What is the average salary at Cincinnati Public Schools?
Highest salary at Cincinnati Public Schools in year 2019 was $244,800. Number of employees at Cincinnati Public Schools in year 2019 was 1,352. Average annual salary was $22,175 and median salary was $31. Cincinnati Public Schools average salary is 53 percent lower than USA average and median salary is 100 percent lower than USA median.
What is the role of the Cincinnati Board of Education?
The Cincinnati Board of Education is the governing body for the Cincinnati Public School District.
Is there a National Council of Teacher Quality in Cincinnati?
National Council on Teacher Quality. (2018). Cincinnati Public Schools. Teacher Contract Database. [Data set]. District is operating under an expired contract. State requires collective bargaining by school districts if a majority of teachers vote for union representation.
Does CPS pay for breakfast and lunch?
Breakfast and Lunch are free to all students in 2021-2022 ... CPS' Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides several avenues for students to explore what awaits them after high school ... It's simple — and it's online! Find the resources and information you need to support your child’s success throughout the school year.

How many years of school experience is required to become a public school teacher?
Occasionally directed in several aspects of the work. To be a Public School Teacher typically requires 2 to 4 years of related experience.
What does a Public School Teacher do?
Through mere repetition, our schools, especially our elementary schools, have woven the pledge into the very fabric of our society.
What is the role of a computer science teacher?
Develop lesson plans and instructional materials and provide individualized and small group instruction as necessary to adapt the curriculum to the needs of each pupil based on OAS computer science standards.
Volunteer for CPS!
We are in need of Parent/Caregiver or Partner Volunteers! Found out how ...
CPS Magnet and High School Lottery
CPS has simplified our lottery process! Apply to the Magnet and High School Lottery December 7, 2021–March 11, 2022 ...
Preparing Students for Success
CPS' Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides several avenues for students to explore what awaits them after high school ...