How many banana ball world tour games are there in 2023?
On Tuesday night, the organization revealed its 2023 Banana Ball World Tour schedule with 70 games in 33 cities in 20 states across the country — including 30 games in Savannah between Feb. 17 and Sept. 16. "We're coast to coast," said team owner Jesse Cole on Tuesday, acknowledging the national tour isn't worldwide quite yet.
When does the banana ball season start in Florida?
It all begins Feb. 17, when they take their talents to West Palm Beach, Fla. The Banana Ball season will run through the waning days of summer, culminating on Sept. 23 in Cooperstown, N.Y. — home of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.
How do you play Banana ball?
Banana Ball plays on a baseball diamond with nine fielders and a nine-person lineup, just like baseball. But the rules are significantly tweaked. Teams are trying to win each inning. The first team to five points (five inning wins) wins the game.
A look at the road schedule
Jackie Robinson Ballpark is home to the Daytona Tortugas, a minor-league affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds. The ballpark was built in 1914 and is famous for its namesake, Jackie Robinson, who played at the stadium in 1946 after recently signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Get to know Banana Ball
In addition to the cast of characters, dancers, performers, mascots and musicians, the Bananas are bringing their own twist on the traditional baseball format to the world tour. Banana Ball has rules to increase the pace of the game and create more action and drama.