Does the city of Erie have garbage and recycling services?
Some residents within the city limits receive weekly garbage and recycling collection services by the City of Erie's Solid Waste Management Department. Whenever possible, we're happy to provide smart waste solutions for smaller communities such as homeowners associations and property management groups.
How often is garbage collected in Niagara?
Garbage Collection is a function of the Regional Municipality of Niagara and is collected once every week. On your scheduled collection day, only regular household garbage placed into an acceptable garbage bag or container will be collected.
How do I dispose of my garbage?
Garbage collection is handled by Republic Services and is collected weekly. All trash should be bagged and placed inside your gray refuse container which can be set out on the curb the night before your scheduled pickup and should be promptly put away once collection is complete.
When are household hazardous waste and Electronics collection events held?
Erie County Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Collection events are held on the second Saturday of each month from February through December. There are small fees for items to be recycled. Pre-registration is required.
Is recycling an intentional practice?
Does Erie have trash pickup?
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How do I get rid of a mattress in Erie PA?
Collection is limited to regular household trash. For example: a COUCH, CHAIR, MATTRESS, LAMP, TABLE, DRESSER, etc. Go online here or call 870-1550 to schedule a pickup of up to 3 bulky items and be sure to receive a confirmation number. Please place items on the curb away from obstructions.
How do I dispose of an old TV in Erie PA?
Other electronics recycling programsLincoln Recycling, 1602 Selinger Avenue, accepts some electronics, including computer monitors and televisions. Fees apply. Call 814-838-7628 for more details.ProWaste, 813 East 18th Street, accepts televisions and computers. Fees apply. Call 814-835-2739 for more details.
How do you dispose of paint in Erie PA?
You can call Waste Management's Household Hazardous Waste program for a scheduled pick-up date at 800-449-7587.
Does the city of Erie recycle?
The Town of Erie Department of Public Works maintains a Recycling Center which accepts single stream recycling (plastic, paper, glass, metal, cardboard, etc.). Single-stream recycling, cardboard only, and yard waste bins are emptied by Western Disposal weekly.
How do I dispose of electronics near me?
Electronic waste (e-waste) may be scheduled for curbside collection by calling 1-800-773-2489 or by selecting Electronic Waste in the MyLA311 app.
How do I get rid of a TV near me?
E-cycling Central is a great resource that can help you find a recycling depot near you. Or, you can check to see if the manufacturer of your old TV has a recycling program. You can also call a professional junk hauling company like 1-800-GOT-JUNK? to come to take it away and recycle it for you.
Where can I dispose of a dehumidifier near me?
Local recycling centers and scrap yards will accept appliances for recycling. Scrap yards may provide remuneration for non-refrigerant-containing appliances. Contact the location or visit their website to make sure your appliance is accepted and to check for any possible fees.
How do you dispose of antifreeze in PA?
Antifreeze can be brought to county Household Hazardous Waste events.
How do you dispose of paint in Erie County NY?
Erie County offers a free program allowing Erie County residents to bring up to 50-lbs. of acceptable household hazardous waste to Hazman in Tonawanda, NY. If you bring more than 50-lbs or items not listed as acceptable, there will be additional charges.
How do I dispose of a TV in Erie County NY?
Call 1 (855) 411-4650 for more information or use the website to schedule a pickup.
Does Erie County Landfill take mattresses?
$5.00 additional charge for each mattress, box spring, and sofa bed with mattress.
Does Erie County Landfill take TVS?
Commercial Haulers: Must have a license / authorization to take material to the Erie County Landfill. Accepting: Construction & demolition debris. Televisions: Will be landfilled, NOT recycled.
Does Erie County Landfill take TVS?
Commercial Haulers: Must have a license / authorization to take material to the Erie County Landfill. Accepting: Construction & demolition debris. Televisions: Will be landfilled, NOT recycled.
How can I get rid of my tube TV near me?
As long as it's still in working order, you could contact some local schools, homeless support centers, non-profit organizations, Goodwill and the Salvation Army. You can also check out options on Donation Town as they accept televisions and many other electronics.
Where can I dispose of a dehumidifier near me?
Local recycling centers and scrap yards will accept appliances for recycling. Scrap yards may provide remuneration for non-refrigerant-containing appliances. Contact the location or visit their website to make sure your appliance is accepted and to check for any possible fees.
Where can I view my pickup schedule? - Waste Management
To view your pickup schedule, simply click on My WM from the menu and either log in or continue as a guest.. From the My WM Dashboard, go to My Services.Pickup Schedule will be displayed, along with the next pickup date, holiday schedule, and other service requests.. Note: Waste collection services typically occur between 5 a.m. and 6 p.m. local time. Make sure the lid on your container is ...
Pickup Schedule & ETA - Waste Management
To view your pickup schedule or service ETA, please select from the following options to verify your account.
Pickup Schedule - Waste Connections
Waste Connections makes it simple to review your recycling and garbage pickup schedule by offering our lookup tool that searches by service address.
Large Item Pickup – Erie, PA
Large Item Pickup The City of Erie will pick up many large items as a free service to its residentia
Find Your Trash and Recycling Collection Schedule | dpw
Most households follow a once-a-week trash collection schedule. Use our Trash and Recycling Collection Day App to find your collection day(s).. Please Note: If a resident living in a building with more than 3 residential units enters their address, clicking the button will return a trash day, but that does not supercede the City policy for residential trash collection.
Is recycling an intentional practice?
Recycling is becoming an intentional practice for more and more homeowners, businesses and communities. As the country's largest recycler, Waste Management makes recycling in Erie convenient and affordable with a number of recycling drop off locations around the city.
Does Erie have trash pickup?
Erie trash pickup service varies by neighborhood. Some residents within the city limits receive weekly garbage and recycling collection services by the City of Erie's Solid Waste Management Department. Whenever possible, we're happy to provide smart waste solutions for smaller communities such as homeowners associations and property management groups. If your new neighborhood offers a choice for your household trash and recycling service needs, we would love to be your partner when it comes to disposing of the waste everyday life creates.
How to schedule a special pick up for solid waste?
Please, call the Solid Waste Administrative offices at (406) 657-8285 to schedule a special pick-up (furniture, appliances, large branches and etc.). Additional charges may apply.
When will the green barrel pick up end?
Green barrel pick-up will end on November 27, 2021.
What happens if you delay solid waste service?
The Solid Waste Division continues operations on days prior to and following each holiday to ensure excellence in service. If service is delayed due to a holiday, it only affects the day of the holiday, and the days following it during the same calendar week. Delayed service will not carry on into the following week.
How to use an alley barrel?
Use the alley barrel primarily for household trash. Top off the barrel with yard waste or larger items the day before collection. Keep the alley clean from your property to the middle of the alley. Place items too large for the barrel on your side of the alley for alley cleaning.
What is household waste?
Household Waste, also known as domestic Waste or residential Waste, is disposable materials generated by households. This Waste can be comprised of non-Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Waste. Non-Hazardous Waste can include food scraps, paper, bottles, etc. which can be recycled or composted.
How far away from obstacles can you put a barrel in a trash can?
Make sure your barrels and any items that do not fit in the barrels are out by 7 am. Place the barrel 4 feet away from obstacles (mailboxes, vehicles, extra trash, etc.). Place the barrel with the lid opening toward the street. Branches need to be prepared in 4 foot lengths and bundled for pickup.
Does Billings sell dumpsters?
The City of Billings does not sell dumpsters.
What is organic waste?
Organic or green waste refers to biodegradable items made of all natural materials. Items included in this category include:
How to get rid of trash smell in trash can?
Household baking soda can work wonders at removing trash container smells. Add ¼ cup baking soda to your trash receptacle at the beginning of each week. Trash containers, bins and totes can be washed with regular soap and water. The best time to add the baking soda is when the containers are dry and clean. Clean cat litter can also be substituted for baking soda .
Is recycling easy in Erie?
Recycling should be easy. As your home recycling partner in Erie, we help your mixed recyclables find their next best use.
Does Waste Management do curbside pickup?
Waste Management does an awesome job for curbside trash pickup. Their rates are competitive, (compared with other companies) Drivers always return a wave, and a smile... I appreciate & respect them, their job is a lot of hard work.
How often does Republic trash pickup?
Republic Services offers residents one free bulk pickup per month. Please call to schedule the pickup before placing large items at the curb. Items will be collected one business day following your regular waste collection (example: waste collection day is Wednesday = bulk day is Thursday).
Who handles trash collection in Republic?
Garbage collection is handled by Republic Services and is collected weekly. All trash should be bagged and placed inside your gray refuse container which can be set out on the curb the night before your scheduled pickup.
What is the phone number for Republic trash pickup?
For questions and concerns about trash, recycling, or bulk pickup, please call Republic Services at 419-936-2511. Find your trash pickup schedule.
What are the items accepted at drop off in Toledo?
Items accepted at these events include electronic waste, up to 10 tires, document recycling, cardboard, phone books, and newspapers, bulky items and refuse (no air conditioning units, refrigerators/freezers, or large appliances), latex paint ($1/gallon, oil-based paints & stains are not accepted), and household hazardous waste. Donation trailers are also on site to collect houseware goods, clothing, and toys.
Can you bring a truck to Hoffman Road landfill?
Residents will be permitted to bring a truck or trailer load of bulky solid waste items for free disposal to the Hoffman Road Landfill, subject to the terms and conditions stated herein. A current utility bill and valid photo ID will be required to verify proof of residency. Acceptable bulky waste items include excess trash, furniture, carpeting, mattresses, wood waste, scrap metal, etc. No free commercial disposal.
When picking up compost, do you stop on scales?
Always drive over and stop on scales, even when picking up compost or reusable items, and wait for the green light.
Do all loads have to be secure when entering landfills?
Secure your load. All loads must be secure when entering all landfill sites.
Can you throw paint in the garbage?
When disposing of such products, special precautions must be considered. Hazardous waste should never be thrown in the garbage, dumped on land, or poured down the drain or sewer. Careless Disposal of these items can contaminate water, food, soil and air, and is also hazardous to public health.
Is careless disposal of food hazardous?
Careless Disposal of these items can contaminate water, food, soil and air, and is also hazardous to public health. In order to ensure the proper disposal of these products, Household Hazardous Waste Depots have been established across Niagara. The Operation of Landfills is a Region of Niagara responsibility.
Is recycling an intentional practice?
Recycling is becoming an intentional practice for more and more homeowners, businesses and communities. As the country's largest recycler, Waste Management makes recycling in Erie convenient and affordable with a number of recycling drop off locations around the city.
Does Erie have trash pickup?
Erie trash pickup service varies by neighborhood. Some residents within the city limits receive weekly garbage and recycling collection services by the City of Erie's Solid Waste Management Department. Whenever possible, we're happy to provide smart waste solutions for smaller communities such as homeowners associations and property management groups. If your new neighborhood offers a choice for your household trash and recycling service needs, we would love to be your partner when it comes to disposing of the waste everyday life creates.