How do I find my garbage collection schedule in Dallas?
Collection Schedules Type your home address to find your personalized collection calendar for garbage, recycling, and brush & bulk collections. Download the Dallas Sanitation app on mobile devices.
How do I find out my trash pickup schedule?
Most cities have a different schedule for holiday weeks. If your pickup day falls on a holiday, it’s usually picked up the next day. Before to check the city website for your specific pickup schedule. The best place to find a trash pick up job is through the city website where you live.
When are the trash collection times for brush?
Brush and Bulky Trash Collection Schedule 1st Monday Week - July 5 (set out no earlier than 7/1) 2nd Monday Week - July 12 (set out no earlier than 7/8) 3rd Monday Week - July 19 (set out no earlier than 7/15)
Does trash pickup happen on holidays?
Find The Trash Schedule for Your City… Does trash pickup happen on holidays? Most cities have a different schedule for holiday weeks. If your pickup day falls on a holiday, it’s usually picked up the next day. Before to check the city website for your specific pickup schedule.

When can I put out bulk trash Dallas?
Brush and bulky items may be set out beginning on the Thursday prior to your collection week through Sunday prior to your collection week (please see the My Schedule app below to find your week).
How much is bulk trash in Dallas?
Monthly brush and bulky trash collection services for residential customers is included in the solid waste collection fee of $30.52 per month.
Where can I drop off bulk trash in Dallas?
Sanitation ServicesLandfill & Transfer Stations.Disposal Site Information.McCommas Bluff Landfill.Northwest (Bachman) Transfer Station.Northeast (Fair Oaks) Transfer Station.Southwest (Oak Cliff) Transfer Station.
What happens to trash in Dallas?
Every day the landfill is visited by 1,800 vehicles, including garbage trucks, commercial vehicles and individual cars, that come to throw away residential and commercial trash, Bates said. “It's a public landfill, so anyone can come as long as they are providing the material that we accept,” he said.
How much is trash in Dallas?
What is the monthly Sanitation fee? The current single family residential monthly sanitation fee is $34.30 (plus sales tax). Commercial businesses should call 214-670-3555 to request an estimated monthly fee schedule. When are my brush or bulk items scheduled to be picked up?
How do I get a trash can in Houston?
Acquiring a Garbage Cart To request new residential service, visit the online 3-1-1 service request site here or call 3-1-1 and speak to a representative for assistance.
How much does it cost to dump at Dallas landfill?
ServiceFeeGate Rate$34.88/ton*Cash Customer Processing Fee$2.00/tonTipper Fee (taxable)$91.50/loadPull offs (taxable)$48.80/load5 more rows
How do you dispose of paint in Dallas?
Dallas residents are offered a free disposal service for home chemical waste at the the Home Chemical Collection Center or any Home Chemical Collection event provided by the Dallas Area Household Hazardous Waste Network. For information about collections events, call (214) 553-1765.
How do you dispose of concrete in Dallas?
There are some materials (e.g. bricks, concrete, tires, etc.)...You can submit a service request by:Phone at 214-670-3111 or 3-1-1 if within City limits.Online.OurDallas Mobile Application.
Where does our trash end up?
landfillsSome trash is recycled or composted, while other discarded items are sent to waste-to-energy facilities, and the remainder of trash goes to landfills.
Does Dallas actually recycle?
Dallas diverts only 20% of its waste to recycling, well below its goal of 40%. Dallas residents throw out over 86,000 tons of recyclables every year, according to the city of Dallas. That is 172 million pounds.
Does Dallas recycle plastic?
All cities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area have recycling programs. All cities recycle the same basic things: newspaper, paper, plastic containers, glass (all colors), cardboard, metal, aluminum cans.
How do I dispose of an old TV in Texas?
Electronics Recycling Programs Under the Computer Recycling and TV Recycling programs households have two options to recycle electronics. Go to TexasRecyclesComputers.org to find out how to recycle your computer for free. Go to TexasRecyclesTVs.org to find out options for recycling your television.
How do you recycle boxes?
Here's how to do it.Break all of your boxes down. It's a lot easier for both you and your waste management supplier to recycle cardboard moving boxes when they're broken down. ... Store your boxes somewhere dry until recycling day. ... Check with your waste management company to ensure you put boxes out correctly.
Where does Dallas recycling go?
Dallas has a public-private partnership with the McCommas Bluff Landfill's recycling center in southern Dallas, which handles the city's recyclables.
What is recyclable in Dallas?
General information about recycling in the Dallas - Fort Worth areaAll cities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area have recycling programs.All cities recycle the same basic things: newspaper, paper, plastic containers, glass (all colors), cardboard, metal, aluminum cans.More items...
When will the gate rate change at McCommas Bluff Landfill?
The commercial gate rate at the McCommas Bluff Landfill and Bachman Transfer Station will change on October 1, 2021. See the full list of rates here.
What is the Dallas Department of Sanitation app?
The official app for the Dallas Department of Sanitation provides service reminders and updates – plus special event schedules and tips to reduce, reuse and recycle waste.
How long does it take for blue roll carts to collect recyclables?
Blue roll cart collection of recyclable materials may be delayed by 1-2 days in various areas of the city, on a rotating basis, over the next several weeks, until staffing levels stabilize. It is not necessary for customers to report missed recycling collection to 311 unless materials have not been collected after more than 48 hours.
Why is your input important in Dallas?
Your input is important and will be used to inform decisions about Dallas' solid waste and recycling programs as well as future opportunities to reduce waste destined for the landfill. Learn more here.
Is Tuesday recycling collection delayed?
Tuesday recycling collection is delayed in some areas. Collection may occur later than usual this evening or on Wednesday. Please leave your roll cart at its usual collection point until serviced. Our apologizes for the inconvenience.
How many gallon roll carts are there in Dallas?
The City of Dallas provides residential properties with a 96-gallon roll cart for automated garbage collection. Once per week, residential garbage and recycling is collected by Sanitation Services. Residents are responsible for keeping their carts clean and odor free. Residents may request roll cart repairs by contacting 3-1-1.
When do you have to put garbage bags on the curb?
Your roll cart must be placed at the curb in front of your residence (or in approved alleyways) by 7 a.m. the morning of your collection day (no earlier than 6 p.m. the evening before).
When should you place garbage in a roll cart?
Your roll cart must be placed at the curb in front of your residence (or in approved alleyways) by 7 a.m. the morning of your collection day (no earlier than 6 p.m. the evening before). The roll cart must not be blocked by vehicles, objects, or overhanging tree limbs and it should be brought in no later than 8 a.m. on the day following collection day.
How often is residential recycling collected?
Residential recycling is collected once per week. To find your day of service, Click Here and enter your address.
What is the Department of Sanitation Services?
The Department of Sanitation Services is the exclusive recycling collection service provider for single-family homes and duplexes in the city of Dallas. Commercial and multi-family properties may request collection services from the Department of Sanitation, or may elect service from a private solid waste hauler that is authorized to conduct business within the city.
What are hazardous wastes?
Hazardous Waste – Such As Paints, Pesticides, Chemicals & Cleaning Agents 1 Do not place in the street, on the sidewalk, or in any manner that will interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic or with solid waste collection service 2 Do not place within 5 feet of a roll cart, mailbox, fence or wall, water meter, telephone connection box, parked cars, fire hydrant, utility pole, or traffic sign 3 Do not place under low hanging tree limbs or power lines, in an alley, or in front of a vacant lot or business
When will the sanitization campaign start?
The Department of Sanitation Services will begin a public awareness campaign in early 2020 to alert residents of the changes to brush and bulky trash regulations.
How many cubic yards of brush can you get in a year?
Residential customers receive monthly brush and bulky item curbside collection of up to 10 cubic yards. Customers may request an oversize collection of up to 20 cubic yards once per calendar year by calling 3-1-1 or submitting a service request online or through our mobile application OurDallas. The service request must be submitted the week prior to the customer's brush/bulk collection week. A service request can be submitted up until Sunday 11:59PM the day before their scheduled Monday collection Week. The service request can not be cancelled once submitted.
Can you self haul to McCommas Bluff?
Customers can self haul to McCommas Bluff Landfill.