What is the recycling schedule for Jackson Township?
2022 RECYCLING SCHEDULE FOR JACKSON TOWNSHIP PRIVATE COMMUNITIES FRIDAY Westlake & Westlake Mews Winding Way Cooks Bridge January 14, & 28 January 14 & 28 January 14 & 28
What is recycling Jackson?
Helping Jackson County Recycle Since 1983! Recycling Jackson’s purpose help provide for a clean, healthy environment in Jackson County through recycling. We are a not-for-profit organization a We DO NOT receive any government funding. This is why we have fees to recycle certain items.
How do I apply for trash and recycling services in Jackson?
To apply for these services, visit the Water Service Business Administration located at 1000 Metrocenter Drive, Jackson, MS 39209. Your regular collection day for trash and recyclables during the holidays will not change unless your collection day falls on or after one of five holidays.
How often is yard waste collected in Jackson?
The City of Jackson conducts limited yard waste pickup for households that are the City's solid waste pickup customers. Yard waste is collected on the 1st and 3rd full weeks of each month (see Calendar of Events ). Help prevent street flooding by keeping yard waste and debris out of street.

When is the recycling center open?
We are open on the first Saturday of each month from 9 AM to 1 PM. Here’s what we recycle:
Is Recycling Jackson a non profit?
Recycling Jackson’s purpose help provide for a clean, healthy environment in Jackson County through recycling. We are a not-for-profit organization a We DO NOT receive any government funding. This is why we have fees to recycle certain items.
What is the recycling system in Jackson County?
Jackson County uses a dual stream recycling system. Plastic, glass, and metal containers can all be put in the same bin which is marked as Commingled Recycling. Paper is put into a different bin which is labeled Fiber/Mixed Paper.
What can be recycled at a fiber recycling center?
Mixed Paper, such as junk mail (envelopes included), office paper, magazines, notebooks (bindings removed), cereal boxes (liner removed), cardboard, 6 and 12-pack boxes and other paper packaging (without waxy or plastic coating) can be recycled at all Staffed Recycling Centers in the Fiber Recycling. Motor Oil.
How to contact North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources?
For more information on regulations regarding fluorescent and HID disposal, contact the North Carolina Department of the Environment and Natural Resources, Hazardous Waste Section at: 919-508-8599.
Can you recycle coat hangers in North Carolina?
Plastic coat hangers cannot be recycled in western North Carolina so consider donating to thrift stores. Compact Disks. CD's are taken at all county SRCs in the trash bin.
Can softcover books be recycled?
Soft covered books can be recycled with Mixed Paper at all Staffed Recycling Center sites. Hard cover books must have the covers removed, and then the interior pages can be recycled with Mixed Paper. Building Materials. Building Materials must be taken to the Transfer Station.
Does County Staffed Recycling accept commercial waste?
The County Staffed Recycling Centers will not accept Commercial Waste. The Staffed Recycling Centers are for Residential Waste only.
Does Jackson County have a recycling center?
There is no on site charge to residents for these services.
Public Works Department
The City of Jackson provides residential garbage collection service twice per week to dispose of household trash generated from your property to citizens who live in single family homes, duplexes, and triplexes.
Holiday Collection
Your regular collection day for trash and recyclables during the holidays will not change unless your collection day falls on or after one of five holidays.
How long do limbs have to be tied in Jackson?
Limbs must be tied in bundles no longer than 5 ft. in length, no more than 18 in. in diameter, and weigh no more than 75 lb. each bundle. Self disposal of yard waste can be done by Jackson residents ONLY (no commercial haulers) at the yard waste bins, located at the Recycling Center, 508 Eastview, during regular City business hours.
Why is yard waste not picked up the same day?
Yard waste is collected as time allows during each pick-up week. Due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, there may be a delay in yard waste collection. Therefore your yard waste may not get picked up the same day as your regular trash or it may be delayed by a week.
How much does yard waste weigh?
Yard waste must be in a disposable container with 33 gallon maximum capacity and weigh no more than 40 lb. each container.
When is ecycle day 2021?
Ecycle Day - June 6, 2021, 9 AM - 1 PM, Recyling Center area, 508 Eastview Ct. Any updates will be posted here and in the Calendar of Events as soon as they are scheduled. For questions regarding Sanitation Department services, please contact Public Works by calling 573-243-2300 or e-mailing the Sanitation office.
Can you collect trash at curbside?
Any container holding trash and left at curbside will be thrown away with trash as long as weight is permissible; if weight is excessive, the trash will not be collected. Motor oil, paint, tires, or any hazardous waste will not be collected.
Can you dispose of electronic appliances at the recycling center?
No electronic waste/appliances will be collected including, but not limited to, app liances of ALL TYPES (i.e. stove, refrigerators, water heaters, etc.), televisions, computer monitors, treadmills, and other miscellaneous electronics. Customers can dispose of these items at the Recycling Center for a small fee.