Where can I find the trash and recycling collection dates for 2022?
This calendar provides the trash and recycling collection dates of 2022 for January through the end of July. The calendar for your home is available on the Streets Division’s website. Go to www.cityofmadison.com/CollectionSchedule.
When will the new collection calendar be available?
In the summer of 2022, a new collection calendar will be available for the final four months of the year and for the entirety of 2023. The Streets Division is no longer providing every-other-week large item collection.
What is the city of Florence's 2022 leaf collection program?
It's that time of year again. The City of Florence Public Services Department is geared up for the 2022 Leaf Collection Program. Last year, the city picked up over 44,148 cubic feet of leaves. All of the leaves were used as compost or fertilizer. This year's program runs from October 24 through December 22.
When is trash collected on Labor Day 2021?
Monday, Sept. 6, 2021 - Labor Day Thursday, Nov. 25, 2021 - Thanksgiving Day Starting on the day of the holiday, trash is collected one day later for the remainder of that week (For example, if the holiday falls on a Tuesday, trash/recyclables scheduled for Tuesday collection will be picked up on Wednesday.

Multifamily Units
If you live in a multifamily unit (such as a condo or townhome) that has Austin Resource Recovery curbside services, please search for your address without your unit designator. For example, search for 123 Main St. (not 123A Main St. or 123 Main St. Unit 2).
Holiday Slide Days
If your collection day falls on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day or New Year's Day – or if it falls after the holiday in the same week – it slides to one day later. If the holiday falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, your collection day will not slide.
St. Pete Collects Mobile App
Stay informed of residential trash and recycling collection days by downloading the St. Pete Collects Mobile App.
2021 Residential Trash & Recycling Holiday Collection Schedule
New Year’s Day – Friday, Jan. 1, 2021 Thursday collections will be made on Wednesday. Friday collections will be made on Thursday. Monday and Tuesday collections remain the same.
When will institutions be required to register for data collection?
All institutions will be required to register for the 2021-22 data collection cycle.
When will NCES review registration status?
On August 25, NCES will review the registration status of each institution. If an institution has not registered as of this date, a letter will be sent to the CEO requesting appointment of a new keyholder.