When does Operation Clean up start in Fresno CA?
Operation Clean Up April 2022 The Operation Clean Up Program is only for City of Fresno residents who pay for the City of Fresno curbside garbage pickup. Please be advised that there may be delays in clean-up dates scheduled due to COVID-19.
What is the Operation Clean Up program?
The Operation Clean Up Program is only for City of Fresno residents who pay for the City of Fresno curbside garbage pickup. Please be advised that there may be delays in clean-up dates scheduled due to COVID-19.
How do I Find my estimated Operation Clean up pickup date?
For your estimated Operation Clean Up pickup date, please use the lookup tool below or call the City of Fresno’s 311 Center by dialing 3-1-1 within City limits or by calling (559) 621-CITY (2489). IMPORTANT NOTE: The dates provided by the lookup tool are subject to change.
How often does Operation Clean up pick up trash?
Once a year, residents are allowed to place items too large for regular trash collection at the curb. Operation Clean Up does not pick up trash generated by any other property other than the residence being serviced. Only residences that currently pay for solid waste service on their utility bill will be serviced.
How to call Fresno for Operation Clean Up?
What is the number to dispose of pool chemicals in Fresno County?
How many cubic yards are in a clean up truck?
Where to place Operation Clean Up materials?
Does Operation Clean Up pick up trash?
Is illegal dumping in Operation Clean Up?
Do you include trash generated by businesses operating from within the residential property?
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City of Fresno | Operation Clean Up Schedule Look-Up Tool
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Operation Clean Up - Fresno
Title: City of Fresno Operation Clean Up December 2021 Subject: Operation Clean Up December calendar with dates & streets. Created Date: 10/8/2021 7:55:24 PM
How to call Fresno for Operation Clean Up?
For your estimated Operation Clean Up pickup date, please use the lookup tool below or call the City of Fresno’s 311 Center by dialing 3-1-1 within City limits or by calling (559) 621-CITY (2489).
What is the number to dispose of pool chemicals in Fresno County?
Pesticides and chemicals, including pool acid and propane tanks. Call the Fresno County Resources Division at (559) 600-4259 for disposal of these items.
How many cubic yards are in a clean up truck?
Operation Clean Up pickup is limited to 10 cubic yards equal to 2 piles measuring approximately 8’ x 4’ x 4’ or the size of 2 pickup truck beds loaded to the top of the cab.
Where to place Operation Clean Up materials?
DO place Operation Clean Up materials in the same location as your regular garbage (solid waste) pick up, 1-2 feet from the curb. There is NO ALLEY SERVICE for Operation Clean Up.
Does Operation Clean Up pick up trash?
Operation Clean Up does not pick up trash generated by any other property other than the residence being serviced. Only residences that currently pay for solid waste service on their utility bill will be serviced.
Is illegal dumping in Operation Clean Up?
Illegal dumping within Operation Clean Up service areas is prohibited and is subject to citation. If you see someone illegally dumping in your neighborhood, write down the following information, if possible:
Do you include trash generated by businesses operating from within the residential property?
DON’T include trash generated by businesses operating from within the residential property.