What does GLA mean soccer?
The Great Lakes Alliance (GLA), is a US Club Soccer sanctioned regional league providing competition from a wide variety of cities throughout Ohio, Western PA, and Western NY with convenient travel.
What is MDL in soccer?
Follow. Midwest Developmental League (@MdlNpl) qualifiers ready to make impact at 2022 NPL Boys East Playoffs: usclubsoccer.org/midwest-develo…
What are the initials for soccer?
SOCCERAcronymDefinitionSOCCERService-Oriented Computing: Consequences for Engineering Requirements (International Conference)SOCCERSport Organisation for Collective Contributions and Equal Rights (South Africa; political party)2 more rows
What position is DM in soccer?
DM (CDM / LDM / RDM) – Defensive Midfielder (Central Defensive Midfielder / Left (off-centre) Defensive Midfielder / Right (off-centre) Defensive Midfielder).
What does MP mean in soccer?
MP – Matches Played (sometimes used in place of P, Pld). W – Won (i.e., number of matches won). D – Draw (i.e., number of times a team has finished a match with an even score or tie).
What does PDA stand for in soccer?
Players Development Academy (PDA)