Schedule List

jcu exam schedule 2022

by Brad Lakin Sr. Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

When do JCU students register for the next semester?

Current JCU students register for the following semester approximately six weeks prior to the close of the fall and spring semesters. Students are given a date and time to register based on their earned hours (not including hours in progress).

How do I contact the JCU Brisbane online exam team?

If you have any technical issues during an online exam, the JCU Brisbane online exam team are available to assist you. You can contact them by email at or by calling any of the below numbers between 10:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday during the exam period.

How can I contact JCU Student Affairs?

Feel free to contact us at should you have any queries.

How long does it take to register for JCU?

When to discuss plan of study?

How to find pre-requisites?

Where is the drop down menu in the student section?

Do undergraduates get priority registration?

Do you have to register for both courses at the same time?

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How long does it take to register for JCU?

Current JCU students register for the following semester approximately six weeks prior to the close of the fall and spring semesters. Students are given a date and time to register based on their earned hours (not including hours in progress). The registration period is divided over four weeks, with Graduate students registering during the first week, followed by current Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores and First Year students. All other students may register at the end of this four-week period.

When to discuss plan of study?

Students are encouraged to discuss their plan of study and semester schedules with their advisor before registration begins. Students can use the Plan Ahead feature in their Student Profile to plan out their semester schedules as soon as the class schedule is published.

How to find pre-requisites?

Pre-requisite information can be found by clicking on the course title when searching for courses. If a student believes that they have met pre-requisite requirements, or will be completing the pre-requisite before the new course starts, they may submit a petition to request a pre-requisite override via the academic petition system in the Student Profile.

Where is the drop down menu in the student section?

On the right side of the page, click on the "Students" drop-down menu.

Do undergraduates get priority registration?

Some Undergraduate students may qualify for priority registration, which enables them to register the day before the rest of their cohort. Further information on who is eligible for priority registration is available in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

Do you have to register for both courses at the same time?

Corequisite error: Courses taken together (e.g., lectures and labs, linked pairs) must be registered for at the same time. Please make sure that both courses are in your registration "cart" before hitting submit.

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