What is the holiday schedule for trash and recycling for 2022?
2022 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE TRASH, RECYCLING & YARD WASTE COLLECTION 2022 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE TRASH, RECYCLING & YARD WASTE COLLECTION As part of the City’s on-going effort to improve service, please review the holiday collection schedule for trash, recycle and yard waste. New Year’s Day (observed)December 31, 2021 Friday
How do I set up trash service in Denton?
City of Denton residents can set up trash service by calling Customer Service at (940) 349-8700. After signing up for solid waste and recycling, two carts (green for refuse and blue for recycling) are provided to each resident. To learn more about our recycling program, click here.
How do I schedule a bulky item collection in Denton?
Customers may also use the Residential Solid Waste Service request form to schedule bulky item collection before 3 PM one business day before your collection. Large items can also be taken to the City of Denton Landfill; fees will apply. Trash bags will no longer be scheduled for collection as bulky items.
Is there trash in MLK Park in January 2022?
MLK January 17, 2022 Monday No curbside trash, recycling and yard waste collection on Monday. Recycling and yard waste normally scheduled for Monday will be collected on Wednesday, January 19. Please hold your trash until your next regularly scheduled day (Thursday January 20). There are no service

When do you have to remove containers from the curb?
Containers must be placed at curb/alley or roadside by 6:00 a.m. on collection day, but shall not be placed out prior to 5:00 p.m. on the day before collection and must be removed by 11:00 p.m. on collection day.
How many gallons of refuse cans are allowed in a residential unit?
Regular weekly refuse collection shall not exceed the capacity of four 32 gallon or two 64 gallon refuse containers for each residential or business unit. Refuse containers may not weigh in excess of 60 pounds when collected.
Can you use 50 gallon drums for trash?
No 50 gallon drums will be permitted for use. Receptacles are to be kept clean and sanitary; may not contain free liquids or rainwater. If trash day falls on Christmas, the trash will be picked up the next day. All other holidays, the trash will be picked up as usual.
What is solid waste service?
Basic residential solid waste and recycling services consist of weekly collection of trash and recycling containers and yard waste. Additional services, such as scheduled collections of bulky waste, Home Chemical Collection, brush are also available (fees may apply).
Can bulk waste be picked up?
Bulky waste and large household items not related to remodeling can be scheduled for pickup.