Recycling Collection Schedule
- January 2022 Green Week Jan. 1 Orange Week Jan. 2-8 ...
- February 2022 Orange Week Feb. 1-5 Green Week Feb. 6-12 ...
- March 2022 Orange Week Mar. 1-5 Green Week Mar. 6-12 ...
- April 2022 Orange Week Apr. 1-2 Green Week Apr. 3-9 ...
- May 2022 Green Week May 1-7 ...
- June 2022 Green Week Jun. 1-4 ...
- July 2022 Green Week July 1-2 ...
- August 2022 Orange Week Aug. 1-6 ...
- October 2022. Orange Week Oct. Green Week Oct. 2-8. Orange Week Oct. 9-15. Green Week Oct. 16-22. Orange Week Oct. 23-29. ...
- November 2022. Green Week Nov. 1-5. Orange Week Nov. 6-12. Green Week Nov. 13-19. Orange Week Nov. 20-26* ...
- December 2022. Green Week Dec. 1-3. Orange Week Dec. 4-10. Green Week Dec. 11-17. Orange Week Dec. 18-24.
What is the holiday schedule for trash and recycling for 2022?
2022 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE TRASH, RECYCLING & YARD WASTE COLLECTION 2022 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE TRASH, RECYCLING & YARD WASTE COLLECTION As part of the City’s on-going effort to improve service, please review the holiday collection schedule for trash, recycle and yard waste. New Year’s Day (observed)December 31, 2021 Friday
How do I find out my trash pickup schedule?
Most cities have a different schedule for holiday weeks. If your pickup day falls on a holiday, it’s usually picked up the next day. Before to check the city website for your specific pickup schedule. The best place to find a trash pick up job is through the city website where you live.
When should I place my garbage and recycling at the curb?
Place garbage and recycling carts at the curb no later than 6:00 am on your scheduled collection day. Place garbage and recycling carts at the curb no sooner than the day before collection. The cart must be removed from the curb by midnight on the day of collection.

Does the city of Charlotte pick up mattresses?
Items such as household furnishings, appliances, mattresses, box springs, lawn equipment and similar items too large to be placed in the garbage rollout cart and not eligible for recycling or yard waste collection are considered bulky waste and must be scheduled for collection.
How do you get an extra trash can Charlotte NC?
visit curbit.charlottenc.gov or call CharMeck 311. Need a second garbage or recycling cart? Call CharMeck 311 to order a second cart. There is a fee for each additional cart.
Is trash collected on MLK Day in Charlotte NC?
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Solid Waste Services in Charlotte and Concord be operating on a modified schedule Monday. Solid Waste Services in Charlotte will not be collecting trash, recycling, yard waste, or bulk items on Monday.
Can you recycle pizza boxes in Charlotte?
Pizza boxes are now accepted as recyclable in Charlotte, North Carolina. The spokesperson for Charlotte Solid Waste Services, Charita Curtis, said that changes in the way pizza was made and packaged changed, allowing the discarded boxes to now be collected through curbside recycling.
Where can I take construction debris in Charlotte NC?
Loads that are 10 cubic yards or larger must be taken directly to the Foxhole Landfill. The Foxhole Landfill is open Monday thru Fridays : 7 am to 4 pm, and closed Saturdays and Sundays. The landfill is located at 17131 Lancaster Highway. See Mecklenburg County Fee Schedule for pricing.
Is there trash pickup on MLK Day 2022 in Charlotte NC?
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Thanksgiving: Services provided on a one-day delay with Friday customers receiving service on Saturday. Christmas: Collection services WILL be delivered as scheduled during the Christmas holidays. There will be no service delays.
What can be recycled in Greensboro NC?
Recycling is as easy as 1-2-3 in Greensboro! ONLY recycle these items: Paper & cardboard. Metal food and drink cans. Plastic bottles, tubs, and jugs.
Can styrofoam be recycled?
Styrofoam can be recycled, and there are many ways to recycle styrofoam. One way to recycle styrofoam is to use it to make new products. Styrofoam can be used to make new products such as pens, picture frames and egg cartons.
Can greasy cardboard be recycled?
Recycle at home Pizza boxes are usually recyclable, even when stained or greasy as long as they are empty.
Is glass recyclable in Charlotte NC?
Do not put your recycled items in a plastic bag, we simply cannot recycle the bagged items. No Ceramics or glassware such as Pyrex, flower vases, picture frames etc. - (If in good condition, please donate.
Is there US Mail on MLK Day?
Will there be any mail delivery on MLK Day? Not from the U.S. Postal Service. It, too, observes MLK Day as a federal holiday. However, UPS and FedEx will both remain open, so if you're expecting a package, it will likely arrive on time (though weather delays could be a factor this year).
Is there garbage pickup on MLK Day in Miami-Dade?
Waste will not be collected on the following holidays as observed by Miami-Dade County government: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday, Independence Day and Christmas.
Is there trash pickup on Memorial Day in Miami-Dade County?
Waste is collected on all holidays (as observed by Miami-Dade County) except: Martin Luther King, Jr.
When do you have to remove a garbage cart from the curb?
Place garbage and recycling carts at the curb no sooner than the day before collection. The cart must be removed from the curb by midnight on the day of collection.
How often is garbage collected?
Garbage and recycling collection. Garbage is collected once a week on your scheduled collection day. Recyclables are collected every-other-week on the same day as garbage and yard waste collection. To find your collection day and recycling week, visit the GeoPortal system.
What is bulky waste?
Items such as household furnishings, appliances, mattresses, box springs, lawn equipment and similar items too large to be placed in the garbage rollout cart and not eligible for recycling or yard waste collection are considered bulky waste and must be scheduled for collection.
What is solid waste services?
Solid Waste Services provides Charlotte residents with garbage, recycling, yard and bulk waste collection services. We are committed to partnering with the community to ensure a green and sustainable future. Our mission is to remain customer-focused and continually evolve to adopt more convenient, environmentally-friendly solutions to help keep Charlotte clean.
Does a garbage collection service work on Saturday?
During observed holiday weeks, all collection services will operate on a one-day delay with Friday customers receiving service on Saturday.
Do you have to bag garbage before you roll out?
Bag all garbage before placing it in the garbage rollout cart. Do not overfill carts or place garbage items outside of the cart. Items outside the rollout cart will not be collected.
Residential Curbside Service
Information pertaining to residential curbside garbage and recycling services.
Household Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste definitions and what to do if you have household hazardous waste.
Keep Charlotte Beautiful
Information pertaining to the community action and education organization. Volunteer opportunities to improve and beautify Charlotte County.
What is single stream recycling?
This means that all recyclables go into your recycling cart together and do not need to be sorted. Materials are sorted at a single-stream sort ing facility after collection .
What should be in a curby recycler?
Place newspaper, magazines, direct “junk” mail, first class mail, other printing and writing papers, phone books and envelopes loose in Curby Recycler.