What time does live racing end at Finger Lakes?
Live racing has concluded for the 2021 season. Finger Lakes offers simulcast wagering daily from 11:30am - 6pm Patrons enter through the main gaming entrance only, and up the escalator. No one under 18 is admitted for live or simulcast racing.
What is the Finger Lakes Trail run?
This race is run entirely within the Finger Lakes National Forest. FLRC recognizes that this forest is on traditional lands of the Indigenous Seneca Nation, part of the larger Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Susquehannock people.
How do I register for the Finger Lakes 50s?
Registration for the Finger Lakes 50s will open on UltraSignup at noon on January 1. The event is capped at 250 registrants for all three races combined (50-mile, 50K, and 25K) and always sells out quickly. If you don’t get in initially, you can still register and be placed on the waitlist.
Should I volunteer at the Finger Lakes 50s?
Volunteering for the Finger Lakes 50s can be fun. It’s a great way to make friends and get you psyched to run your first ultra if you’re new to the scene. The race depends on a corp of 50 to 60 volunteers to help with the race. To find out more, please see: Volunteer at the Finger Lakes 50s.

Who won the 2020 Massachusetts sire stakes?
27th Oct 2020. Plainridge: Zeron, Ducharme dominate Massachusetts Sire Stakes finals. Scott Zeron won four of the eight $90,000 Massachusetts Sire Stakes finals for 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds of both sexes and gaits that took place on Monday afternoon at Plainridge Park.
When is Mocito Rojo going to the Delta Mile?
28 at Delta Downs, according to his trainer, Shane Wilson. Mocito Rojo will be looki... drf.com |. 26th Oct 2020.
What time does the wire concession stand open?
The Wire concession stand is open 11:30am until the start of the last race on live racing days. Tin Cup, the bar on the racing floor is also open 11:30am-4:30pm on live racing days and Saturday. Food and beverage is also available for purchase at the Platinum Grille on the gaming floor every day.
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