Is recycling suspended in Baltimore County?
Severe Weather Status: Trash and Recycling Trash, recycling and yard material collections are running normally; please follow your regularly-scheduled collection days for all materials (including the usual holiday schedule).
What is not recyclable in Baltimore County?
rigid plastics (such as buckets, drinking cups and flower pots) empty aerosol cans. aluminum foil and pie pans. milk and juice cartons or boxes.
Does Baltimore County accept Styrofoam for recycling?
Baltimore City has single stream recycling that accepts some plastics (see the regulations and find your curbside pickup day HERE). Other plastics, like polystyrene (Styrofoam), need to be taken to a special recycling facility in the city.
What items are recyclable in Baltimore County?
Acceptable ItemsMost paper, paperboard and cardboard."Clean" parts of pizza boxes.Juice boxes.Milk cartons.
Can Styrofoam be recycled?
Styrofoam can be recycled, and there are many ways to recycle styrofoam. One way to recycle styrofoam is to use it to make new products. Styrofoam can be used to make new products such as pens, picture frames and egg cartons.
Is aluminum foil recyclable in Maryland?
No shredded paper!) Aluminum foil. Any container that is not empty.
Is bubble wrap recyclable in Maryland?
Bubble wrap and air pillows are also accepted for recycling at plastic bag and film drop-offs. Can plastic bags, film, and wrap go in my curbside recycling bin?
Does foil recycle?
Aluminium foil is found on lots of packaging and, just like your food and drink cans and aerosols, it's recyclable and can also be put out for collection.
Can you recycle pizza boxes Baltimore City?
Non-metallic wrapping paper. Clean pizza boxes (not soiled with grease) Food and beverage cartons (e.g. milk, juice, or stock) Shredded paper (contained in paper bag or cardboard box)
Are books recyclable in Baltimore County?
Newspaper, white paper, mixed paper, cardboard, and telephone books can be recycled. White paper is the most valuable because of its quality and versatility. The process for creating new products from recycled paper is simple.
Are glass bottles recyclable in Maryland?
a) All containers must be clean. Pour out all liquids and wipe or rinse out all food containers. b) Separate containers into 3 color groups: clear, brown, and all other colors....Preparation Instructions:Where is material accepted?CurbsideYESBulk Pickup RequiredNORecycling CentersYESLandfillNO2 more rows
Does Baltimore County recycle glass?
Through 10-year Agreement, County will Provide Glass to be Recycled as New Glass Containers.
Are books recyclable in Baltimore County?
Newspaper, white paper, mixed paper, cardboard, and telephone books can be recycled. White paper is the most valuable because of its quality and versatility. The process for creating new products from recycled paper is simple.
Does Baltimore County recycle glass?
Through 10-year Agreement, County will Provide Glass to be Recycled as New Glass Containers.
Can Styrofoam be recycled Maryland?
Description: Although Styrofoam can be recycled, it is currently not accepted within the County's recycling program. Styrofoam is a very light material and because of this it tends to contaminate other recyclables when collected in a mixed stream.
What numbers are recyclable in MD?
Place plastic containers with resin identification numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 (loose) into your recycling cart/bin. Numbers 4 and 6 are NOT accepted. Number 4 - Plastic bags are NOT accepted in curbside recycling and yard trim/food scrap collections.
Drop-Off Facility Locations
County residents may also take their single stream recyclables to one of our three drop-off facilities.
Types of Materials
Below are the basic five categories of materials accepted in Baltimore County’s single stream recycling program. By focusing on these common and often valuable materials, you're helping the environment and the County's bottom line.
Current Operating Status
Due to inclement weather on February 14, trash and recycling collections are running behind during the week, and there may be delays in scheduled pickups. Please follow your regularly-scheduled collection days for all materials and crews will make collections where and when conditions permit. Leave materials out until collection occurs.
Baltimore City Collection?
The forms and information on this page apply to Baltimore County properties only! Baltimore City is not part of Baltimore County. For information about collection in Baltimore City, please call 443-263-2220.
How many gallons of water can you put in a recycling container?
Must not have a maximum capacity of more than 34 gallons.
Does Baltimore County have recycling containers?
Notice: Baltimore County does not replace cracked trash or recycling containers. Plastic develops cracks from normal wear and tear and exposure to cold temperatures. You can minimize cracking with these simple steps: Look for containers made of HDPE (number two) plastic, which is stronger than other types of plastic.
Can you recycle plastic bags in Baltimore County?
Even if plastic bags are marketed as "recycling bags," "recyclable," or "compostable," they are not acceptable containers for recycling in Baltimore Count y.
Why is recycling important in Baltimore?
When you recycle, it helps to protect Baltimore City's environment and our region by reducing trash, preventing pollution, decreasing emissions of greenhouse gases which affect our climate and reduces the number of items that are dumped into our landfills or would need to be incinerated.
When is Maryland hazardous waste collection 2021?
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Schedule for 2021: April 9 and 10 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) August 6 and 7 (9 a.m. to 7 p.m.)
How many bags of yard waste does DPW collect?
DPW will only collect up to 5 bags/bundles of yard waste from your residence each week.
What do you need to drop off in Baltimore?
Baltimore City Residents must show proof of city residency, e.g. a driver's license, telephone bill, or tax bill before they can drop off any item at the Drop-Off Center.
Can you drop off hazardous waste at a commercial facility?
Businesses and commercial users are not permitted to drop their household hazardous waste at this facility and should contact a private vendor for disposal. Commercial vehicles are also not allowed at this facility.
How to get a copy of Baltimore County collection schedule?
Your Baltimore County collection schedule is available online, or call 410-887-2000 for a copy.
Can you blow leaves in Baltimore County?
Do not rake or blow leaves (or other yard materials) into the public street. It is a violation of County Code Section 18-3-109 to place leaves, grass or other debris into a County street or in storm drains. Such unlawful acts may result in fines being issued. Revised June 11, 2020. A new website for Baltimore County.
Can you collect trash year round?
If there are no Y s on your schedule, yard materials will be collected with trash year-round. See Bureau of Solid Waste Management collection collection regulations for specific set-out procedures.