When is Cal Day in 2022?
In 2022, Cal Day will be celebrated on Saturday, April 23. The format for the event is still being worked out, and may be followed by a virtual Cal Week. During Cal Day, the College of Engineering hosts potential students and their families, current students, alumni and the general public as part of the campus community’s open house.
How many games does Cal have on its 2022 schedule?
125th Big Game Among Seven Home Contests; Golden Bears Visit Notre Dame For First Matchup With Fighting Irish In 55 Years SAN FRANCISCO – Cal's 2022 football schedule will feature seven home games, highlighted by the 125th Big Game on Nov. 19, plus a trip to Notre Dame to face the Fighting Irish for the first time in 55 years on Sept. 17.
What is cal day and when is it?
It’s called Cal Day, an extravaganza of events that showcase the brilliance and fun of Berkeley. In 2022, Cal Day will be celebrated on Saturday, April 23. The format for the event is still being worked out, and may be followed by a virtual Cal Week.
What is EECS cal day?
EECS students, faculty, and staff host a variety of events on Cal Day to introduce newly admitted students and their families to our community. Cal Day 2022 will be dedicated to registered, newly admitted students and their families only. 2022 Cal Day: Save the Date! Are you interested in attending our events?

What day is Cal Day?
Cal Day 2022 is Saturday, April 23!
Do I need to register for Cal Day?
Cal Day will look and feel different this year. Cal Day will be dedicated to registered, newly admitted students and their families only. With very few exceptions, Cal Day activities will be held outdoors. Vaccination checks will be required for any pre-approved indoor activity.
What do you do on Cal Day?
Attractions include faculty talks, campus tours, music and dance performances, and science and art activities for kids. Admission to all of Berkeley's museums is free, including some facilities that are open to the public only on Cal Day.
Where is Caltopia?
the University of California, BerkeleyCaltopia is a free, two-day college lifestyle festival that takes place annually at the University of California, Berkeley in the Recreational Sports Facility (RSF) and according to the organizers of the event is the largest college lifestyle festival in the United States.
What is Berkeley acceptance rate?
17.5% (2020)University of California, Berkeley / Acceptance rate
What does sir mean in college?
Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) or Admission Acceptance or Enrollment Confirmation procedures have been instituted by CSU campuses and monetary deposits may be required.
Can you take a semester off UC Berkeley?
If you are enrolled in classes and you do not plan on attending that term, you must submit a Withdrawal Request Form in CalCentral > My Dashboard > Add a Withdrawal Request. If you submit your form before the first day of instruction for the term, your request will be processed as a Cancellation.
What time is Caltopia?
10:00a – 4:00pYou are invited to attend Caltopia 2021, hosted by Cal Rec Sports! This year's Caltopia will be a one-day event held at the Recreational Sports Facility from 10:00a – 4:00p, featuring over 60 exhibitors and sponsors aligned with the Cal lifestyle.
What is Cal Week?
During Cal Week, the College of Engineering hosts potential students and their families, current students, alumni and the general public as part of the campus community’s open house. We present scores of events, including demonstrations, lab tours, exhibits and lectures. Whether you want to know about civil engineering or synthetic biology, campus housing or student clubs, you can find it here during Cal Week.
Can you visit Berkeley Engineering without a Cal Day?
Even without Cal Day, you can visit Berkeley Engineering throughout the year, and even take a self-guided walking tour (PDF) of the Berkeley Engineering quadrant.
What is UC Berkeley Gamescrafters?
The UC Berkeley GamesCrafters research and development group explores the fertile area of combinatorial and computational game theory and puzzles (e.g., Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect Four, and Rubik’s Cube). Join us to see this semester’s projects, meet Professor Dan Garcia and the students, and see a demo of our awesome system
What are the first two courses in UC Berkeley?
The first two courses in the UC Berkeley CS curriculum are CS61A and CS61B. These courses are famously intense, awesome, and unique. We will discuss the curriculum, how they differ from similar courses elsewhere, and what it takes to succeed.
What time is Sutardja Dai Hall?
10:00AM-12:00PM, Kvamme Atrium, 3rd floor Sutardja Dai Hall. A Time-Lapse movie captures the multi-year construction of Sutardja Dai Hall, the headquarters for the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society.