The 2022 Condo/Multifamily pickup dates are as follows:
- 02/03/22 - 02/05/22
- 05/05/22 - 05/7/22
- 08/04/22 - 08/06/22
- 11/03/22 - 11/05/22
The 2022 Condo/Multifamily pickup dates are as follows:
- 02/03/22 - 02/05/22.
- 05/05/22 - 05/7/22.
- 08/04/22 - 08/06/22.
- 11/03/22 - 11/05/22.
Where can I dispose of solid waste in Broward County?
Davie residents can utilize any of Broward County’s RDOC. The closest location is the Central Drop-off Center located at 5490 Reese Road, Davie, FL 33314. The site is open weekly every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The municipal solid waste changes do not impact the services being offered by the County.
When will my new bulk collection date be?
The date of your new bulk collection depends on whether you live in the designated West, Central or East map zone (see links below). Each zone has a designated week. Please note that single-family bulk collection is one day per month. The Condo/Multifamily schedule is located on both maps. Single-family bulk collection is one day per month.
When will my garbage and recycling collection schedule change?
Mark your calendars! Your garbage, recycling and bulk waste collection schedule has changed effective June 1, 2020. Your boundaries have also changed. Please reference the information below for your schedule and area map for more details. Bulk Collection Days
What happened to the bulk recycling collection schedule for waste management?
Waste Management now collects your recyclables. The current schedule will continue and if you have any questions, please call us at 954-615-4050. In order to provide you the highest level of service, Waste Management has made changes to the bulk collection schedule.
How long should you wait to collect bulk trash?
Where to not place bulk items?
What can't a hauler pick up?
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Garbage, Recycling, and Bulk Waste Collection Schedule for BMSD, June 1 ...
F L 0 R IDA Solid Waste and Recycling Services YES -your collection days have changed! Check your NEW schedule below for your garbage, recycling and bulk waste collection days.
City of fort LauderdaLe - BuLk trash PiCkuP
1st Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 2nd Monday 2nd Wednesday 2nd Monday 1st Monday 1st Monday 1st Wednesday 2nd Thursday 2nd Thursday 2nd Monday 1st Thursday 2nd ...
Unincorporated Residential Collection Schedule - Broward County, Florida
Mark your calendars! Your garbage, recycling and bulk waste collection schedule has changed effective June 1, 2020. Your boundaries have also changed.
Bulk Pickup Guidelines & Schedules | City of Plantation, Florida
City Administration would like to remind residents of Bulk Pick-up guidelines, listed below. Bulk waste includes but is not limited to appliances, furniture, mattresses, carpets, carpet padding, yard waste and other bulky materials generated from the ordinary housekeeping operation of a residence, items too large to fit into a blue solid waste bag or roll-out cart.
Residential Curbside Pick-Up | City of Fort Lauderdale, FL
The City of Fort Lauderdale provides four types of curbside solid waste services: garbage, recycling, yard waste and bulk waste. Garbage is collected twice per week, recycling and yard waste are picked up once per week, and bulk trash is collected monthly.
How long is bulk collection for single family?
Single-family bulk collection is one day per month. The Condo/Multifamily pickup dates are as follows:
Where should bulk piles be placed?
Bulk piles should be placed in a location that facilitates safe collection - away from cars, mailboxes, trees, and overhead wires.
Does municipal solid waste change affect the county?
The municipal solid waste changes do not impact the services being offered by the County.
What is the town of Davie's solid waste provider?
The Town of Davie's Solid Waste provider is Coastal Waste & Recycling! Effective as of June 1, 2021, this transition affects garbage, recycling, bulk, commercial, construction and demolition services
Where is the Davie trash disposal facility?
Davie residents must dispose of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW), electronics recycling, residential bulk trash and yard waste at any of the County’s drop-off centers including the facility located at 5490 Reese Road.
What is commercial recovered material?
Commercial recovered material services are available to businesses in the Town that produces a mix of solid waste and recyclable waste (paper, plastic, glass, metal, rubber, and textile). These items must be separated and disposed of in separate containers (dumpsters). It is the responsibility of both the business owner and the hauler to ensure that solid waste materials are not included with recyclable materials. While the solid waste must be hauled exclusively by Coastal Waste & Recycling, a business must contract with the approved Town Registered Hauler for the removal of recovered materials.
Is Pine Island Park recycling available in 2021?
IMPORTANT UPDATE: The residential recycling drop-off at Pine Island Park/Bamford Sports Complex is no longer available.
When will waste management stop providing garbage services?
In observance of Christmas Day, December 25, 2021, Waste Management will not be providing Garbage, Recycling, or Bulk Services.
How to contact Waste Management 2021?
Your 2021 Multi-Family Bulk Garbage Collection schedule is below. If you have any questions, please contact Waste Management at 954-615-4050.
What items are NOT considered bulk material and will not be collected?
1. Bulk waste piles containing construction and demolition debris including steel, glass, pipe, brick, concrete, gypsum wallboard, lumber, etc.
How many times a week does Waste Management collect trash?
Waste Management will collect trash two times per week using the same collection schedule. Residents will continue to use their 96-gallon garbage cart on the same days carts are currently being serviced.
What is the phone number for Waste Management?
Waste Management now collects your recyclables. The current schedule will continue and if you have any questions, please call us at 954-615-4050.
How long should you wait to collect bulk trash?
Bulk waste items should be placed curbside in an orderly manner. Do not place bulk waste items out for collection more than 24 hours prior to the collection day. Bulk waste items should not remain more than 12 hours after scheduled collection. Do not place bulk items on public streets or unpaved right-of-ways.
Where to not place bulk items?
Do not place bulk items on public streets or unpaved right-of-ways. Unacceptable items will not be moved to reach acceptable items. Items for collection must not be placed next to a mailbox, fire hydrant, cable box, utility pole or close to a fence or vehicle.
What can't a hauler pick up?
Haulers will not pick up the following: Construction, remodeling, and demolition debris, including concrete materials and bricks or brickwork. Excessive matter or debris resulting from land clearing and/or land development. Materials/waste from commercial operations, including lawn/yard services.