Is there trash pickup in Baltimore County today?
Trash, recycling and yard material collections are running normally; please follow your regularly-scheduled collection days for all materials (including the usual holiday schedule).
Is there a bulk trash pickup for Baltimore County?
Baltimore County has launched a residential bulk item collection program. Each single-family home and town home located within Baltimore County boundaries will have two scheduled bulk collections in 2022, with a limit of three bulk items per collection.
How do I throw out a couch in Baltimore?
Bulk items are furniture, appliances, and up to 4 tires with the rims removed. All items must be clearly marked "bulk collection," and placed at the same location as regular trash pickup. Residents with a rear pickup should leave items at the end of the yard and leave the gate unlocked.
How many trash bags can I put out in Baltimore County?
Paper bags will be limited to five per person and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. The County will accept larger weight and capacity limits for trash and recycling containers (up to 45 pounds and 45 gallon cans) as well as the ability to use containers compatible with mechanical cart tippers.
How do I get rid of my couch near me?
You have a few options when it comes to old furniture pick up:Check with your city and see if they offer free pick up for large items. ... Sell or give your old furniture away for free and have the buyer pick it up from your home.Donate it to a local charity. ... Haul it yourself to the dump.More items...
What is not recyclable in Baltimore County?
Unacceptable ItemsAntifreeze containers.Motor oil containers.Plastic bags.Foam packaging.Foam/clam-shell containers.
Who will pick up donations for free near Owings Mills MD?
Pick Up Please offers free donation pick up service in Maryland. Click here to get started scheduling a pickup online. We will send a truck to your house — often within 24 hours if you like.
How do I get rid of tree branches near me?
Here are some options on how you can dispose of your yard waste:Check to see if your trash pickup service offers yard waste collection.Rent a dumpster for the day.Hire a junk removal company to do the heavy lifting for you.Recycle your yard waste at home.If legal, burn your green waste on your property.
Where can I donate a TV in Baltimore?
The Salvation Army of Greater Baltimore: Donate Clothes, Appliances, Household Items, Furniture, Cars, and More.
Does Baltimore County give free trash cans?
Residents are not charged for the cans, but are expected to place their trash into bags before putting the trash in the cans.
What is blue trash can for?
Blue Container: Allows for traditional recyclables, such as bottles, cans, and plastic, and organic waste such as paper and cardboard. Gray Container : Limited to waste that is not organic or recyclable.
How many times can you go to Baltimore County dump?
A resident who is not a small hauler is limited to no more than two (2) loads per day and no more than five (5) loads per week. This limit will be strictly enforced.
How do you dispose of cooking oil in Baltimore County?
A: A household hazardous waste collection site is located at the Central Acceptance Facility. Baltimore County residents may drop off unwanted household chemicals, paints, pesticides, cooking oil and automotive fluids for recycling or proper disposal.
What county is Baltimore?
Baltimore County is situated in the geographic center of Maryland, surrounding Baltimore City almost entirely. Baltimore City and Baltimore County are separate political units. Baltimore County is the third-most populous county in Maryland, with a population of 828,431 in 2018.
Current Operating Status
Due to inclement weather on February 14, trash and recycling collections are running behind during the week, and there may be delays in scheduled pickups. Please follow your regularly-scheduled collection days for all materials and crews will make collections where and when conditions permit. Leave materials out until collection occurs.
Baltimore City Collection?
The forms and information on this page apply to Baltimore County properties only! Baltimore City is not part of Baltimore County. For information about collection in Baltimore City, please call 443-263-2220.