Schedule List

executive schedule pay scale 2022

by Alvena Moore Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

When the presidential administration changes Level I positions are reappointed by the new administration. Since 2017, the yearly pay for an ES Level 1 official has been raised 8.17% from $207,800 per year to $226,300 per year. For more information, visit the 2022 Senior Executive Service payscale page.

Senior Executive Service Basic Pay Schedule (SES) (2022)
Level I$226,300
Level II$203,700
Level III$187,300
Level IV$176,300
1 more row

Full Answer

What are the levels of basic pay for the Executive Schedule?

Salary Table No. 2022-EX Rates of Basic Pay for the Executive Schedule (EX) Effective January 2022 Level Rate Level I $226,300 Level II $203,700 Level III $187,300 Level IV $176,300 Level V $165,300

What will be the 2022 general schedule base PayScale?

The table below shows the federal General Schedule Base Payscale factoring in next-year's expected 2.6% across-the-board raise. The official 2022 GS payscale will be published here as soon as the official rates are released. This is 2022's unofficial General Schedule (GS) Pay Scale including an expected 2.6% raise.

When will the official 2022 GS pay scale be released?

The official 2022 GS Pay Scale has not been finalized. This table is revised yearly, effective each January, to reflect increasing costs of living. The official 2022 pay table will be published here as soon as the data becomes available.

When does Executive Order 13970 go into effect for 2022?

January 1, 2022. The other schedules contained herein are effective on the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning on or after January 1, 2022. Sec. 8. Prior Order Superseded. Executive Order 13970 of December 31, 2020, is superseded as of the effective dates specified in section 7 of this order. JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.


What is Executive Schedule pay?

Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. §§ 5311–5318) is the system of salaries given to the highest-ranked appointed officials in the executive branch of the U.S. government.

What is the most an SES can make?

Pay ratesMinimumMaximumAgencies with a Certified SES Performance Appraisal System$135,468$203,700Agencies without a Certified SES Performance Appraisal System$135,468$187,300

What is the new pay scale for federal employees 2022?

General Schedule employees will receive an across-the-board federal pay raise of 2.2% in 2022, plus an additional 0.5% locality pay adjustment, to total a 2.7% average increase.

What is executive Level II salary?

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, restricts the amount of direct salary to Executive Level II of the Federal Executive pay scale. The Office of Personnel Management released new salary levels for the Executive Pay Scale and effective January 2, 2022, the salary limitation for Executive Level II is $203,700.

Can a GS 14 apply for SES?

If you are a GS-14 or GS-15, you will be eligible to apply for SES jobs. Each position announcement lists the grade level qualifications and many are open for applicants at the GS-14 level.

Is being an SES worth it?

Benefits of SES Careers Not only do you get paid more than a GS-15 (the minimum pay level is set at 120% of a GS-15) but your pay is also merit based. Depending on your performance you may be compensated up to the maximum pay level of Level II of the Executive Schedule ($199,300 in 2021).

Can I retire after 5 years of federal service?

Under FERS, an employee who meets one of the following age and service requirements is entitled to an immediate retirement benefit: age 62 with five years of service, 60 with 20, minimum retirement age (MRA) with 30 or MRA with 10 (but with reduced benefits).

Has the 2022 GS pay scale been released?

2022 GS Base Pay Table. Federal employees on the GS Pay scale received 2.2% across-the-board base pay raise for 2022, with an additional 0.5% locality pay adjustment, totaling a 2.7% average increase. These changes were effective January, 1, 2022.

Do federal employees get a pension and Social Security?

FERS is a three-tiered system includ- ing Social Security, a Federal pension, and a tax-deferred savings plan. All workers enrolled in FERS are covered by Social Security. They contribute to it at the current tax rate and are eligible for the same benefits as all other workers covered by the program.

What is level V of the Executive Schedule?

Level V Executive Schedule is the pay grade directly above grade 15 on the General Schedule. Level V positions are considered equivalent to a one star general in the US armed forces. SES Level V positions are usually Directors or Associate Directors of smaller agencies and commissions.

What is an executive assistant 2?

Performs highly complex (senior-level) professional assistance work for an executive or multiple executives. Work involves providing a wide variety of high-level administrative support including managing the day-to-day activities of an executive(s). May provide guidance to others.

What is an executive federal employee?

Executive—Carries out laws (president, vice president, Cabinet, most federal agencies)

What is SES pay scale?

Senior Executive Service Basic Pay Schedule (SES) (2022)LevelRateLevel I$226,300Level II$203,700Level III$187,300Level IV$176,3001 more row

What is an SES Level 5?

SES Level V positions are usually Directors or Associate Directors of smaller agencies and commissions. Since 2017, the yearly pay for an ES Level 5 official has been raised 8.23% from $151,700 per year to $165,300 per year. For more information, visit the 2022 Senior Executive Service payscale page.

What is an SES Level 4?

ES Level IV employees report to an Under Secretary or Administrator of a major federal agency. Level IV positions are usually the second in command within an agency.

How much leave can an SES carry over?

90 days5376 may carryover a 90 days (or 720 hours) of annual leave at the start of each new leave year. SES and SFS have a personal ceiling o 90 days (or 720 hours) of annual leave that may be carried into a new leave year.

Executive & Senior Level Pay Tables

The Executive Schedule (ES) sets the yearly salaries for top government officials, including the leaders and senior personnel in over 75 Federal government agencies.

Executive Schedule - ES Level 4 Pay

The Executive Schedule (ES) sets the yearly salaries for top government officials, including the leaders and senior personnel in over 75 Federal government agencies.

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