How do I recycle in Henrico County?
If you are a Henrico County resident and live in a single family detached home accessible from a public road curbside recycling collection service is available to you through the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority (CVWMA). This service is free to county residents and collections are every other week.
How do I sign up for the free trash collection service?
This service is free to county residents and collections are every other week. If you would like to sign up for this service, please contact the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority (CVWMA) at (804) 340-0900 or visit their website for further information.
When will CVWMA recycle and trash collections be delayed?
On certain holidays observed by local, state and federal offices, CVWMA residential recycling and trash collections may be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week. The holiday schedule listing below provides updates on 2022 CVWMA residential recycling and trash collections.
When are recycling and trash collections delayed in San Diego?
Recycling and trash collections delayed by one day May 31-June 4. Friday collections slide to Saturday. Recycling and trash collections delayed by one day July 5-9.
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What day is trash day in Richmond?
RESIDENTIAL TRASH: Curbside Recycling - Every Wednesday. Yard Waste - Every Wednesday. Heavy Trash (Bulk Waste) - Every Wednesday.
How much is Henrico County trash pickup?
Fees. We offer our weekly pickup for $18.00 per month ($36 bi-monthly). We offer additional super cans for $65.00 per cart.
Do you have to pay for trash pickup in Richmond VA?
This service is provided free of charge to city of Richmond residents. Visitors will be required to provide proof of residency, such as a valid driver's license, utility bill or vehicle registration.
How do I get rid of a mattress in Henrico VA?
Henrico Real Estate Advantage Program (R.E.A.P) participants should call (804) 501-4275 to request a Bulky Waste order.
How do I get rid of a mattress in Richmond VA?
On your recycling week, place bulk items out by your trash cans the night before your scheduled collection day in the same location as household trash. Bulk Collection will typically occur on your collection day. If not collected on your collection day, the crew will return to collect by Saturday of your recycling week ...
Is recycling free in Henrico County?
If you are a Henrico County resident and live in a single family detached home accessible from a public road curbside recycling collection service is available to you through the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority (CVWMA). This service is free to county residents and collections are every other week.
Is Styrofoam recyclable Richmond VA?
No plastics bags, Styrofoam, food contaminated pizza boxes are accepted.
What is recyclable in my area?
All aluminum, tin, metal, and bi-metal cans, wiped out if possible, including:Soda cans.Juice cans.Soup cans.Vegetables cans.Pet food cans.Pie tins.Clean aluminum foil.Empty paint and aerosol cans.More items...
What can be recycled in Richmond?
Richmond's Blue Box program makes it easy and convenient to recycle paper products, glass, aluminium, tin and rigid plastic containers marked with a symbol. These recyclable materials are banned at the landfill, which means they are not permitted in the garbage.
Where do I take my old mattress near me?
Both The Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity have multiple locations at which you can drop your old mattress for donation. Take a look at their websites to find a location near you. Or try out Donation Town to schedule a pick-up or find a local charity within your town.
How do I dispose of paint near me?
California residents and businesses can now recycle leftover paint for free at local retail stores. For locations and program details, visit www.PaintCare.org or call 855-724-6809. You may also dispose of unused oil and latex paint by doing the following: Drop off at a mobile Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event.
Is Richmond VA in Henrico County?
The City of Richmond was officially part of Henrico County until 1842, when it became a fully independent city. The present-day Henrico County curves around the City of Richmond, surrounding it to the west, the north, and the east.
What can I recycle in Henrico VA?
The County maintains 12 recycling centers throughout Henrico that allow residents to bring glass bottles and jars, metal cans and foil products, #1 or #2 plastic bottles, newspapers, and mixed paper.
Which of the following items are not accepted by Cvwma for recycling at home or at a drop off recycling location?
Plastic bags and wrap are not accepted in CVWMA recycling programs. Do not bag recyclables in plastic. Keep Styrofoam, shredded paper, batteries, hoses and cords out of recycling containers.
Is Richmond VA in Henrico County?
The City of Richmond was officially part of Henrico County until 1842, when it became a fully independent city. The present-day Henrico County curves around the City of Richmond, surrounding it to the west, the north, and the east.
Where did trash collection originate?
These rural areas included Lakeside, Highland Springs, Sandston and the Glen Allen area. From these nuclei we have slowly spread south, west and east. We still have not reached the far west end or the far eastern end of the county.
How far from mailboxes should trash carts be placed?
Carts must be placed within eight (8) feet of the pavement and not be blocked by cars or other obstructions. They should be at least three (3) feet from mailboxes.
Can you put trash in a garbage cart?
Most household trash and garbage can be placed inside your cart. We recommend using trash bags so your cart stays clean and trash does not blow from the can when it is dumped. Place all trash in your cart. Please do not place additional bags or other materials next to the cart. Trash that is not placed inside the cart will not be picked up.
When do you have to cover your recycling bin?
Please remember that recycling bins must be at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on collection day and there is no need to cover your recycling bin when it rains. Sorting of recyclable materials is not required and bottles and cans should be cleaned of residues and caps and lids discarded in your regular trash.
How to contact Central Virginia Waste Management Authority?
If you would like to sign up for this service, please contact the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority (CVWMA) at (804) 340-0900 or visit their website for further information.
Is Henrico County recycling free?
If you are a Henrico County resident and live in a single family detached home accessible from a public road curbside recycling collection service is available to you through the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority (CVWMA). This service is free to county residents and collections are every other week. If you would like to sign up for this service, please contact the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority (CVWMA) at (804) 340-0900 or visit their website for further information.