The final exam will be scheduled on Wednesday, May 4 from 3:30 to 5:30 PM for all sections of MATH 1111. The exam location will be provided by your instructor. Proctored Exams: Students taking Online or Hybrid courses must have received written approval from their instructors for a proctored exam at the beginning of the semester.
Full Answer
When is the final day of the exam season in 2022?
The final examination period for day and evening classes is Thursday, May 5, 2022 through Wednesday, May 11, 2022. Weekend classes, including Friday after 5 p.m., will hold exams during the weekend of May 6-8, 2022, at their regularly scheduled class meeting times.
What time is the final exam held in a class?
Classes with a scheduled start time of 7 p.m.: final will be held at 7:30 p.m. on the first day of the week class is ordinarily held. The final examination schedule is indicated below. The regular class meeting hour is shown on the left followed by the time of the examination.
When will exams be held during the weekend of May 2023?
Weekend classes, including Friday after 5 p.m., will hold exams during the weekend of May 5-7, 2023, at their regularly scheduled class meeting times. Instructors for short term courses (courses that don't meet the full term) should be holding their exams during the last class meeting for the course.
When are grades due for 2022?
Grading Deadlines: Grades are due from faculty no later than May 31, 2022. Exam Numbers: Exam numbers for spring 2022 can be obtained by students here.
When is the final exam for 2022?
How are final exams determined?
How many meetings per week for final exam?
Where to send room requests to kent?
Does Kent State University make changes to the final exam?
About this website

What is a block final in college?
Examinations will be held in the room where the lecture section of the class regularly meets, unless otherwise announced. The following courses may have a block final exam in which all sections of the course, except those in evening and weekend hours, meet simultaneously.
Is Kent State Open today?
The Kent Student Center is open for normal business hours today.
When can I schedule classes Kent State?
When can I schedule? The Office of the Registrar releases classes for the next term about four to six weeks before students can schedule classes for purposed of planning the next semester. Future semesters can be viewed in Flashline or at at the Kent State University web site at Schedule of Classes.
Does Kent State get Presidents Day off?
When that occurs, information will be communicated to faculty and staff by the Division of Human Resources. Presidents Day is a movable state-designated holiday, observed contiguous with Christmas Day; no classes are scheduled, and university offices are closed.
Do colleges recognize Presidents Day?
The College President has discretion to declare Special Days Off throughout the year in addition to official College holidays....2022 College Holidays.New Year's Day ObservedMonday, January 3, 2022President's DayMonday, February 21, 2022Memorial DayMonday, May 30, 202212 more rows
Does Kent State have class on Veterans Day?
Veterans Day Observance (No Classes, Offices Closed.)
When did Kent State shooting happen?
May 4, 1970Kent State shootings / Start date
How many students are enrolled at Kent State University?
40,782 (2016)Kent State University / Total enrollment
How much is Kent State Tuition?
In-state tuition 11,934 USD, Out-of-state tuition 20,810 USD (2020 – 21)Kent State University / Undergraduate tuition and fees
How long is Thanksgiving break?
Most colleges and universities have the following breaks: Thanksgiving/Fall Break – end of November (The week of Thanksgiving – 3 days before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, and the day after – the Friday before the break is considered a half-day).
How long is a semester at Kent State University?
approximately 15 weeksThe academic year at Kent State University consists of two semesters—fall and spring—each approximately 15 weeks in length.
Is Kent State requiring Covid vaccine?
COVID-19 vaccines, including all booster shots, are strongly recommended for our entire Kent State community but are no longer required.
Do you have to wear masks at Kent State?
Face masks are recomended when the COVID-19 community levels are high in a county where we have campuses and locations.
Is Kent State in person?
Kent State will return to in-person coursework in the Fall 2022 semester, and therefore the exceptions to in-person coursework are no longer available.
Is Kent State Virtual?
Kent State University is a pioneer in online and distance education, offering its first online program more than 15 years ago. Kent State offers nearly 80 online degree and online certificate programs, unmatched by most peer universities with new online programs and online degrees continually added.
Search class schedules in FlashLine > Student > Resources > Courses and Registration > Look Up and Register for Courses
Kent State Students
Search class schedules in FlashLine > Student > Resources > Courses and Registration > Look Up and Register for Courses
How to find the date of your final exam?
To determine the date of your final examination, check the meeting time of your class in the first column. The examination time is listed in the second column.
How long is the final exam for a 4 week class?
Final examination for all 4 week sessions and 6 week sessions will held during the final class session. Students are allowed a 1 hour and 45-minute timeframe to complete a final examination, followed by a 15-minute passing time.
What happens if a class does not follow the normal summer schedule?
NOTE: If a class does not follow the normal summer schedule, the instructor will follow the final examination schedule for the time coinciding with the first regular class meeting.
When is the final exam for 2022?
The final examination period for day and evening classes is Thursday, May 5, 2022 through Wednesday, May 11, 2022. Weekend classes, including Friday after 5 p.m., will hold exams during the weekend of May 6-8, 2022, at their regularly scheduled class meeting times. Instructors for short term courses (courses that don't meet the full term) should be holding their exams during the last class meeting for the course.
How are final exams determined?
The time and date of final examinations are determined by the first class meeting of the week. (NOTE: If a course consists of several elements - lecture, recitation, lab, etc. - the first lecture meeting is considered the first class meeting.)
How many meetings per week for final exam?
Instructors of courses that meet in that time period should take care to coordinate the day and/or room of the final examination. In cases where there are two meetings per week, one class could use the second meeting time.
Where to send room requests to kent?
Requests for rooms should be e-mailed by the department scheduler to the Registrar's Office Academic Scheduling Center mailbox at AcadSchedCtr@kent.edu.
Does Kent State University make changes to the final exam?
Kent State University reserves the right to make adjustments in the Final Exam Schedule.