When is trash collected curbside at Austin Resource Recovery?
Help protect the health and safety of Austin Resource Recovery staff; please remember to bag and tie all trash to keep it contained. Trash is collected curbside every week. Use the My Schedule tool to get a personalized collection calendar for all residential curbside services.
How do I recycle in Austin?
Visit the Austin Reuse Directory to find a local organization that will accept these items for reuse. (All cardboard boxes should be broken down into roughly 2'x2' squares. Use the lid of your recycling cart as a size guide.) Place your recycling cart at the curb by 6:30 a.m. on your collection day.
What do I do if I Miss trash collection in Austin?
Call Austin Resource Recovery at 3-1-1 or send us an e-mail within two days of the missed collection. We will come by to pick up the missed material as soon as possible. On-call trash collection service can be scheduled for a fee of $15.75 (this price decreased, effective October 1, 2021).
What is Austin Resource Recovery doing with bulk collection?
Austin Resource Recovery is working on plans to salvage reusable items from bulk collection to help meet the City of Austin's Zero Waste goal Because these piles are collected by different trucks, they may be collected at different times throughout the week.
What is Austin Resource Recovery?
When to put your recycling cart at the curb?
What are tanglers in recycling carts?
Do local stores accept recycling?
Does the Blue Cart have extra recycling?
About this website

What is Austin Resource Recovery?
Austin Resource Recovery provides curbside collection of recycling to single-family households up to four-plexes in Austin. Place mixed paper, plastic, metal and glass directly in your blue recycling cart – no sorting required!
When to put your recycling cart at the curb?
Place your recycling cart at the curb by 6:30 a.m. on your collection day.
What are tanglers in recycling carts?
Tanglers are items such as plastic bags, trash bags, garden hoses, rope, strings of lights and other long, flexible materials which get tangled in the gears of the recycling sorting facilities, jamming the machinery and disrupting operations. Help us Untangle ATX by keeping these items out of your blue recycling carts.
Do local stores accept recycling?
Some local retailers and stores accept these items for recycling— check our What Do I Do With tool to find a location near you.
Does the Blue Cart have extra recycling?
Extra recycling is collected at no extra charge. Extra recycling that does not fit into your blue cart with the lid closed should be placed next to your cart in a reusable container or a cardboard box no larger than your cart (use the lid of your recycling cart as a size guide). If you would like to request an additional blue cart, free of charge, call 512-494-9400.
Where to dispose of bulk items in Austin?
To schedule a bulk pick-up, call 512-282-3508. If you wish to dispose of bulk items, you may use the City of Austin Landfill located at 10108 FM 812. The hours …
What holidays does Waste Management work on?
Residential Holiday Schedule. Waste Management staff works all holidays except Memorial Day , July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and …
What is non metal in Austin?
Non-metal items - Includes carpeting and nail-free lumber. These items go to a landfill. Austin Resource Recovery is working on plans to salvage reusable items from bulk collection to help meet the City of Austin's Zero Waste goal
How far away from trash can do you have to keep items?
To prevent damage to your property, keep items 5 feet away from your trash cart, mailbox, fences or walls, water meter, telephone connection box and parked cars. Do not place any items under low hanging tree limbs or power lines. Do not put items in bags, boxes or other containers.
Can you collect items in Hyde Park?
Items will not be collected if they are in an alley in any area, including Hyde Park, in front of a vacant lot or in front of a business. Do not put items in bags, boxes or other containers. Bulk collection is for items too large to fit in containers.
Does Austin Resource Recovery have bulk collection?
Austin Resource Recovery customers receive twice-per-year collection of bulk items. Use the My Schedule tool to get a personalized collection calendar for all residential curbside services, including bulk item pickup. You can add your schedule to Google, iCal or Outlook, or you can print it. You can also sign up for text, email or phone call reminders and alerts.
Beginning February 21, 2022, large brush and bulk collection for residential curbside customers will be suspended until further notice
Any missed collection during the interruption will be rescheduled once services resume. Download the Austin Recycles app for your Apple or Android device to review your updated collection schedule and find alternative disposal solutions to suspended services.
Get my schedule
Use the My Schedule tool below to view your curbside collection calendar. You can add your schedule to Google, iCal or Outlook, or you can print it. You can also sign up for text, email or phone call reminders and alerts. For best results, begin typing your address and select it from the drop-down menu when it appears.
What is Austin Resource Recovery?
Austin Resource Recovery provides bundled services to manage your trash, recycling and composting. Save money on your utility bill by recycling as much as possible, setting aside yard trimmings for composting collection, and choosing a smaller trash cart.
When to place trash cart at curb?
Place your trash cart at the curb by 6:30 a.m. on your collection day. Place trash, recyclables and composting five feet apart to allow our automated trucks to collect materials safely and efficiently.
How often is trash collected?
Trash is collected curbside every week. Use the My Schedule tool to get a personalized collection calendar for all residential curbside services. You can add your schedule to Google, iCal or Outlook or you can print it. You can also sign up for text, email or phone call reminders and alerts.
What is Austin Resource Recovery?
Austin Resource Recovery provides curbside collection of recycling to single-family households up to four-plexes in Austin. Place mixed paper, plastic, metal and glass directly in your blue recycling cart – no sorting required!
When to put your recycling cart at the curb?
Place your recycling cart at the curb by 6:30 a.m. on your collection day.
What are tanglers in recycling carts?
Tanglers are items such as plastic bags, trash bags, garden hoses, rope, strings of lights and other long, flexible materials which get tangled in the gears of the recycling sorting facilities, jamming the machinery and disrupting operations. Help us Untangle ATX by keeping these items out of your blue recycling carts.
Do local stores accept recycling?
Some local retailers and stores accept these items for recycling— check our What Do I Do With tool to find a location near you.
Does the Blue Cart have extra recycling?
Extra recycling is collected at no extra charge. Extra recycling that does not fit into your blue cart with the lid closed should be placed next to your cart in a reusable container or a cardboard box no larger than your cart (use the lid of your recycling cart as a size guide). If you would like to request an additional blue cart, free of charge, call 512-494-9400.