2022 Performances:
- Sept. 21, 23-25
- Nov. 2, 4-6, 9, 11-13
Full Answer
Award winning rock & roll band from Venice, Fl.Featuring lead singer Butch Gerace formally of the world famous MGM Recording Group Sam the Sham & The Pharaohs with Block buster hits Wooly Bully, and Lil' Red Riding Hood
Love this band. SO much fun!! - An Eventective User from Rotunda West Florida
Why is Bandanna Day celebrated?
They organize a yearly Bandanna Day to raise awareness and encourage support for young people living with cancer.
Where did the bandanna come from?
People believe the word ‘bandanna’ comes from the Hindi word ‘Badhnati’ or ‘Badnahati,’ which means ‘to tie.’ Its history begins in South Asia and the Middle East, in the late 17th century. With an increase in trade with the Far East by the 18th century, the bandanna came to the West and took off. The Dutch East India Company imported cashmere bandannas, which were a huge hit with the women. More demand raised the prices until only the upper classes could afford them. Soon, England and Scotland got into the business, producing their own shawl-like bandannas. When they reached Portugal, they were renamed ‘bandannoe,’ before finally coming to be known as ‘bandanna.’ The patterns also changed over the years with each culture and country it was introduced into.
What is the meaning of black bandannas?
Black bandannas are associated with gangs like Black Gangster Disciples, Vice Lords, Latin Kings, and 18th Street, who also wear other colors or combinations of bandannas, as a symbol of membership.
Why do people wear white bandannas?
In 2017, The Business of Fashion encouraged the fashion industry to wear a white bandanna to celebrate the common bonds of humanity regardless of race, sexuality, gender, or religion; this campaign was a resounding success.
Why did the bandanna come to America?
As for America, they became enamored with the bandanna because of George Washington’s wife, Martha . At an accidental meeting with revolutionary printmaker, John Hewson, Martha showed him drawings of militia flags and cannons, hoping he could print them. The next year, the Washingtons received an unexpected parcel from Hewson. In it was a picture of General Washington on horseback, printed on fabric. Thus, the bandanna came to American colonies. Since then, the bandanna has been used for political causes, and later, a multitude of social and personal causes, including as a visual symbol for many cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.