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When is the last day to drop off recycling?
How many drop off centers are there in DPW?
Can you call 311 for recycling?
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Trash, Recycling, Water | City of Baltimore
Bulk trash collection must be scheduled via 311 and must be scheduled at least 4 business days prior to pickup (not including holidays). The number of pickups scheduled per day is limited to approximately 600.
Find Your Trash and Recycling Collection Schedule | dpw
Most households follow a once-a-week trash collection schedule. Use our Trash and Recycling Collection Day App to find your collection day(s).. Please Note: If a resident living in a building with more than 3 residential units enters their address, clicking the button will return a trash day, but that does not supercede the City policy for residential trash collection.
Collection Schedule - Baltimore County
Holiday Collection Schedule. All trash, recycling and yard material curbside collections scheduled on or after the holidays listed below will shift and be made one day later that week.
Solid Waste Management - Baltimore County
The Baltimore County Bureau of Solid Waste Management is responsible for the collection and disposal of solid waste; the promotion of waste prevention, recycling and resource recovery; and the monitoring and maintenance of disposal sites, including the Eastern Sanitary Landfill, in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations.
How many days prior to pickup for bulk trash?
How can I get bulk trash collected? Bulk trash collection must be scheduled via 311 and must be scheduled at least 4 business days prior to pickup (not including holidays). The number of pickups scheduled per day is limited to approximately 600.
Why can't we remove trees in Baltimore?
We will NOT remove a tree because it conflicts with a sidewalk. The city of Baltimore has invested much time and energy into allowing a tree to grow to full maturity. Large trees provide many benefits to the citizens of Baltimore.
How to control rats in Baltimore?
Rats can cause property damage and affect a community's image. Good sanitation practices are the best ways to control the rat population. Key steps toward rat elimination include removing sources of food, water, and shelter. Crucial to rat prevention is storing trash in tightly covered trash containers. For added assistance, request Baltimore City Rat Rub Out services. Call 311 or go to 311 Online.
How long does a DPW crew work?
DPW crews work 24 hours a day to ensure that water service reaches your home or business. When water main breaks occur, repair times vary depending on the underground infrastructure. Information about water main breaks that affect a large number of customers will be posted on our Twitter and Facebook pages.
What is the phone number for water in Baltimore?
Baltimore City customers can call 311 and Baltimore County customers can call 410-396-5352 for information and assistance. Always keep bottled water on hand for such emergencies.
How to contact DPW?
Call DPW Customer Support and Services at 410-396-5398. You can also visit our web site and select the "Customer Care" tab at the top of the page for helpful information about water and wastewater billing. Clean Water Baltimore. City agency. Public Works.
How many street trees are there in Baltimore?
There are approximately 200,000 street trees in Baltimore City. Regular maintenance includes pruning, watering, mulching and removal when a tree is dead.
When is Maryland hazardous waste collection 2021?
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Schedule for 2021: April 9 and 10 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) August 6 and 7 (9 a.m. to 7 p.m.)
What do you need to drop off in Baltimore?
Baltimore City Residents must show proof of city residency, e.g. a driver's license, telephone bill, or tax bill before they can drop off any item at the Drop-Off Center.
How many bags of yard waste does DPW collect?
DPW will only collect up to 5 bags/bundles of yard waste from your residence each week.
What is household hazardous waste?
Household hazardous waste is anything that can typically be found on a grocery or home improvement store shelf such as bleach, ammonia, batteries, paint, etc. The access to these materials is relatively easy, but disposing of them incorrectly can be hazardous to us and the environment.
Why is recycling important in Baltimore?
When you recycle, it helps to protect Baltimore City's environment and our region by reducing trash, preventing pollution, decreasing emissions of greenhouse gases which affect our climate and reduces the number of items that are dumped into our landfills or would need to be incinerated.
Can you drop off hazardous waste at a commercial facility?
Businesses and commercial users are not permitted to drop their household hazardous waste at this facility and should contact a private vendor for disposal. Commercial vehicles are also not allowed at this facility.
What time does Baltimore City collect?
Collections will occur on Saturdays from 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. with services focused on a different sector of Baltimore City each week.
How to contact the City of Baltimore?
Resident concerns should be directed to (410) 396-4804 or CouncilPresident@BaltimoreCity.gov.
Why are masks required in Baltimore?
To that end, masks are required inside all City buildings to protect the health and safety of our workforce and our residents.
When will the City Schools resume in 2021?
City Schools will resume in-person learning for all students in all grades on Monday, August 30, 2021.
Where to send testimony in Baltimore?
Legislative testimony, information requests, and questions may be sent to Testimony@BaltimoreCity.gov. Sign up to testify at City Council hearings at this link: Testify Before the Baltimore City Council
Is the Baltimore Visitor Center open?
The Baltimore Visitor Center is currently closed to the public.
Does Baltimore City Visitation Center accept referrals?
The Baltimore City Visitation Center (BCVC) has resumed in-person supervised visitation and monitored exchange services and will accept referrals for cases involving intimate partner violence, stalking, dating violence and/or child sexual abuse.
How many items can Baltimoreans collect?
Every month, Baltimoreans can place up to three items out for collection. One day per month is set aside for this collection. All citizens have to do is call 311 and tell us:
What is bulk trash?
What is bulk? Bulk items are furniture, appliances and up to 4 tires with the rims removed. All items must be clearly marked "bulk collection," and placed at the same location as regular trash pickup. Residents with a rear pickup should leave items at the end of the yard and leave the gate unlocked.
What is the phone number for Solid Waste?
For all Solid Waste concerns, please call 311 or access 311 online.
When is the last day to drop off recycling?
The last day for residents to drop off recycling at a Community Collection Center was Saturday, February 13. Residents are reminded not to leave recycling at any of these now closed Community Collection Centers. Items left at these locations will be considered illegal dumping.
How many drop off centers are there in DPW?
When impacted by collection delays, residents are encouraged to use one of DPW’s five Citizens’ Drop-Off Centers.
Can you call 311 for recycling?
Residents can call 311 to check their recycling day or visit DPW ’s online Recycling Day Map. Residents can call 311 for updates on delayed routes/ neighborhoods. Recycling will no longer be collected on trash collection day. Recycling can be set out for collection in any type container – just no plastic bags!