ARAM, League of Legends also has a fair share of rotating game modes, one of which is Ultra Rapid Fire, aka URF.
What Dates Will The Patches Come Out in 2022?
This is the complete list of the patches coming out in 2022. Just remember that these dates could still change throughout the year. There are always difficulties especially in this day and age with our pal COVID-19 running rampant.
When Will the First Champion of Season 12 be Released?
It could be one of the first patches of the year. In 2021, Viego was released in LoL Patch 11.2, so the upcoming bot lane champion from Piltover and Zaun could also be released as soon as Patch 12.2.