Why has my course schedule changed for Fall 2022?
As part of the Fall 2022 planning process, the UT course schedule will continue to change as we head into the fall. These changes may affect the instructional mode, instructor, time or location of some classes. We strongly encourage you to review your course schedule regularly throughout the rest of the fall for additional updates.
What is included in fallfall 2022 course schedule information?
Fall 2022 course schedule information includes admissions, enrollment, enrollment time chart, non-standard drop and refund dates, final exam schedule, and more. Search for courses by time, instructor, and other attributes.
What are the changes to the 2022-2023 academic calendar?
Changes include: A new semester model, with two designated subterms in the fall and spring semesters You can view the 2022-2023 academic calendar here. The 2023-2024 calendar will be available in fall. Learn more about the academic calendar changes and view a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the Changes to the Academic Calendar webpage.
What information is included in the schedule of courses?
The schedule of courses is arranged to provide the following information: course number, section number, course title, building, credit hours, instructor, days of the week, beginning and ending time, CRN, and footnotes. All course schedule information is subject to change. Be sure to check your schedule on BlueLink for any changes to your classes.

What does the course number mean?
The course number includes both a departmental and course indicator. The number preceding the decimal identifies the department offering the course.
What is the code letter in parenthesis after each 100-499 course number?
The code letter in parenthesis following each 100-499 course number identifies the broad area of study for the fulfillment of undergraduate distribution requirements.
What is the schedule of courses?
The schedule of courses is arranged to provide the following information: course number, section number, course title, building, credit hours, instructor, days of the week, beginning and ending time, CRN, and footnotes.
How many days can you add classes in the fall semester?
For the Fall and Spring semesters, courses may be added through the first Friday after four class days of the semester without instructor approval. Courses added after the first Friday after four course days and through the second Friday after nine class days may be added only with instructor approval.
What time does Maymester class start?
Maymester class enrollment information will include a time period of 8 to 8:01 am. This is to ensure students do not exceed the allowed enrollment of 1 course. Classes will not meet during this time period. General Course Schedule. Detailed Course Schedule.
Can you audit a course at Oklahoma City University?
An Oklahoma City University student may audit a course (excluding courses offered by the School of Law) by attending class sessions and completing classroom assignments. No examinations are taken and no credit is given. The student transcript carries the designation "AU".
Is Bluelink schedule subject to change?
All course schedule information is subject to change. Be sure to check your schedule on BlueLink for any changes to your classes.
Can an audited course be changed to a letter grade?
The "AU" designation, once recorded on the transcript, may not be changed to a letter grade. Audited courses do not satisfy degree requirements. If a student determines that an audited course is needed to fulfill a major requirement, the student must repeat the course and earn a letter grade.
Can you audit a course?
A student may audit only if permitted by the appropriate school or department policy and on a space-available basis. Students may not audit individualized academic experiences such as internships, directed study, independent study, music lessons, dance instruction, etc. Audited courses will not be considered in a student’s normal semester load.
Do you need internet for a hybrid course?
Internet access is required for online and blended (hybrid) courses.
Can Greenville Technical College cancel classes?
Mitigating factors may occur at any time, so any specific class may not be available. Greenville Technical College reserves the right to cancel classes and change course location, times, dates and instructors when necessary. Internet access is required for online and blended (hybrid) courses.
How much of a distance education course is delivered?
Partially at a Distance: Between 50% and 95% of the course is delivered via distance education technology. Visits to a classroom or similar site are required
What is online schedule?
The online schedule has enrollment data which is current to the point when the page is opened or refreshed. Users are able to search for classes of interest by Course Title, Instructor, Subject, or by Campus.
How to register for classes at Paws?
To register for classes, you will need to access your PAWS. The live schedule is also available through PAWS at the following link or by logging in and going to Student/Financial Aid. PAWS CLASS SCHEDULE
Is there a meeting time for asynchronous?
Asynchronous: No scheduled meeting times. Please refer to syllabus for course-specific instructions
Is a class delivered at a distance?
Fully at a Distance: Almost all class sessions are delivered via distance education technology. Students may be asked to travel to a site to participate in an orientation or take exams but not for instructional purposes