Full Answer
How many bags of garbage can I put out in Peel?
You can put out a total of 4 garbage bags or 4 full containers on your garbage collection day. Excess garbage must be put in a black plastic garbage bag and tagged with a garbage tag.
How do I dispose of a mattress in Clay County Florida?
Bulky and Large Items Residents can place furniture curbside on their regular garbage day for pickup.
Who picks up yard waste in Clay County?
WM will collect up to 5 cubic yards (4' x 4' x 8') of yard waste each week. Effective October 1st, the tip fee rate will increase, and the “free” disposal allowance change will take effect.
How do you dispose of paint in Clay County Florida?
Clay County's Sharps Disposal Program can help you dispose of these wastes. Please call (904) 529-2800 for more information. Residential household waste, household chemicals, pesticides, paint, empty 55-gallon drums, and propane gas tanks are accepted at the Rosemary Hill Household Hazardous Waste Center.
Is recycling back in Clay County Florida?
The county says curbside recycling will resume in Clay County when Waste Management (WM) is fully staffed for all Clay County routes. They need 42 licensed commercial drivers for the residential garbage, yard trash, and recycling routes.
Does Clay County have recycling?
Clay County is proud to support recycling opportunities throughout the county. There are centers in each city for general recyclables. There are also locations for special wastes such as fluorescent bulbs, electronics, batteries, and hazardous waste.
How do I dispose of a TV in Clay County Florida?
These locations are Doctors Inlet ECC located at the end of Sleepy Hollow Road off CR 220 and the Keystone Heights ECC located on CR 214 in Keystone Heights. Clay County residents are encouraged to bring in unwanted electronics to be recycled in a safe and proper way.
How do you dispose of paint in Florida?
Households may use the dedicated drop-off areas at Solid Waste Authority transfer stations. These drop-off areas provide convenient locations for individuals to discard unwanted paints.
What is considered hazardous waste in Florida?
Waste is classified as hazardous waste if it is specifically listed by EPA, or if the waste exhibits one or more of the characteristics of ignitability, corrosiveness, reactivity, or toxicity.
How do you dispose of water based paint?
Get a 5-gallon bucket, put 6-8 inches of clumping cat litter in the bottom and pour your paint water in there. Once it clumps, remove all the clumps and dispose of it in the trash. With this approach, none of your paint water goes down the drain.
Are plastic paint cans recyclable?
At the moment, plastic paint cans can't widely be recycled, however your local household waste recycling centre will accept these and make sure that they're disposed of responsibly.
We endeavor to send out your trash bill by the end of the month. The due date for your trash payment is the 15th of the month. If the 15th falls on a holiday or a Saturday or Sunday, the due date will be the next business day. The due date will be shown on your bill.
You may pay your trash bill by either sending in a check or money order with tear off section from your bill. Please do not send cash in the mail.
Can you bring in garbage from other areas?
Garbage and recyclables may NOT be brought in from other areas. Items that will not be collected as household trash/refuse include brush, leaves, grass clippings, cuttings, construction material, furniture, carpet, sinks, tubs, white goods and other appliances, tires, batteries, auto parts, etc.
Can you put sharps in the trash?
Sharps can also be placed in clean, biohazard-labeled sharps containers or in clean, heavy plastic bleach or laundry detergent bottles with a screw -on cap. Containers must be leak-proof, labeled as "Sharps" and the tops should be taped shut. Then they can go in the trash. Visit OCRRA.org for more information.
Can a hauler pick up garbage?
If you would like the hauler to pick up materials not covered under collection rules, please call them. You may contact any hauler for this purpose. If you would like the hauler to pick up your garbage and recyclables at your garage or another designated location, or would like to rent a toter, please call them to discuss this option. There will be an additional cost for garage service that will be billed to you separately.
Do you have to keep trash containers covered?
Please be sure to keep trash containers covered and that blue bin recyclables secure on windy days.
How to contact Superior Waste Removal?
Most questions or complaints can be handled directly with Superior Waste Removal at (315) 672-3174 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Please leave a message if prompted. If Superior ise not able to assist or resolve the issue, contact the Town of Clay, Supervisor Damian M. Ulatowski’s Office at (315) 652-3800 ext. 162 or email at supervisor@townofclay.org.
When will Christmas trees be picked up in 2021?
CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP: For the 2021 Christmas season, pickup will begin starting January 4 – January 21, 2022. All districts will be picked up on your scheduled day. Tree stands, decorations, and lighting must be removed from the tree. Do not cover, wrap, or bag your tree in plastic.
What time do you have to collect brush?
Brush collection is Monday-Friday, 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Following is a list of guidelines that you must adhere to for brush to be collected. Below is the detailed street listing for the mentioned districts.
When is pick up for a car delayed?
HOLIDAY PICKUP: If during the week (Monday-Friday) your pick-up falls on or after the following holidays, New Years, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day, service is delayed by one day for the remainder of that week.