Where can I find the academic calendar for Chicago-Kent College of Law?
The academic calendar for Chicago-Kent College of Law is made available by the Conviser Law Center Registrar's Office at www.kentlaw.iit.edu/current-students/academic-affairs. The academic calendars for future years are made available on our Subsequent Academic Years page.
When will the final exams take place in 2022?
Evening sections of these courses use the regular final exam schedule on this page (not block times); weekend sections will have finals December 9-11, 2022 at scheduled class times. meeting times are not regularly scheduled for the duration of the full term
When is the final exam date for Kent State University?
Kent Campus: Final Exam Schedule (Regional Campus Courses: Contact each regional campus for the final examination schedule for courses offered at that campus.) Published 2/5/21 The final examination period for day and evening classes is Monday, Dec. 13, 2021 through Friday, Dec. 17, 2021.
Is Kent State University closed on Columbus Day?
Columbus Day is a movable state-designated holiday, observed the day after Thanksgiving; no classes are scheduled, and university offices are closed. Kent State may operate on a holiday schedule during the last part of December. When that occurs, information will be communicated to faculty and staff by the Division of Human Resources.

Where to send room requests to kent?
Requests for rooms should be e-mailed by the department scheduler to the Registrar's Office Academic Scheduling Center mailbox at AcadSchedCtr@kent.edu.
When is the block final exam 2021?
No courses, other than those listed, may use a block examination time. Evening sections of these courses use the regular final exam schedule on this page (not block times); weekend sections will have finals December 10-12, 2021 at scheduled class times.
Does Kent State University make changes to the final exam?
Kent State University reserves the right to make adjustments in the Final Exam Schedule.
When will spring classes start in 2022?
Spring 2022 Classes Begin. Feb. 3, 2022. Fall 2021 diplomas mailed to students at their diploma address or permanent address if the diploma address has not been provided. The Fall 2021 Schedule of Classes will be available for viewing on April 12, 2021.
When is the last day to add a class in 2021?
May 13, 2021. OPEN REGISTRATION USING FlashFAST - ALL ELIGIBLE STUDENTS Sept 1, 2021 is the last day to add a full term class or change sections of a class.
When is the last day to add a full term class?
Sept. 1, 2021 is the last day to add a full term class or change sections of a class. Access the View Schedule of Courses in the Student Category / Resources Page / Courses and Registration Section for deadlines for flexibly scheduled courses.
Future Academic Calendars
The academic calendars for future years are made available on our Subsequent Academic Years page. Please note that all future dates are subject to change.
Historical Academic Calendars and Term Dates
For your reference, academic dates for previous semesters are made available on our Registrar Archives page.