The Miami Gun & Knife Show will be held next on Oct 22nd-23rd, 2022 with additional shows on Dec 10th-11th, 2022, Jan 7th-8th, 2023, Mar 11th-12th, 2023, Aug 5th-6th, 2023, and Sep 30th-Oct 1st, 2023 in Miami, FL. This Miami gun show is held at Miami Airport Convention Center and hosted by Florida Gun Expo.
- DATE. October 15, 2022.
- TIME. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.
- COST. Admission: $13. Parking: $10 Cars or $16 Oversized Vehicles.
- CATEGORY. Trade Shows & Expos.
- ENTRY. US HWY 301.
Where are the Florida gun shows in 2022?
Bradenton Conv Center Palmetto, FL October Oct 1st – 2nd, 2022 Florida Gun Shows – Ft Myers Lee Civic Center Ft Myers, FL Oct 8th – 9th, 2022 Florida Gun Shows – Orlando Central Florida Fairgrounds Orlando, FL Oct 15th – 16th, 2022 Florida Gun Shows – Tampa Florida State Fairgrounds Tampa, FL Oct 22nd – 23rd, 2022 Florida Gun Shows – Palmetto
When is the next gun show in Jacksonville?
The Jacksonville Gun Show will be held next on Dec 11th-12th, 2021 with additional shows on Jan 22nd-23rd, 2022, and Apr 9th-10th, 2022 in Jacksonville, FL. This Jacksonville gun show is held at Greater Jacksonville Fair & Expo Center and hosted by North Florida Gun & Knife Shows.
Are there any gun shows or knife shows in Florida?
There are several Florida gun shows & knife shows listed. Our goal is to make it easy to find and attend all the arms shows in your area. We also have a list that breaks down all the Florida gun shows by state making it easier to find local expos.
When is the Jacksonville Gun Show 2021?
When is the next gun show in Tallahassee?
When is the Ocala Gun Show 2021?
Can gun show information change?

Where is the largest gun show in Florida?
Since 1968, the Lakeland Rifle and Pistol Club has been sponsoring the premiere gun show in Lakeland, Florida called “The Central Florida Gun Show.” This gun show has become one of the largest in the southeast, with up to 300 tables and approximately 150 exhibitors.
Are there any gun shows in Florida?
The Great American Lakeland Gun Show will be held next on Oct 22nd-23rd, 2022 with additional shows on Apr 29th-30th, 2023, Jul 29th-30th, 2023, and Oct 14th-15th, 2023 in Lakeland, FL. This Lakeland gun show is held at National Guard Armory and hosted by Great American Florida Promotions.
When's the next South Florida gun show?
The Miami Gun & Knife Show will be held next on Oct 22nd-23rd, 2022 with additional shows on Dec 10th-11th, 2022, Jan 7th-8th, 2023, Mar 11th-12th, 2023, Aug 5th-6th, 2023, and Sep 30th-Oct 1st, 2023 in Miami, FL. This Miami gun show is held at Miami Airport Convention Center and hosted by Florida Gun Expo.
What are the gun laws in Florida 2022?
The state does not require a permit to purchase a firearm. Background checks are required. A waiting period of three days must take place between the purchase and delivery of a firearm. There are no limits on the number of firearms a person can purchase in one transaction.
Where is the best gun show?
10 Best Gun Shows in AmericaShowmasters Gun Shows. ... Crossroads of the West Gun Shows. ... Up In Arms Gun Shows. ... Lone Star Gun Shows. ... Militia Armaments Gun Shows. ... Great American Gun & Knife Shows. ... Kim's Gun Show, San Antonio, TX. ... Hanging Judge Promotions. Hanging Judge has become synonymous with the best gun shows in Arkansas.More items...•
Do you need a permit to buy a gun in Florida?
Florida does not require a permit to purchase a firearm nor is there a permit that exempts any person from the background check requirement. There is a waiting period of three days, excluding weekends and state holidays, between purchase and delivery of all firearms.
Are guns cheaper at gun shows Reddit?
Most likely they will be. If you do your homework before hand and bring cash, you may be able to get a reasonable price. If your state allows person to person sales, then you may be able to get a good deal from a private seller (non-booth). Gun shows always have higher prices than any of the local stores in DFW.
Can kids go to the Florida gun show?
All children must be accompanied with an adult at all times.
Where is the gun show in Fort Lauderdale?
This Fort Lauderdale gun show is held at 356th Florida National Guard Armory and hosted by Florida Gun Expo. All federal and local firearm laws and ordinances must be obeyed.
Can I carry a loaded gun in my car in Florida?
The State of Florida has laws in place to protect the rights of gun owners. As long as you comply with state requirements and openly display your weapon, it is legal to carry a loaded gun in your car.
How many rounds can you carry in Florida?
Florida does not have a restriction on magazine size.
Can you conceal carry 2 guns in Florida?
So, the question becomes, can you conceal carry two guns? The short answer is yes, you generally can conceal carry two guns.
Where is the gun show in Miami?
The Miami Gun & Knife Show will be held on Feb 26th-27th, 2022 with another show on Mar 26th-27th, 2022 and Jun 18th-19th, 2022 and Jul 30th-31st, 2022 and Sep 17th-18th, 2022 in Miami, FL. This Miami gun show is held at the Miami Airport Convention Center and is promoted by Florida Gun Expo.
Where is the gun show in Fort Lauderdale?
This Fort Lauderdale gun show is held at 356th Florida National Guard Armory and hosted by Florida Gun Expo. All federal and local firearm laws and ordinances must be obeyed.
Are guns cheaper at gun shows Reddit?
Most likely they will be. If you do your homework before hand and bring cash, you may be able to get a reasonable price. If your state allows person to person sales, then you may be able to get a good deal from a private seller (non-booth). Gun shows always have higher prices than any of the local stores in DFW.
Is there a gun show in Stuart this weekend?
The Great American Stuart Gun Show will be held next on Oct 15th-16th, 2022 with additional shows on Jan 7th-8th, 2023, Mar 25th-26th, 2023, May 20th-21st, 2023, Jul 22nd-23rd, 2023, Sep 23rd-24th, 2023, and Nov 4th-5th, 2023 in Stuart, FL.
How many times does 321 training offer a concealed weapons permit?
offer the State of Florida Concealed Weapon Firearms Permit Course at all of our gun shows. Four times per weekend.
How long is a Florida concealed weapons license good for?
The State of Florida concealed weapons license is now good for (7) years. All instructors are NRA Certified as well as certified through the State of Florida. Cash is the only acceptable payment for the Concealed Weapons Course. ATM's are on site.
How long does it take to discharge a firearm in the classroom?
This only takes a few minutes. The firearms instructor will supply the firearm and ammunition. All students must attend the range of training at the show.
How big is a sport show table?
Sport Show Specialists provides 8 foot by 2.5-foot tables for rent (per weekend) in an air condition facility for the following prices.
What questions will vendors be asked during the show?
Vendor will be asked during the show if they would like to reserve table (s) for the next show at that location.
Do you have to tie a gun to open a gun booth?
This is for everyone's protection as well as a theft deterrent. We have cable tie packs of 100 available for purchase at $4 if needed. You will not be permitted to open your booth until compliance is reached.
About The Show
Welcome to the site of Florida Gun Shows, the largest gun show promoter in Florida. Because of our commitment to excellence and safety, as well as our longevity in this market, we have amassed the most reputable exhibitors in the state.
2A Legal
2A Protection, Inc., provides a self-defense prepaid legal services program. Defending yourself and your family from harm is your obligation, defending your right to use that weapons is ours. Being a member of 2A Protection, Inc., gives you:
Concealed Weapon Permit Course Classes 11AM & 2PM At All Shows
Florida Gun Shows & Bulldog Tactical offer the State of Florida Concealed Weapon Firearms Permit Course at all of our gun shows. Learn from some of the most experienced and knowledgeable instructors around and obtain everything you need in order to submit your application to the state.
When is the Jacksonville Gun Show 2021?
The Jacksonville Gun Show will be held on Jul 17th-18th, 2021 in Jacksonville, FL. This Jacksonville gun show is held at Ramona Pavillion and hosted by USA Gun Shows. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be…. The list is updated daily and features outdoor expos and events for firearm enthusiasts.
When is the next gun show in Tallahassee?
The Tallahassee Gun Show will be held next on Jul 10th-11th, 2021 with additional shows on Sep 18th-19th, 2021, and Dec 18th-19th, 2021 in Tallahassee, FL. This Tallahassee gun show is held at North Florida Fairgrounds and hosted by North Florida Gun & Knife Shows.
When is the Ocala Gun Show 2021?
Ocala Gun Show. The Ocala Gun Show will be held on Jul 10th-11th, 2021 in Ocala, FL. This Ocala gun show is held at Ocala Shrine and hosted by USA Gun Shows. All federal, state and local firearm ordinances and laws must be…. Show More.
Can gun show information change?
Warning: Although the lists are updated daily, show information can change without notification. If there is an incorrect listing the gun show edit form is available. Each listing also provides contact information for each promoter and/or host.