Schedule List

level iv of the executive schedule 2022

by Mrs. Francisca Hartmann PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Under 5 U.S.C. 5305(a)(1), the maximum special rate is the rate payable for level IV of the Executive Schedule (EX-IV), which is $176,300 in 2022. Some special rates for 2022 are capped at that EX-IV rate. Attachment 2 lists capped special rates by table, grade, and step.Dec 28, 2021

Full Answer

What is Level IV of the Executive Schedule?

Level IV of the Executive Schedule applies to the following positions, for which the annual rate of basic pay shall be the rate determined with respect to such level under chapter 11 of title 2, as adjusted by section 5318 of this title: Deputy Administrator of General Services.

How many pay rates are there in the Executive Schedule?

There are five pay rates within the Executive Schedule, denoted with a Roman numeral with I being the highest level and V the lowest. Federal law lists the positions eligible for the Executive Schedule and the corresponding level.

How many positions are eligible for the Executive Schedule?

Federal law lists the positions eligible for the Executive Schedule and the corresponding level. The law also gives the president the ability to grant Executive Schedule IV and V status to no more than 34 employees not listed.

When do the 2022 pay schedules go into effect?

The 2022 pay schedules are effective the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning on or after January 1, 2022 (January 2, 2022, based on the standard biweekly payroll cycle).


What is level IV of the Executive Schedule?

Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. §§ 5311–5318) is the system of salaries given to the highest-ranked appointed officials in the executive branch of the U.S. government....Calculation of pay rate.Level I$226,300Level II$203,700Level III$187,300Level IV$176,300Level V$165,300

What is Executive Schedule pay?

The Executive Schedule, which is divided into five pay levels, is the basic pay schedule for positions, other than Senior Executive Service positions and positions in the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Drug Enforcement Administration Senior Executive Service, to which this subchapter applies. ( Pub. L.

What is the most an SES can make?

Pay ratesMinimumMaximumAgencies with a Certified SES Performance Appraisal System$135,468$203,700Agencies without a Certified SES Performance Appraisal System$135,468$187,300

What is a Tier 4 SES?

Executive Schedule - ES Level 4 Pay The Executive Schedule (ES) sets the yearly salaries for top government officials, including the leaders and senior personnel in over 75 Federal government agencies. ES Level IV employees report to an Under Secretary or Administrator of a major federal agency.

What is a Level 3 executive?

Level 3 Executive means a regular salaried Employee scheduled to work more than 20 hours per week who is in salary grade 30 or 31 and who is either (1) a Vice President (but not a member of the Clorox Management Executive Committee), or (2) an Associate General Counsel. Sample 1.

What are the perks of being an SES?

(This does not have to be a Presidential appointment.) SES Benefits The executive may elect to retain some, all, or none of these SES benefits--basic pay, performance awards, rank awards, severance pay, leave, and retirement coverage.

Can you go from GS-14 to SES?

If you are a GS-14 or GS-15, you will be eligible to apply for SES jobs. Each position announcement lists the grade level qualifications and many are open for applicants at the GS-14 level.

When can SES retire?

You must be vested for five years to receive retirement at the SES level. This means that after ​20​ years of service at the SES level, you will receive ​20​ percent of your high-3.

Is being an SES worth it?

Benefits of SES Careers Not only do you get paid more than a GS-15 (the minimum pay level is set at 120% of a GS-15) but your pay is also merit based. Depending on your performance you may be compensated up to the maximum pay level of Level II of the Executive Schedule ($199,300 in 2021).

What is an SES Level 5?

Level V Executive Schedule is the pay grade directly above grade 15 on the General Schedule. Level V positions are considered equivalent to a one star general in the US armed forces. SES Level V positions are usually Directors or Associate Directors of smaller agencies and commissions.

What is a GS 14 equivalent to in the military?

Senior Officers The GS-14 and GS-15 pay grades are roughly equal to those of lieutenant-colonels and colonels in the army, or to more senior commanders and captains in the navy.

Do SES employees get bonuses?

Performance awards (bonuses) may be given only to career executives and are for performance during the most recently completed appraisal period. Agencies must implement and fund an SES performance awards program, as required by statute (5 U.S.C. 5384).

What is executive level?

Executive level means elected and appointed officials, statutory agency heads and management personnel with decision making authority granted by the agency head.

What is Executive Level II?

The Executive Schedule (ES) sets the yearly salaries for top government officials, including the leaders and senior personnel in over 75 Federal government agencies. Level II positions are generally deputy positions under the secretary of the a major federal departments or the head of an agency.

How much does an APS 5 get paid?

AUSTRAC offers competitive salary rates with the opportunity for annual progression....AUSTRAC salary rates.Classification levelCurrent salary ratesAPS Level 581,312 82,289 83,270 84,250 85,228 86,209 87,190 89,1495 more rows•Apr 14, 2022

What are the SES levels?

Senior Executive Service Basic Pay Schedule (SES) (2022)LevelRateLevel I$226,300Level II$203,700Level III$187,300Level IV$176,3001 more row

What is the salary of executive level IV?

5 U.S.C. § 5315 lists 346 non-obsolete positions with the rank of executive schedule level IV. Since January 2021, the annual rate of pay for Level IV is $172,500. The positions are:

How many people can be appointed to level IV and V?

Per 5 U.S.C. § 5317, the president can at any time appoint no more than 34 individuals to pay rates Level IV and V, provided that they are viewed as a necessary change to organization, management responsibility, or workload within a specific agency. This figure is in addition to Level IV and V positions specifically authorized in the bill. However, Senate consent is required and the pay rate takes effect only upon a new appointment to that position. All actions taken during this process are to be published in the Federal Register, except when it is deemed that such publication would stand in conflict to national security. The president may not take action under this section with respect to a position, the pay for which is fixed at a specific rate by this subchapter, or by statute enacted after 14 August 1964.

What is the salary of a deputy secretary of commerce?

Deputy secretaries of cabinet-level agencies usually have this rank. Since January 2021, the annual rate of pay for Level II is $199,300. While not listed, the deputy secretary of commerce is also at Level II of the Executive Schedule. The 53 positions are:

How much does a level 3 job pay in 2021?

5 U.S.C. § 5314 lists 125 positions granted the rank of level III. Since January 2021, the annual rate of pay for Level III is $183,300. The positions are:

What is the annual rate of pay for level 1?

§ 5312 lists the positions that receive the amount of pay determined by Chapter 11 of Title 2. Since January 2021, the annual rate of pay for Level I is $221,400. There exist 21 positions, which are as follows:

What is executive schedule?

§§ 5311 – 5318) is the system of salaries given to the highest-ranked appointed officials in the executive branch of the U.S. government. The president of the United States appoints individuals to these positions, most with the advice and consent of the United States Senate. They include members of the president's ...

What level was the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision before that office was abolished?

Note: The Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision was level III before that office was abolished by the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010.



Level IV

5 U.S.C. § 5315 lists 346 non-obsolete positions with the rank of executive schedule level IV. Since January 2022, the annual rate of pay for Level IV is $176,300. The positions are:
• Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Administration
• Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Civil Rights

Calculation of pay rate

Many political appointees have had their pay rate frozen at lower levels. According to 5 U.S.C. § 5318, at the beginning of the first pay period for any position under the Executive Schedule, the amount of pay will be adjusted and rounded to the nearest multiple of US$100. If this amount is found to be midway between multiples of $100, then it will be rounded to the next highest multiple of $100.

Level I

5 U.S.C. § 5312 lists the positions that receive the amount of pay determined by Chapter 11 of Title 2. Since January 2022, the annual rate of pay for Level I is $226,300. There exist 21 positions, which are as follows:
• Secretary of State
• Secretary of the Treasury

Level II

5 U.S.C. § 5313 lists positions given the rank of executive schedule II. Deputy secretaries of cabinet-level agencies usually have this rank. Since January 2022, the annual rate of pay for Level II is $203,700. While not listed, the deputy secretary of commerce is also at Level II of the Executive Schedule. The 53 positions are:
• Deputy Secretary of Agriculture

Level III

5 U.S.C. § 5314 lists 125 positions granted the rank of level III. Since January 2022, the annual rate of pay for Level III is $187,300. The positions are:
• Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services
• Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment

Level V

5 U.S.C. § 5316 lists the 143 positions that receive the amount of pay determined by Chapter 11 of Title 2. Since January 2022, the annual rate of pay for Level V is $165,300. The positions are as follows:
• Director, United States Travel Service, Department of Commerce
• National Export Expansion Coordinator, Department of Commerce

Presidential authority to place positions at levels IV and V

Per 5 U.S.C. § 5317, the president can at any time appoint no more than 34 individuals to pay rates Level IV and V, provided that they are viewed as a necessary change to organization, management responsibility, or workload within a specific agency. This figure is in addition to Level IV and V positions specifically authorized in the bill. However, Senate consent is required and the pay rate takes effect only upon a new appointment to that position. All actions taken during this process …

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