What is the Sunday school manual for Old Testament 2022?
The Sunday School manual for adults and youth is “ Come, Follow Me — For Sunday School: Old Testament 2022 .”
What's new in the church for 2022?
The Church has published print and digital versions of new “ Come, Follow Me ” manuals for individuals and families, Sunday School, Primary and Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women for the 2022 curriculum. Relief Society and elders quorum meetings will continue to focus on general conference messages.
What lesson manual will my child learn from in 2022?
All Primary classes will learn from the same “ Come, Follow Me — For Primary: Old Testament 2022 ” lesson manual. Nursery classes will continue to use “ Behold Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual .” Additional Resources for Teaching Children are helpful for both home and in-class learning.
How many temples did President Nelson announce at April 2022 general conference?
Here’s a recap of each of President Nelson’s addresses from April 2022 general conference. President Russell M. Nelson announced 17 temples during the Sunday afternoon session of the April 2022 general conference.

What is the LDS curriculum for 2022?
During 2022, children, youth and adults in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are encouraged to study at home the Bible's Old Testament, which predicted and prophesied of the coming of the Savior, His life and Atonement. This study will be supported in Primary, Sunday School and Seminary.
Which Sunday is Sunday School LDS?
first and third SundaysAll members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, ages 12 and older, are encouraged to participate in Sunday School classes, which are held on the first and third Sundays as part of the regular weekly worship services. Those of other faiths are also invited to attend.
What week is elders quorum?
Meetings are held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. They last 50 minutes. The elders quorum presidency plans these meetings.
Which Sundays are Relief Society?
Second and fourth Sundays: Priesthood quorums, Relief Society, and Young Women.
Do Mormons do Sunday School?
Sunday School (formerly the Deseret Sunday School Union) is an official organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). All members of the church and any interested nonmembers, age 11 and older, are encouraged to participate in Sunday School.
When did LDS Church go to 2 hours?
The change was first announced during the 188th Semiannual General Conference in October 2018 by President Russell M. Nelson. “As Latter-day Saints, we have become accustomed to thinking of 'church' as something that happens in our meetinghouses, supported by what happens at home,” Nelson said.
Does an elders quorum president hold keys?
Each president holds keys of authority. Quorum activities and opportunities for service are authorized by the president who holds those keys. Although a quorum president holds keys, his counselors do not.
How many elders are in a quorum?
An Elders Quorum is a local quorum organized in each ward and presided over by a president with priesthood keys who, along with his two counselors, act under the direction and authority of the stake presidency, and under the direction of the bishop. Each quorum consists of up to 96 Melchizedek Priesthood holders.
Who can ordain an elder?
The stake president (or someone under his direction) may ordain the person to the office of elder, or he may authorize another Melchizedek Priesthood holder to do so. Only Melchizedek Priesthood holders may stand in the circle.
What Mattereth most LDS?
It's about doing what matters. It's applying the doctrine of Christ in our lives as we strive to become more like Him. The more we do to stay firmly on the covenant path, the more our faith in Jesus Christ will grow. The more our faith grows, the more we will desire to repent.
How long is a Relief Society lesson?
Out of 50 minutes, you'll typically get about 35-40 for the lesson by the time opening/closing exercises, announcements, prayers, and hymns are done. Every quote you have someone read, and then ask questions or some other discussion starter/activity – by the time you get a few comments, you'll quickly use up 5 minutes.
What year did the LDS church go to the 3 hour block?
1980In 1980, the First presidency of the church started the current "block" schedule, in which almost all church meetings were held in the space of three hours. In October 2018, church president Russell M. Nelson announced plans to consolidate the Sunday meeting schedule for the church.
What is the purpose of Sunday School?
It is the foundation for bible teaching, a purpose for Christians to meet, and an opportunity to prepare Christians for baptism. However, there has been a transition over the last few years in which the time traditionally used for Sunday school is used as a time to recruit people for Sunday worship service.
Where is Mark L pace from?
Buenos Aires, ArgentinaMark L. Pace was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on January 1, 1957. He married Anne Marie Langeland in 1978. They are the parents of seven children.
What does a Sunday School president do?
While auxiliary and priesthood leaders have primary responsibility for the quality of teaching in their organizations, the Sunday School presidency is to encourage and support efforts to improve teaching by managing the teacher improvement program.
What does the Sunday School presidency do?
The Sunday School General Presidency is responsible for religious instruction in the Church. The presidency consists of a president and two counselors who travel frequently to minister to Church members around the world, helping them improve religious teaching in the home and in Church meetings.
What lesson manual is used in 2022?
All Primary classes will learn from the same “ Come, Follow Me — For Primary: Old Testament 2022 ” lesson manual. Nursery classes will continue to use “ Behold Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual .”. Additional Resources for Teaching Children are helpful for both home and in-class learning. Primary singing time will focus on music ...
What is the curriculum for 2022?
2022 Curriculum to Focus on Study of the Old Testament . During 2022, children, youth and adults in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are encouraged to study at home the Bible’s Old Testament, which predicted and prophesied of the coming of the Savior, His life and Atonement.
What is the Sunday School manual for adults?
Sunday School (1st and 3rd Sundays) The Sunday School manual for adults and youth is “ Come, Follow Me — For Sunday School: Old Testament 2022 .”. Teachers should use the manual for individuals and families to learn about the scripture accounts and the principles to be taught, then use the Sunday School manual to prepare and organize lessons ...
Do Sunday school classes begin with prayer?
Instruction and class discussion should help class members understand and apply the doctrine in the scriptures. Sunday School classes do not begin with prayer but do conclude with one.

- Jan. 9: Area devotional for young adults (streaming in six areas)
Jan. 29: Worldwide event for youth, 4 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST)
- Feb. 19: Friend to Friend broadcast for children, 10 a.m. MST
- March 3–5: RootsTech family history conference
- 192nd_General_Conference
April 2–3: General conference More than 1.5 million Latter-day Saint missionaries have sown Christ’s message of peace around the world since 1830, Elder Stevenson said. The church will have new Relief Society and Primary general presidencies on Aug. 1. There are also six new Gen… - 17_New_Temples_Announced_April_2022
At the conclusion of Sunday afternoon’s session of the 192md Annual General Conference, the Church president announced forth plans to build 17 new temples in the below cities: With today's announcement, there are now 282 temples that are planned or dedicated. Furthermore, this is al…
New Stakes
- (#3498a) Holland Michigan Stake - January 16th, 2022
(#3498b) Post Falls Idaho Stake - February 20th, 2022 - (#3499) Zanesville Ohio Stake - March 6th, 2022
(#3500) Monrovia Liberia Virginia Stake - March 13th, 2022
New Districts
- Dakar Senegal - February 13th, 2022
Ugep Nigeria - March 27, 2022 (?).
Units Discontinued in 2022
- Tacoma Washington South Stake - Jan 2022
Porlamar Venezuela Stake - Jan 2022(downgrade to district).