Schedule List

fort hood holiday schedule 2022

by Rebecca Harvey Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What holidays does the army get off?

Fiscal 2022 Army Four-Day WeekendsNew Year's weekend — Friday, Dec. ... Martin Luther King Jr Day — Friday, Jan. ... Presidents' Day weekend — Friday, Feb. ... Memorial Day weekend — Friday, May 27-Monday, May 30, 2022.Independence Day weekend — Friday, July 1-Monday, July 4, 2022.Labor Day weekend — Friday, Sept.

Is Juneteenth a 4 day weekend for Military?

President Joe Biden on Thursday signed a bill into law establishing June 19 as Juneteenth National Independence Day, a holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. Because it falls on a Saturday this year, many federal employees, including the military, will have Friday off.

Does the military have Easter off?

No, Good Friday and Easter Monday are not Federal Holidays. All federal holidays are non-religious (other than Christmas Day).

Does the military get Juneteenth off 2022?

Juneteenth National Independence Day falls on Sunday, June 19, 2022, and is a federal holiday according to the Office of Personnel Management. Most federal employees will receive the following Monday as a day off of work.

Do you get Christmas off in basic training?

The Army is the only branch of the military that honors the Christmas Exodus break for all recruits who are in basic training and AIT. Basically, the Army shuts down all of its training schools during exodus to allow their drill sergeants and instructors to have a break at Christmas.

Does army get Christmas off?

The Army shuts down its Training operations for a 10 day (or so) period at Christmas. The primary reason for "Exodus" is so Drill Sergeants and Basic Training Staff members can spend Christmas with their families. So this results in a break for basic training recruits also.

How many military holidays are there?

The United States commemorates military service members in different ways, on three separate days each year, two of which are formally recognized as national holidays and widely celebrated.

What is the next holiday coming up 2022?

List of Holidays in USA in 2022DayDateHoliday NameMondayOct 10US Indigenous People's DayMondayOct 10Columbus DayFridayNov 11Veterans DayThursdayNov 24Thanksgiving17 more rows

What are the 3 holidays for veterans?

Military appreciation holidays and Military Appreciation Month are how we all get to salute those who have served, as well as those who now serve, and their families. Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Armed Forces Day each serve a specific purpose, and each has its own unique backstory.

What are the 3 day weekends in 2022?

Three days long weekend. Monday, May 30, 2022. Memorial Day Weekend (the last Monday of May)....Long weekends in the USANew Year's day. ... Martin Luther King Jr day. ... Presidents' Day (Washington's Birthday). ... Memorial Day. ... Independence Day. ... Labor Day. ... Columbus Day.More items...

Do weekends count as leave days in the military?

Members of the Reserve and National Guard are not charged military leave for non-duty days (i.e., weekends and holidays) that occur within the period of military service. Salary Payments - Employees on military leave under 5 U.S.C. 6323 (a) are entitled to retain both their military and Federal civilian pay.

What 3 months celebrate the military?

Military Appreciation Month was initially recognized by a resolution in the U.S. Senate in 1999 and traditionally takes place every year throughout the entire month of May, reminding Americans to celebrate this patriotic month that pays tribute to those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom.


Fort Hood was established in 1942 due to the need for land to train troops for mounted warfare brought on by World War II.


Fort Hood is the Army's premier installation to train and deploy heavy forces. A 214,968-acre installation, Fort Hood is the only post in the United States capable of stationing and training two armored divisions.

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