SPRING 2022 BULK ITEM PICKUP The 2022 Spring Bulk item pickup will begin on Monday, March 14, 2022, for residents on the west side of Lewisville-Clemmons Road. Bulk item pickup for residents on the east side of Lewisville-Clemmons Road will begin the week of Monday, March 21, 2022. FALL 2022 BULK ITEM PICKUP
Full Answer
What is the Overland Park bulky item pickup program?
In 2022 Overland Park’s bulky item pickup service transitioned from a City-operated program to a trash hauler-provided service. Trash haulers will be required to provide a minimum of one bulky item pickup service each year. Residents can work with their trash hauler to schedule pickup dates and determine which items can be picked up.
What is the bulk item collection event in Prescott?
The City of Prescott will be providing a Bulk Item Collection Event beginning August 29 th to assist residential utility customers with disposal of bulky items that do not fit in their regular trash or recycle container.
What time of Day should I place my bulk items out?
A. Place your bulk items out no earlier than the Saturday before your collection week and no later than 5 AM on Monday of your collection week. Q. What items do you pick up for bulk trash? A. Visit our bulk trash page for a full list of items we collect. Please only place the items on this list out for pickup. Q.
What is bulky item pickup?
Bulky Item Pickup Each year the city provides a bulky item pickup for items not picked up by curbside trash removal service. Bulky Item Pickup serves half of the City each year, with Antioch as the dividing line. This program serves single through four-plex households with individual trash service.
What is bulk items in Baltimore County?
What is a reuse directory?
Does Baltimore County have bulk collection?
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How do I dispose of a couch in NYC?
You can make a free appointment for CFC removal at nyc.gov/cfc. Furniture that is not mostly metal or rigid plastic can be donated or sold if in good condition. Otherwise, discard as trash on your regular collection day.
Can you leave furniture on the curb NYC?
The Basics All large furniture items that can be collected — to recycling to trash — must be placed in a designated area (typically a curb or alley) and not on private property or the city's Department of Sanitation cannot collect your items.
How do you throw out large items in NYC?
Place your bulk items curbside between 4 PM and midnight the night before your collection day. Put metal and rigid plastic items out the night before your recycling collection day. Put non-recyclable items out the night before your trash collection day.
Does NYC sanitation pick up furniture?
NON-RECYCLABLE ITEMS Put oversized (larger than 4ft. x 3ft.), non-recyclable items like sofas and wooden furniture out after 4pm the night before your LAST garbage collection day of the week. DSNY will collect these items by Saturday. debris in Brooklyn • mattresses and Queens.
How do I dispose of furniture for free in nyc?
To Dispose of Your Furniture: Department of Sanitation If you don't want to take the time to try and sell or donate your furniture, New Yorkers have the free and somewhat convenient option of leaving large items on the curb for the city's Department of Sanitation to pick up.
How do I get rid of a mattress near me?
Both The Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity have multiple locations at which you can drop your old mattress for donation. Take a look at their websites to find a location near you. Or try out Donation Town to schedule a pick-up or find a local charity within your town.
Where can I dispose of furniture in nyc?
Need to get rid of furniture? If it's 4x3 feet or bigger, make a bulk pickup appointment here: nyc.gov/bulk or by calling 311. If smaller, than set it out with your regular garbage. 2:01 PM · Apr 8, 2020 ·Hootsuite Inc.
Does nyc sanitation pick up appliances?
We provide free curbside removal of appliances containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) gas, such as refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, water coolers or dehumidifiers. Before any appliance containing CFCs is discarded, callers must make an appointment with us to remove the CFCs and tag the appliance.
How many garbage bags can I put out nyc?
There is no limit to the number of bags you can put out for collection. You can't remove items, materials, or bags that other residents have placed out for pickup. Only authorized employees or agents of the Department of Sanitation may collect them.
How do you dispose of wood furniture in nyc?
To dispose of residential wood debris, you must:Securely tie it in bales no more than two feet high and four feet long.Use twine or rope to tie up the bundles of wood. ... Remove any nails from the wood.Place the bundles out curbside between 4 PM and midnight the day before your trash day.
How do you recycle old furniture?
Donate the item. There are several websites, such as Freecycle, that allow you to list unwanted items that people can collect from you if they are interested. You can also ask a store like Goodwill or Salvation Army to pick it up, or you can take it to their store location and drop it off.
Can I throw away a microwave in nyc?
FACT: Microwaves are considered appliances, not electronic waste. You should donate or sell it if it's in working condition, otherwise, place at the curb with your recycling.
Can you put a mattress on the street in nyc?
In its mission to keep them from spreading, people are fined for improperly disposing of mattresses and box springs. To avoid a $100 fine, you must seal your mattress and/or box springs in a plastic cover or bag, before you put it on the curb for collection.
How do I dispose of a TV in nyc?
You can drop off electronics during regular business hours at places such as Goodwill, The Lower East Side Ecology Center's Gowanus E-Waste Warehouse, Salvation Army, Best Buy, and Staples (no TVs).
How many garbage bags can I put out nyc?
There is no limit to the number of bags you can put out for collection. You can't remove items, materials, or bags that other residents have placed out for pickup. Only authorized employees or agents of the Department of Sanitation may collect them.
Collection Set-Out Guide - Baltimore County
To ensure collection of your materials, make sure you follow trash, single stream recycling and yard materials regulations. In all cases, please place the material at its designated curbside or alley collection point after 6 p.m. on the night before scheduled collection.
Collection Connection - Baltimore County
Current Operating Status: Operating. Trash, recycling and yard material collections are running normally; please follow your regularly-scheduled collection days for all materials (including the usual holiday schedule).Residents are reminded that each of the six collection holidays throughout the year now follow a "slide" make-up schedule. ...
Trash, Recycling, Water | City of Baltimore
Bulk trash collection must be scheduled via 311 and must be scheduled at least 4 business days prior to pickup (not including holidays). The number of pickups scheduled per day is limited to approximately 600.
Bulk Trash | Baltimore City Department of Public Works
City Hall - Room 250 100 N. Holliday St, Baltimore, MD 21202 City Operator: (410) 396-3100
Mayor, DPW Announce Resumption of Bulk Trash, White Goods Collections
BALTIMORE, MD (Wednesday, September 15, 2021) — Today, Mayor Brandon M. Scott and Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Jason W. Mitchell announced that bulk trash and white goods collection services for residents will resume on Saturday, October 2, 2021, with a modified schedule.. Collections will occur on Saturdays from 7 a.m. - 3 p.m., with services focused on a ...
What is bulk items in Baltimore County?
Some items—including mattresses, furniture, and appliances —are too large to be accepted for regular curbside collection in Baltimore County. These are known as bulk items.
What is a reuse directory?
You may also wish to consider donating any usable items. The Reuse Directory (PDF) is a guide to organizations that accept a broad range of donated items including app liances (large and small), beds, building materials, furniture, rugs and more.
Does Baltimore County have bulk collection?
These are known as bulk items. Baltimore County does not provide bulk item collection service. Private bulk item collectors can be found in the Greater Baltimore Yellow Pages under the "Rubbish & Garbage Removal" section. Since there are several different versions of phone directories you may also want to search "Bulk Hauling," "Garbage ...
What is bulk items in Baltimore County?
Some items—including mattresses, furniture, and appliances —are too large to be accepted for regular curbside collection in Baltimore County. These are known as bulk items.
What is a reuse directory?
You may also wish to consider donating any usable items. The Reuse Directory (PDF) is a guide to organizations that accept a broad range of donated items including app liances (large and small), beds, building materials, furniture, rugs and more.
Does Baltimore County have bulk collection?
These are known as bulk items. Baltimore County does not provide bulk item collection service. Private bulk item collectors can be found in the Greater Baltimore Yellow Pages under the "Rubbish & Garbage Removal" section. Since there are several different versions of phone directories you may also want to search "Bulk Hauling," "Garbage ...

Set-Out Instructions
- Bulk items should be set out after 6 p.m. on the night before scheduled collection. Residents should set out items at the same location where trash and recycling are normally placed for collection. In the event of inclement weather, check for collection updatesfrom Baltimore County. If a collection is canceled, make-up collections will usually occu...
Accepted Bulk Items
- Accepted items include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Residential appliances (such as washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves and water heaters) 2. Household furniture (such as tables, chairs, sofas, entertainment centers and mattresses) 3. Household items that are not normally accepted for weekly trash collection (such as mops, brooms, sewing machines and game tables…
- Some items are not accepted in the County’s residential bulk collection program. These include: 1. Pianos 2. Boats 3. Pool tables 4. Cast iron furnaces 5. Concrete sinks 6. Compressed gas tanks (or any pressure vessels) 7. Drums, fuel and oil tanks 8. Mirrors and plate glass 9. Stumps and logs 10. Tires 11. Items containing liquids 12. Any large item that is not disassembled 13. Munic…
Other Options For Bulk Item Disposal
- Private bulk item collectors can be found in the Greater Baltimore yellow pages under the "rubbish and garbage removal" section. Since there are several different versions of phone directories you may also want to search "bulk hauling," "garbage collection," "trash," etc. County residents may take bulk items to all three Baltimore County drop-off facilities, at no charge. Please note that th…