What does the city of Des Moines do with garbage?
The City of Des Moines Public Works Department Solid Waste Division is responsible for collecting and disposing of garbage, recyclables and yard debris through curbside collection and community SCRUB events. Solid Waste operations: Monday through Friday - 7 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
How do I schedule a garbage pickup in Iowa City?
Call the 24-Hour Customer Service Center at (515) 283-4950 to schedule your collection which must be done a minimum of 24-hours before your normal collection day. Properly stickered items must be curbside before 7 a.m., with stickers facing toward the street. What CAN go in the garbage cart?
When will my recycling be picked up in Des Moines?
In Des Moines, unlike surrounding communities, our recycling carts are blue. These carts are picked up on an every two weeks either on the yellow weeks or orange weeks on our recycling calendar. To find out when your recycling will be collected, enter your address on Show Me My House.
Is there garbage collection on Juneteenth 2022?
There is NO DELAY in garbage collection services on Juneteenth, Monday, June 20, 2022. Our employees and staff wish you a Happy Juneteenth. Your pickup will be delayed one day due to the holiday. There will be no collection on Monday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. Service will run one day late the rest of the week.
What is a Solid Waste Foreman in Des Moines?
How much is the City of Des Moines appliance collection fee?
How to contact Des Moines Water Works?
How often is garbage collected?
Does Des Moines have curbside collection?
Is there a fee for a garbage cart?
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How many bags of garbage can I put out in Peel?
You can put out a total of 4 garbage bags or 4 full containers on your garbage collection day. Excess garbage must be put in a black plastic garbage bag and tagged with a garbage tag.
How do I dispose of a mattress in Des Moines Iowa?
Call the 24-Hour Customer Service Center at (515) 283-4950 to schedule your collection which must be done a minimum of 24-hours before your normal collection day. Properly stickered items must be curbside before 7 a.m., with stickers facing toward the street.
How do I get rid of a mattress in Iowa City?
To schedule a bulky item pickup, please call Resource Management at 319-356-5151 or sign up via the online form.
Where can I take yard waste Des Moines?
Yard waste is accepted at Metro Park East Landfill year-round. If it's brought in Compost It! bags, or with appropriate stickers, it is free of charge year-round. Otherwise, there is a disposal fee.
How do I get rid of a couch in Des Moines Iowa?
If you have an item like a couch or mattress that is too big to fit in your garbage cart, you can still get rid of the item curbside using our large & extra item stickers!
How do I dispose of a TV in Des Moines Iowa?
The items are taken to ATEC Recycling, a company that processes electronics that can no longer be used. TV's can be recycled at the Metro Hazardous Waste Drop-Off in Bondurant, Metro Park East Landfill, or through the houseside hazardous waste service.
How do you get rid of a mattress for free near me?
Local charities and sheltersGoodwill Industries.Salvation Army.Habitat for Humanity.Furniture Bank Association.Donation Town.GreenDrop.PickUpPlease.The Arc.More items...•
How do you get rid of a queen bed?
Both The Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity have multiple locations at which you can drop your old mattress for donation. Take a look at their websites to find a location near you. Or try out Donation Town to schedule a pick-up or find a local charity within your town.
Can I take a mattress to my local recycling Centre?
The best policy is to take your used mattress to a recycling centre or to contact the local council or a professional mattress collection company to take it away for you. If you've arranged for a mattress collection, check that whoever is performing it will transport the mattress somewhere for recycling.
Can you recycle Styrofoam in Des Moines?
Whether you're bringing home leftovers, picking up eggs at the grocery store, or unboxing your latest online order, it's important to remember that styrofoam is not recyclable and belongs in your trash.
How do you bundle yard waste sticks?
0:081:17Bundling Green Waste - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipService cut your branches to a maximum length of 1.5 meters lay the lengths of string parallel onMoreService cut your branches to a maximum length of 1.5 meters lay the lengths of string parallel on the ground stack your branches over the string. Then pull the ends of the string together and tie. It.
How do you dispose of paint in Iowa?
Completely dried and hardened paint can be put in the trash. If it's not dry, pour some clay, kitty litter, floor dry, or sawdust into the paint and stir until it's stiff like a putty or cookie dough; leave the lid off so workers will know the paint is dry, and they will pick it up for you with the rest of your trash.
Can I take a mattress to my local recycling Centre?
The best policy is to take your used mattress to a recycling centre or to contact the local council or a professional mattress collection company to take it away for you. If you've arranged for a mattress collection, check that whoever is performing it will transport the mattress somewhere for recycling.
What can you recycle in West Des Moines?
What you recycle is even more important than how much you recycle. Accepted materials include paper, plastics with twist- off lids, aluminum and tin cans, and glass bottles and jars. View a full list of accepted and not accepted items.
Public Works Holiday Schedule - Des Moines, Iowa
Veteran's Day Friday, November 11, 2022. There is NO DELAY in garbage collection services on Veterans Day, Friday, November 11, 2022. All garbage collections for this week are on schedule. Our employees and staff wish you a Happy Veterans Day.
Garbage Collection FAQ - Des Moines, Iowa
Garbage collection starts when you set up your water service with Des Moines Water Works at 515-283-8700 . Garbage Carts should be there when you move in.
Des Moines - Metro Waste Authority
Collection Day: Contact Des Moines Public Works, 515.283.4950. Yard Waste Season: Contact Des Moines Public Works, 515.283.4950. Cart Placement: Review our Cart Placements Requirements: What’s Accepted?
Services in the Des Moines, Iowa Area - Waste Management
Des Moines trash pickup service varies by neighborhood. Some residents within the city limits receive weekly garbage and recycling collection services by the City of Des Moines's Solid Waste Management Department.
2022 Holiday Collection Schedule | West Des Moines, IA
Solid Waste Pickup will be delayed by one day following these Holidays: Monday, May 30, 2022 (Memorial Day) Monday, July 4, 2022 (Independence Day)
When is garbage collection due for New Year's Eve 2021?
There is NO DELAY in garbage collection services on New Year's Eve Day, Friday, December 31st, 2021 .
Is garbage collection delayed on Thursday?
As a result, all garbage collection services for Thursday and Friday will be delayed by one day.
Welcome to the DMC Regional Waste Commission
Established in October 1990, the commission is dedicated to providing its member communities with environmentally sound, fiscally responsible solid waste disposal and resource recovery services.
Area Recyclers
The Area Recyclers facility receives and processes approximately 3,000 tons of recyclable materials each year. This includes materials collected curbside and at the public drop-offs located throughout Des Moines County. Appliances are also accepted at Area Recyclers for a fee.
DMC Regional Landfill
Our sanitary landfill takes in approximately 200 tons of garbage per day from the commission's member communities. All loads entering and leaving this facility need to be tarped or secured to stop litter from leaving the load. A fee will be added to each load that is not secured or tarped.
What does the scrunch stand for in Des Moines?
SCRUB stands for SPRING CLEANUP to REDUCE URBAN BLIGHT. It is the City's mission to enhance the City’s neighborhoods by allowing residents who live within the Des Moines' city limits a FREE opportunity to remove yard waste and debris from homes and yards to reduce the blighted areas within the City.
Where is Metro Waste Compost located?
The Metro Waste Compost Site is located at 1601 Harriet Street. SCRUB dates and hours are posted on the SCRUB Calendar. Questions - If you have questions about SCRUB events, please call us at 515-283-4950. Date.
Where is the Metro Waste Transfer Station?
Transfer Station SCRUB: An alternate drop-off location used for SCRUB events. The Metro Waste Transfer Station is located at 4198 Delaware Ave. SCRUB dates and hours are posted on the SCRUB Calendar .
What is a Solid Waste Foreman in Des Moines?
A City of Des Moines Department of Public Works Solid Waste Foreman will stop at your residence to explain program details, requirements and complete an application for each person living there. The Foreman will give you paperwork to be filled out by your Physician
When to place a recycling cart in the city?
Place cart at curb no later than 7 a.m. on recycling day (or) no earlier than 5 p.m. the day before. Place at curb on a level surface (no more than 18” from the street or arm’s length) Cart should be at least 3 feet from all permanent structures.
How to request a recycling cart?
To request a Recycle cart you may contact the Department of Public Works, 24-Hour Customer Service Center at 515-283-4950 or you may request a cart online using the Recycling Request Form. There is no fee for a new or replacement recycling cart. Thank you for participating in our program!
How to make recycling easy?
Make it Easier. One of the tips to make recycling easy it to keep a paper grocery bag in the kitchen to catch all the recyclables generated in that room of the house . When it is full, simply dump the contents of the paper bag directly into the recycling collection cart and drop the bag on top.
Is recycling included in garbage collection?
Recycling is included with your garbage collection services and is available to all residents.
Does Des Moines have curbside collection?
The City of Des Moines provides non-curbside collection services for individuals who are physically unable to place their collection carts at the curb or alley for regular collection.
What is a Solid Waste Foreman in Des Moines?
A City of Des Moines Department of Public Works Solid Waste Foreman will stop at your residence to explain program details, requirements and complete an application for each person living there. The Foreman will give you paperwork to be filled out by your Physician
How much is the City of Des Moines appliance collection fee?
The collection fee is $35 per appliance. It requires seven (7) $5, pink, City of Des Moines large item stickers. Appliances must be scheduled for collection on the next Monday. To schedule pick-up, call (515) 283-4950.
How to contact Des Moines Water Works?
Instead of starting your garbage service when you sign up for Des Moines Water Works service, new construction homes should contact the Department of Public Works Customer Service Call Center at (515) 283-4950 or Submit a Garbage and Yard Waste Collection Request Form. There is no fee for garbage carts needed for new construction, ...
How often is garbage collected?
Garbage is collected weekly. Enter your address into Show Me My House to find your pick up day.
Does Des Moines have curbside collection?
The City of Des Moines provides non-curbside collection services for individuals who are physically unable to place their collection carts at the curb or alley for regular collection.
Is there a fee for a garbage cart?
There is no fee for garbage cart s needed for new construction, a cart will be provided.