When does the city of Green Bay collect loose leaf and yard?
The fall 2021 loose leaf and yard waste collection will begin October 18. The City of Green Bay Department of Public Works will begin its fall curbside collection of loose leaves, garden waste, and grass clippings on Monday, October 18, 2021.
What are the rules for yard waste collection in Green Bay?
Please refrain from piling yard waste next to trees, poles, mailboxes, or other obstructions as this slows down collection crews and may cause damage to equipment or the obstruction. The City of Green Bay Department of Public Works Yard Waste Drop-Off Centers are now open daily (including weekends & holidays) from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
When does the city of Green Bay curbside collection begin?
The City of Green Bay Department of Public Works will begin its fall curbside collection of loose leaves, garden waste, and grass clippings on Monday, October 18, 2021. This material should be placed out to the curb in separate piles (leaves/grass together and brush/branches together) and should not be co-mingled.
How many curbside trash collection weeks will there be in 2021?
In 2021, the City will offer four (4) curbside "overflow" collection weeks of overflow trash bags outside of the trash cart free of charge during the weeks of March 15 to 19, July 6 to 10, September 13 to 17 and December 28, 2021 to January 1, 2022.
Who has to dispose of debris in the city?
What is trash drained of?
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Does the City of Green Bay pick up tree branches?
The City of Green Bay collects yard waste curbside two (2) times per year, once in Spring and once in Fall.
Where can I throw away furniture in Green Bay?
Bulk household items can be taken to drop off locations at the East (1820 Mills Street) or West (519 South Oneida Street) Municipal Garages. Both garage locations are open for Green Bay residents to drop off bulk household items during the following hours: Monday-Thursday 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Is the City of Green Bay still picking up leaves?
Year-Round Information. The City of Green Bay collects yard waste curbside 2 times per year, once in Spring and once in Fall. The collection dates change yearly, weather dependent.
How many bags of garbage can I put out in Peel?
You can put out a total of 4 garbage bags or 4 full containers on your garbage collection day. Excess garbage must be put in a black plastic garbage bag and tagged with a garbage tag.
How can I get rid of my couch near me?
Furniture banks provide furniture to those in need at little or no cost. Many will pick up gently used furniture straight from your house. Goodwill and Salvation Army – If you don't have a local furniture bank, check your local Goodwill or Salvation Army. Some will even pick up.
Where can I get rid of my microwave near me?
Drop it off at the Local Garbage Center or Landfill Call your local landfill or garbage center and ask how to dispose of the microwave legally. They usually have special dumpsters or bins for electronics and small appliances.
Can I use plastic bags for garbage?
Consider not using plastic bags in your small wastebaskets. Using a large plastic bag for your garbage can hold significantly more garbage than plastic shopping bags. Also, some manufacturers offer garbage bags that claim a minimum 60% recycled content.
Can I put recycling in black bags?
One mistake people can sometimes make when recycling is putting items within black bin liners. It may seem like a clean and organised approach but it prevents crews and sorters at recycling plants from seeing what is inside.
How heavy can a garbage bag be?
Some guides are below: A standard 10 gallon bag can hold up to around 10 pounds. A 13 gallon trash bag can hold up to 15 pounds. A 56 gallon trash bag can hold around 40 pounds.
Where can I get rid of mattresses near me?
Both The Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity have multiple locations at which you can drop your old mattress for donation. Take a look at their websites to find a location near you. Or try out Donation Town to schedule a pick-up or find a local charity within your town.
Where can I drop off old concrete near me?
Where can I dump concrete?Your local landfill or transfer station.C&D recycling centers.Building supply companies that sell recycled materials.
Times of Collection | Green Bay, WI
100 North Jefferson Street Green Bay, WI 54301 Phone: 920-448-3000 City Hall Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Overflow Trash / Bulk Pick Up | Green Bay, WI
100 North Jefferson Street Green Bay, WI 54301 Phone: 920-448-3000 City Hall Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Services in the Green Bay, Wisconsin Area - Waste Management
Green Bay trash pickup service varies by neighborhood. Some residents within the city limits receive weekly garbage and recycling collection services by the City of Green Bay's Solid Waste Management Department.
When will Green Bay trash be available in 2021?
During the week of July 6-10, 2021, Green Bay residents may place up to FOUR (4) 32-gallon plastic bags of “overflow” household trash next to your City-issued trash cart (if your cart is full) for free curbside collection. Read on...
When will the fall curbside collection begin in 2021?
Public Works will begin its fall curbside collection of loose leaves and garden waste on Monday, October 18 , 2021. This material can NOT be placed to the curb prior to Monday, October 11, 2021. Read on...
Is recycling mandatory in Wisconsin?
Recycling is mandatory in the State of Wisconsin.
When will trash bags be available in 2021?
Bulk Household pickup weeks will occur two (2) times in 2021: the weeks of March 15 to 19 and September 13 to 17, ...
How many yards of bulk items can you put in the curb?
Residents may place up to two (2) cubic yards of bulk items at the curb for free collection. Prohibited items are listed below and any additional items going over the two (2) cubic yard maximum, or placed out before or after your collection day will be subject to standard collection fees.
How often does Green Bay collect yard waste?
The City of Green Bay collects yard waste curbside 2 times per year, once in Spring and once in Fall. The collection dates change yearly, weather dependent. Yard waste left at the curb outside of designated collection dates are subject to citations and fines.
Where to drop off yard waste in Green Bay?
These sites will remain open seven (7) days a week through the fall of 2021. Residents may bring their loose leaves, grass clippings, and garden waste to either of the City's two yard waste drop-off sites located at 2530 East Shore Drive on the east side and 1470 Hurlbut Street on the west side. Contractor generated/collected yard waste debris is NOT acceptable at these sites or at the curb for City collection.
Why are leaves in the street dangerous?
Residents are reminded that raking leaves into the street increases pollution of storm water, may cause flooding by blocking drainage structures, and most importantly, piles of leaves in the street are a dangerous attraction to young children.
When will Green Bay start collecting leaves?
The City of Green Bay Department of Public Works will begin its spring curbside collection of loose leaves, garden waste, and grass clippings on Monday, April 12, 2021.
Can you pile yard waste next to trees?
Please refrain from piling yard waste next to trees, poles, mailboxes, or other obstructions as this slows down collection crews and may cause damage to equipment or the obstruction.
Who has to dispose of debris in the city?
Any person (s) or business selling services for construction, remodeling, demolition, tree/brush trimming, or stump and wood chip removal is required to dispose of the resulting debris. If debris is left at the curb by the business, the City will dispose of it and the property owner will be billed for the actual cost of removal.
What is trash drained of?
Trash shall be drained and free of liquid, wrapped, packaged, and/or bundled.