You'll then receive Colorado Cash Back by September 30, 2022. Extended filers who have a deadline of October 17, 2022, will receive the refund by January 31, 2023. Make sure you have a current and correct address on record with the Department, as the checks will be mailed to your last known address.
When can I expect my tax refund 2022?
Extended filers who have a deadline of October 17, 2022, will receive the refund by January 31, 2023. Make sure you have a current and correct address on record with the Department, as the checks will be mailed to your last known address.
Will Coloradoans get $750 checks in the mail in 2022?
News News Based on facts, either observed and verified directly by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources. Gov. Jared Polis tells reporters on Aug. 3, 2022, that Coloradans should soon expect $750 checks in the mail as part of tax rebates required under the state Constitution. (Nick Coltrain/Denver Post)
How do I get my refund check back in Colorado?
You can start the refund check reissue process by signing a refund reissue letter. Request the letter through 303-238-SERV (7378) In the best interest of all our taxpayers, the Colorado Department of Revenue implements measures to detect and prevent identity theft-related refund fraud.

When should I expect 2022 tax refund?
within 21 daysMost filers who use this method should receive their refunds within 21 days of submitting their return online. If you mail your return, you can expect to receive your refund in about six to eight weeks from the date the IRS receives your return.
Is Colorado giving stimulus checks 2022?
Most Colorado Cash Back checks should have already hit mailboxes. Eligible taxpayers who filed their Colorado state income tax return or applied for a property tax, rent, or heat credit rebate (known as the PTC Rebate) by June 30, 2022, should have received their Cash Back check by September 30.
Who gets the Colorado Tabor refund?
Who is eligible for this refund? Individuals who were 18 years old before Dec. 31, 2021, were a Colorado resident for the entire 2021 income tax year and filed a state income tax return for 2021 qualify for the TABOR refund.
When should I expect my Colorado tax refund?
If you have not filed a federal extension, you still have time to submit a Colorado tax return (without additional extension paperwork) by October 17 and receive Colorado Cash Back. If you are filing after June 30, 2022, the Colorado Cash Back refund will be sent to you by January 31, 2023.
How do I track my Colorado Tabor refund?
Those who have yet to receive the refund can check its status in two ways. Eligible Coloradans can call 303-951-4996 or visit https://tax.colorado.gov/where-is-my-refund.
How much is the TABOR refund?
You might get another TABOR refund next spring. Here's how much you can expect to getIncome rangeRefund for single filerRefund for joint filerUp to $48,000$160$320$48,001 to $95,000$214$428$95,001 to $150,000$246$492$150,001 to $209,000$293$5862 more rows•Sep 22, 2022
Who gets the 750 Colorado refund?
On May 23, 2022, Gov. Jared Polis signed a new law (Senate Bill 22-233) to give Coloradans a tax rebate of $750 for individual filers and $1,500 for joint filers this summer. If you've already filed your Colorado state income tax return, you're all set!
Is there another stimulus check coming in 2022?
A second rebate was approved in August 2022 to grant another $200 per taxpayer. Most taxpayers will receive their refunds by direct deposit, and the second payments started rolling out in late August. If you changed banks or don't have direct deposit information on file, you'll receive a paper check.
Is Colorado giving out a stimulus check?
Colorado. The Colorado Cash Back Bill was signed on May 23, giving Colorado residents — as long as they were considered full-year residents of the state in 2021 and at least 18 years old on Dec. 31, 2021 — the chance to collect a tax rebate of $750 for individual tax filers or $1,500 for joint filers.
Is Colorado getting a stimulus check?
Colorado. State residents who have filed their 2021 return by June 30 should have gotten a physical check for $750 by Sept. 30, thanks to the 1992 Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) Amendment. (Joint filers will get $1,500.)
Is there another stimulus check coming in 2022?
A second rebate was approved in August 2022 to grant another $200 per taxpayer. Most taxpayers will receive their refunds by direct deposit, and the second payments started rolling out in late August. If you changed banks or don't have direct deposit information on file, you'll receive a paper check.
Who is receiving stimulus checks 2022?
The income limit for eligibility is $250,000 or less for individuals and $500,000 or less for heads of household or couples filing jointly. Recipients have to have been California residents for at least six months during 2020, and they must be residents when the payments are issued.
About Colorado Cash Back
On May 23, 2022, Gov. Jared Polis signed a new law ( Senate Bill 22-233) to give Coloradans a tax rebate of $750 for individual filers and $1,500 for joint filers this summer.
Frequently Asked Questions
This web page (tax.colorado.gov/cash-back) will be updated through the summer with more information and additional details. Check back frequently for the most up-to-date information. You can also find more information about TABOR refunds at Tax.Colorado.gov/TABOR .
Fuel Tax & International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA)
Quarterly - Can file between the first day of the next quarter, up to one year from date of purchase
Local Jurisdiction Sales Tax
Quarterly - 25th day of the month following the filing period end date
Severance Tax
Annual - The 15th day of the 4th month following the close of the tax year or April 15 for calendar year taxpayers
Withholding Tax & Wage Withholding
Weekly - Taxes accumulated as of any Friday are due on the third business day thereafter
News News Based on facts, either observed and verified directly by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.
Colorado tax filers can expect their rebate checks by the end of August
Gov. Jared Polis tells reporters on Aug. 3, 2022, that Coloradans should soon expect $750 checks in the mail as part of tax rebates required under the state Constitution. (Nick Coltrain/Denver Post)
What is the Colorado tax validation key?from tax.colorado.gov
Validation Key: the Department has a "Validation Key" process where information will be requested to be entered on Revenue Online to validate their Colorado refund. Visit the Identity Verification web page for more information.
How to check on my tax refund?from tax.colorado.gov
You can check the status of your refund on Revenue Online. There is no need to login. Simply choose the option "Tax Refund for Individuals" in the box labeled " Where's my Refund?". Then, enter your SSN or ITIN and the refund amount you claimed on your current year income tax return. If you do not know the refund amount you claimed, you may either use a Letter ID number from a recent income tax correspondence from the Department.
How to ensure a tax return is complete?from tax.colorado.gov
Read filing instructions carefully and ensure a return is complete and correct to the extent possible. This includes filling out all forms completely, double-checking calculations, attaching all relevant documentation and ensuring sensitive information such as Social Security numbers and bank routing and account number is thorough and accurate.
Can you request a refund from a destroyed bank?from tax.colorado.gov
Destroyed: You can request that the original refund be voided and a new refund be issued. Follow the Reissue Process below.
Does Colorado have a verification key?from tax.colorado.gov
In the best interest of all our taxpayers, the Colorado Department of Revenue implements measures to detect and prevent identity theft-related refund fraud. The Department has a "Validation Key" process where information will be requested to be entered on Revenue Online to validate their Colorado refund. Please be aware that if you do not respond to the validation key letter in a timely manner your refund will be delayed. Visit the Identity Verification web page for more information .
How is Colorado sales tax refund distributed?
The sales tax refund is distributed according to where a taxpayer's adjusted gross income falls among six adjusted gross income tiers. When the amount to be refunded is large enough to support at least $15 per taxpayer, the Colorado Department of Revenue is required to distribute the amount among the six tiers. If the amount to be refunded is less than $15 per taxpayer, an equal refund is provided to each taxpayer regardless of income. Taxpayers who file joint returns receive twice the refund amount as taxpayers who file single returns. For more information on how TABOR refunds are distributed, see the Legislative Council Staff History of TABOR Refund Mechanisms Memorandum.
What is the tax rate for Colorado?
The regular Colorado income tax rate was 4.63% in 2019. There were no special steps required to get this income tax rate reduction. Taxpayers automatically received this reduction when they filed their 2019 income tax returns. For more information, see the "Ways the TABOR Surplus Can Be Refunded" section above.
Who administers property tax exemptions in Colorado?
Property tax exemptions are administered by your local government. Contact your local County Assessor's Office for more information about senior and disabled veteran property tax exemptions. The Colorado Department of Local Affairs maintains a list with contact information for each County Assessor's Office in Colorado.
What is the third refund mechanism?
The first circumstance would be when there is excess revenue after reimbursing local governments for property tax refunds, but not enough to fund a temporary income tax rate reduction. The other circumstance would be when there is excess funds after funding both ...
When is the Colorado tax hearing 2021?
The Colorado Department of Revenue, Taxation Division, will hold a public rulemaking hearing on the following tax rules on November 30, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
When is the destination sourcing deadline for 2021?
Destination Sourcing Deadline Extended. Governor Polis signed SB21-282 on June 30, 2021, which extends the small business exception to destination sourcing requirements. This exception applies only to businesses with less than $100,000 in retail sales.
What is SB21-282?
The General Assembly has adopted SB21-282, which extends the small business exception to destination sourcing requirements. This exception applies only to businesses with less than $100,000 in retail sales. Beginning February 1, 2022, all retailers will be required to apply the destination sourcing rules .
When is the PTC rebate available in Colorado?
It has been available to Colorado residents since 1971. You may qualify for the PTC Rebate if you are a full-year Colorado resident, 65 years of age or older, or a surviving spouse 58 years of age or older, OR disabled, regardless of age. The actual rebate total is based on the applicant's income and expenses.
Where to send Colorado state tax return?
Once you complete the application you can bring the application to a Colorado Department of Revenue Taxpayer Service Center or send it in by mail to: Colorado Department of Revenue, Denver, CO 80261-0005.
Does the rebate system show the full amount?
Note: The system will not show the your full rebate amount. It will only show the status of your most current rebate installment.