Schedule List

irem shrine circus 2022 schedule

by Yoshiko Parisian DDS Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

2022 Show Dates and Times April 18th through April 24th, 2022 (subject to change)
Friday MorningApril 22nd10:00 A.M.
Friday EveningApril 22nd7:00 P.M.
Saturday MatineeApril 23rd1:30 P.M.
Saturday EveningApril 23rd7:00 P.M.
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Full Answer

What is the longest running Shrine Circus in America?

The St. Paul Osman Shrine Circus is the longest continuously running Shrine Circus in America. Our performances are at the Lee and Rose Warner Coliseum at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. No-Fee pricing on regular tickets....

When is the Alexandria Shrine Circus at the Douglas County Fairgrounds?

The Alexandria Shrine Circus returns to the Douglas County Fairgrounds Grandstand for two big performances on June 14, 2019. Check back for more details as we get closer to the performance date. Feat Upload: Venue Name: Douglas County FairgroundsStart Date:...

Why attend Irem events?

IREM events provide the ideal environment for reaching the Nation’s top real estate management professionals. Mark your calendar! We hope to see you at future IREM events. Save the date for the following future gatherings.

What is the Irem leadership retreat?

Hosted in the spring, IREM members discuss key legislative issues to educate their representatives on important issues relevant to our profession. Join us at The Westin Michigan Avenue for this year’s Chapter Leadership Retreat.


How long is the Osman Shrine Circus show?

approximately 2 hoursHow long is the performance? The Mizpah Shrine circus performance lasts approximately 2 hours with a 15 minute intermission in the middle.

Is the Shrine Circus any good?

The acts are mediocre, and many of the traditional acts with animals are not included. And the shriners are at you at every turn to spend money including concessions, "toys" and worst of all is the loooong intermission asking for additional money for elephant rides, poney rides, slides, photos, etc.

What happened to the Shrine Circus?

Despite sliding attendance over the last decade, the annual events still generated ticket sales and raised revenue for the long-standing fraternal organization. But after two consecutive years of canceled shows and swirls of controversy, the Kora Shrine Circus won't be happening in Maine for 2022, and may never return.

How long does the Hadi Shrine circus last?

The classic Hadi Shrine Funster clowns appear in both acts of the 3-hour circus. Visitors will also see elephants, dancing bears and acrobats and watch "thrillusionist" David DaVinci break free from locks and chains — while he's underwater.

Does the Shrine Circus still use animals?

Here is a quick guide to the largest circuses that continue to use animals: Carden International Circus: Owns elephants and travels with them, as well as other animals including camels. Occasionally performs as a "*Shrine Circus." Sometimes rents their elephants to other circuses.

What happened to the Ringling Brothers animals?

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus plans to relaunch without animals. The circus shut down in 2017 under pressure from animal rights groups and shifts in audience tastes. The producers had removed the elephants from the show a year earlier and sent them to live on a sanctuary in Florida.

Are there any circuses left?

There are still circuses in the US that operate today. Some of these circuses include Loomis Bros Circus, Jordan World, Carden International, Royal Hanneford, and Carson & Barnes.

How many Shrine circuses are there?

The Shrine Circus is a circus founded in Detroit, Michigan on Woodward Avenue in 1906. It travels to roughly 120 cities per year in the United States and a separate unit travels to about 40 in Canada.

Does the Shrine Circus have clowns?

With classic acts like jugglers, lion tamers, acrobats, and clowns, our circus pairs traditional circus fun with dazzling lighting, music, special effects, and action to keep you on the edge of your seat.

How long does the circus last in Evansville Indiana?

The circus brings three hours of family-friendly entertainment a night to Evansville.

How do you become a Hadi Shriner?

If you hold the title of Master Mason in Freemasonry, you qualify and are invited to join the Shriners. In order to become a Shriner, you must ask a current Shriner to support and sponsor your application.

What animals does the Shriners circus have?

Shrine circuses don't have their own animals. Local chapters could easily put on a circus by using all willing human performers or choose from the multitude of other types of fundraisers. Instead, they continue to hire abusive animal exhibitors, including those listed below.

Does Osman circus have animals?

Their traditional circus features animals, aerialists, clowns, and other great attractions all at family friendly prices.

Where is the Osman Shrine Circus 2020?

Paul Osman Shrine Circus is the longest continuously running Shrine Circus in America. Our performances are at the Lee and Rose Warner Coliseum at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

When is the Alexandria Shrine Circus?

Alexandria Shrine Circus. The Alexandria Shrine Circus returns to the Douglas County Fairgrounds Grandstand for two big performances on June 14, 2019.

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