How many bus trips does Fullington Trailways perform per day?
On average, Fullington Trailways performs about 2246 bus trips every day. The top cities to which Fullington Trailways offers the highest number of daily bus service include New York and Williamsport. The bus from New York to Williamsport is Fullington Trailways’s most popular route.
How much does a Fullington bus ticket cost?
The Fullington Trailways network of routes and bus schedules serves Pennsylvania and upstate New York with 2246 scheduled daily departures. All Fullington buses come equipped with freshly cleaned restrooms. Fullington Trailways bus ticket prices start from $1.05. You can search on Wanderu to find cheap Fullington bus tickets and book the best deal.
What services does Fullington offer its passengers?
Besides the daily lines, Fullington offers others services to their passengers, like bus rentals, limos & trolleys, package express service and school buses. When you are traveling with Fullington, you can realize how comfortable and safe their buses are.
Where is the Fullington bus terminal in Buffalo NY?
In each Fullington fleet, there are WiFi and power outlets for your pleasure. Departure at: Downtown Bus Terminal: 181 Ellicott Street - Buffalo, NY 14203-2221

What is a Fullington bus?
Fullington bus is one of Trailways' group company.
What is Fullington Trailways?
Fullington Trailways is a relevant bus company on the East Coast of the United States. Fullington bus is one of Trailways' group company. Fullington Trailways offers intercity bus service between Pennsylvania and New York every day. Besides the daily lines, Fullington offers others services to their passengers, like bus rentals, limos & trolleys, ...
Does Fullington have accommodations?
Fullington offers appropriate accommodations for travelers who needs help.
How many bus trips are there in Fullington Trailways?
On a typical day, Fullington Trailways has 5849 scheduled bus trips in total. However, the exact departure and arrival times vary depending on the day and route. The best way to find the exact schedule for your trip is to use the search tool on this page.
How do I get the best deal on Fullington Trailways tickets?
Wanderu is the best place to score cheap Fullington Trailways tickets. Wanderu offers the lowest available fares every day and charges no extra booking fees. Plus, you can compare Fullington Trailways prices with trips offered by other bus companies to be sure you’re getting the best deal on your tickets!
How many cities does Fullington Trailways service?
Fullington Trailways provides reliable bus service in safe and comfortable coaches to over 78 cities, including New York City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg and Buffalo. The Fullington Trailways network of routes and bus schedules serves Pennsylvania and upstate New York with 5849 scheduled daily departures. All Fullington buses come equipped with freshly cleaned restrooms. Fillington Trailways bus ticket prices start from $1.05.
What bus goes from Washington to State College?
The bus from Washington to State College is Fullington Trailways’ s most popular route. Trips from Harrisburg to State College and State College to Pittsburgh are also highly popular.
Do you need a ticket to board Fullington Trailways?
Yes, Fullington Trailways requires that all passengers have printed tickets to board the bus. When you book with Wanderu and activate your account, you will be able to easily find and download your tickets for most buses.
Do Fullington Trailways have bathrooms?
Yes, there are bathrooms on Fullington Trailways buses. The bathrooms are pretty basic and include a toilet, toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Most bathrooms don’t have running water. As you will be using a bathroom on a moving vehicle, please use caution and hold on to a rail at all times.
Does Fullington Trailways have a power outlet?
Fullington Trailways does not offer power outlets on their buses at this time. We suggest you charge up your laptop ahead of time and bring a power bank for your phone to extend its battery life for the duration of the trip. And remember - a good book doesn’t require any power.