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cape cod hydrangea festival schedule 2022

by Rusty Schulist Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Full Answer

What is the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival?

The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival is an annual celebration of the region's blue, pink, and white signature flowers and everything gardens on Cape Cod! This ten-day festival's main attractions are the daily tours of private gardens, each designed and maintained by the individual homeowners and carrying a unique charm.

When do hydrangeas bloom on Cape Cod?

Summers on Cape Cod are accented by the spectacular blue, white, and rose-colored blooms of the region’s hydrangeas. These big, bright, flowers bloom June through September, and the Cape has its very own festival to celebrate! The 2022 Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival will take place from July 8th to July 17th.

How many species of Hydrangeas are there in Cape Cod?

Tour through the grounds to discover more about Heritage's eight species of hydrangeas and over 170 exceptional cultivars. Stroll through the newly expanded North American Hydrangea Test Garden and the Cape Cod Hydrangea Society's superb Display Garden. Hydrangea Festival at Hyannis Country Garden, 380 West Main Street, Hyannis

What is included in the Cape Cod Hydrangea tour?

Participants will have the opportunity to tour the Cape Cod Hydrangea Society Display Garden and the North American Hydrangea Test Garden. Admission to all of Heritage Museums & Gardens will also be included with registration, and each participant will receive a goodie bag and a hydrangea plant to take home.

What is the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival?

How much does a private garden tour cost?


Where is the Cape Cod hydrangea Festival held?

The Hyannis HyArts Artists Shanties at Hyannis' Bismore Park and Harbor Overlook will be blooming with specials and fun activities as a part of Hydrangea Fest!

Where is hydrangea Festival in Massachusetts?

The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival is an annual cape-wide celebration of the region's blue, pink, and white signature flowers and everything gardens on Cape Cod!

Who started the Cape Cod hydrangea Festival?

C.L. FornariThe event runs for 10 days during the month of July (it just wrapped up this past weekend) and spans the island, from Cape Cod Channel to Provincetown. There is an entrance fee of $5 and proceeds are donated to local nonprofits. C.L. Fornari founded the event in 2015.

What type of hydrangea is Nantucket blue?

Hydrangea macrophylla 'GRENANHydrangea macrophylla 'GRENAN'

Where is Cape Cod Massachusetts?

southeastern MassachusettsCape Cod, hooked sandy peninsula of glacial origin encompassing most of Barnstable county, southeastern Massachusetts, U.S. It extends 65 miles (105 km) into the Atlantic Ocean, has a breadth of between 1 and 20 miles (1.6 and 32 km), and is bounded by Cape Cod Bay (north and west), Buzzards Bay (west), and Vineyard ...

Why are hydrangeas so popular in Cape Cod?

Cape Cod and Hydrangeas Although hydrangeas aren't native to Cape Cod, locals experimented with them in the mid-twentieth century, and learned that the flowers grow well here because the area has well-drained soil and more temperate winters than other places.

What fertilizer is best for hydrangeas?

Typically hydrangeas thrive when fed an all-purpose, balanced fertilizer like a 10-10-10 N-P-K or 12-4-8 N-P-K. To increase the size and quantity of hydrangea blooms, consider a fertilizer with more phosphorus.

What type of hydrangea is Seaside Serenade?

This variety is a tetraploid, so you know its long-lasting blooms stand on strong stems even on hot summer days. Seaside Serenade Newport is not just another beautiful hydrangea. This mophead variety features striking flowers that are a deep plum in acidic soils or a vibrant pink in more alkaline soils.

Is Cape Cod in Maine?

Cape Cod is a peninsula extending into the Atlantic Ocean from the southeastern corner of mainland Massachusetts, in the northeastern United States.

What fertilizer is best for hydrangeas?

Typically hydrangeas thrive when fed an all-purpose, balanced fertilizer like a 10-10-10 N-P-K or 12-4-8 N-P-K. To increase the size and quantity of hydrangea blooms, consider a fertilizer with more phosphorus.

When is Hydrangea University 2020?

Friday, July 10, 2020 8:30 am -12:30 pm Hydrangea University, Heritage Museum & Gardens. Hydrangea University will take place on July 10th from 9:00-12:00. This year’s University will be a virtual Zoom experience. We will be using the same format that we have in the past.

When does hydrangea maintenance start?

Workshops and informational talks are scattered throughout the season. Maintenance work in the Display Garden begins in April, 2019 on Wednesdays. Mark your calendar, and sign up for work days at the General Meeting in May, or contact Paula Rushworth at

How many hydrangeas are in the display garden?

The first hydrangeas planted in the Display Garden were generously donated by CCHS members, and the garden has grown to include more than 200 hydrangeas. With the ongoing efforts of CCHS members we have established a fine collection with many difficult to find cultivars. All CCHS members are invited to join the Display Garden Maintenance Team and work together to increase our knowledge and enjoyment of hydrangeas, while caring for the hydrangea collection.

What are the agenda items for the CCHS?

Agenda items will include CCHS Board reports as well as Committee Head introductions with a short synopsis of each of committee's functions focusing on current/upcoming activities. There will also be an opportunity for new member introductions.

Why prune hydrangeas after planting?

The first few years after being planted are the most important for pruning, because it builds the foundation for years to come.

Who designed the Penny Mac hydrangea garden?

Sandra Jones Designing a Year-Round Garden with Hydrangeas Sandra Jonas, garden designer, garden blogger, garden enthusiast will examine some of the best uses of hydrangeas in a garden setting. Sandra is a long time member of the American Hydrangea Society. In fact, she designed the garden of Penny McHenry, the founder of the American Hydrangea Society, for whom the ‘Penny Mac’ hydrangea is named. She will share photos of notable gardens including Penny McHenry’s garden and also that of Margaret Moseley whose garden was frequently included in the annual tour of gardens organized by the American Hydrangea Society in the Atlanta area. Many gardens featuring hydrangeas will be presented and she will focus on the elements that make each garden a success. Sandra will discuss the organizing principles of a garden; that for it truly to be a garden, it must have structure and a narrative. As she says, “Without these organizing principles, one simply has a collection of plants, or chaos.” Her philosophy is that a garden is a refuge, an ongoing work of art to be honed and nurtured. Sandra Jonas is the owner of Recreating Eden Landscape Design. She has been designing noteworthy landscapes for over 20 years, from residential gardens of all types to public parks, cemeteries, and restorations of historic sites. Her garden designs have been profiled as cover stories by Southern Living and Atlanta Magazine’s Home and have been highlighted in the regional lifestyle magazine Oconee Living. The work she did on American Hydrangea Society founder Penny McHenry’s Atlanta garden has been widely photographed, appearing in such notable media outlets as Better Homes & Gardens, Southern Living, and HGTV. A garden she created to complement a stately home designed by noted Southern architect William Frank McCall, Jr. received accolades when the property was chosen to be the LaGrange Symphony Guild’s show house in 2006. An avid plant collector and gardener herself, Sandra has created a sweeping series of gardens around her antebellum home in Hogansville, Georgia. Her own garden, planned for four-season interest, appeared in an extensive photo feature in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Sandra wrote a monthly garden column for 85 South magazine and has also lent her expertise to special projects. Prior to the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, she headed the design team for equestrian competition courses. She also participated in an ambitious verification project at Boston’s Arnold Arboretum, helping to identify the exact genus and species of all plants in the living collections. Sandra holds the Certificate in Landscape Design from Radcliffe College in Cambridge, Massachusetts./p

When is maintenance in the display garden?

Maintenance work in the Display Garden begins in April, 2019 on Wednesdays. Mark your calendar, and sign up for work days at the General Meeting in May, or contact Paula Rushworth at Work sessions are from 9:30-12:00. Dates for 2019: April 3,10,17, 24…..May 1,15, 29….

What is the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival?

The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival is an annual celebration of the region's blue, pink, and white signature flowers and everything gardens on Cape Cod!

How much does a private garden tour cost?

Private garden tours are $5 per person per garden. You can pay cash at each garden on the day of the garden tour. Each garden is open from 10 am to 4 pm unless otherwise specified and only on the days specified. All garden tours are rain or shine and nonrefundable. *** = Different prices apply.

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