Schedule List

arkansas game and fish stocking schedule 2022

by Dr. Elena Sanford Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Are there trout in Arkansas?

Trout are not native to Arkansas. Arkansas's trout fisheries are the result of cold-water discharge downstream from many U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dams. Before these dams, the White River was full of smallmouth bass and other warmwater fish.

What happened to the smallmouth fishing in Arkansas?

The coldwater discharge wiped out the smallmouth fisheries. The federal government mitigated the damage through the annual stocking of trout, which can handle much colder water temperatures. Brown trout can reproduce successfully in Arkansas, but rainbow trout populations require annual stockings.

Do you need a fishing license for stocking?

Stocking information can also be found by calling our stocking hotline at 1-866-540-FISH (3474). Largemouth bass may not be retained and must be released immediately into the water. Open to fishing with handheld rod or pole only. Individuals 16 and older must have a fishing license. Trout permits are required if any trout are retained.

Do rainbow trout reproduce in Arkansas?

Brown trout can reproduce successfully in Arkansas, but rainbow trout populations require annual stockings.


Does the Arkansas Game and Fish stock ponds?

Arkansas Game and Fish Commission stocks ponds with rainbow trout for winter.

How much do fish cost to stock a pond?

Prices: Generally, prices range from $1 to $3 for 1"-3" fingerlings (large mouth bass, bluegill, catfish, hybrid carp, redear sunfish) and . 20 each for mosquitofish, depending on availability and time of year. Larger sizes are available.

Where is the best trout fishing in Arkansas?

The White River in northern Arkansas is the premier trout fishery in the state. With over 100 miles of fishable water for you to take advantage of, it's a great place to start! There are a large number of access points along the river with plenty of easy-going locals to help get you off to a good start.

How big does a rainbow trout have to be to keep in Arkansas?

The daily limit for brook trout was reduced to one, with a minimum length limit of 14 inches. The daily limit for rainbow trout is five, but only one may be longer than 14 inches.

What is the best fish to stock a pond with?

What Fish Should You Stock In Your Farm Pond?Green sunfish.Trout.Carp (common and grass)Goldfish.Yellow perch.Buffalofish.Tilapia.Crappies (black and white)More items...

What fish will keep my pond clean?

The Siamese Algae Eater is one of the best fish for helping to control algae in freshwater ponds. These freshwater fish are not picky about the type of algae that they eat. They'll happily feast on red algae, string algae, and even large clumps of algae that most other fish won't touch.

What is the limit on trout in Arkansas?

The daily limit for harvesting trout in Arkansas is five fish with no more than two from each of the following species: cutthroat, brown, and brook. The daily limit encompasses any combination of the available trout species to catch which includes brook, brown, rainbow, and cutthroat.

What is the best fishing in Arkansas?

Top 10 Fishing Spots in Arkansas01 of 10. White River. Linda Tanner/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 2.0. ... 02 of 10. Little Red River. Marine2844/Getty Images. ... 03 of 10. Lake Ouachita. U.S. Forest Service. ... 04 of 10. DeGray Lake. ... 05 of 10. Bull Shoals Lake. ... 06 of 10. Greers Ferry Lake. ... 07 of 10. Arkansas River. ... 08 of 10. Buffalo River.More items...•

Where do they stock trout in Arkansas?

Rick Evans Grandview Prairie Nature Center.Potlatch Cook's Lake Nature Center.Ponca Nature Center.Fred Berry Crooked Creek Nature Center.

How many rods can you fish with in Arkansas?

It is legal to fish with 2 rods in Arkansas.

Is it legal to fish at night in Arkansas?

Arkansas doesn't have any specific regulations against fishing at night. It is entirely legal.

Can you use treble hooks for trout in Arkansas?

In Arizona, in areas where a single-pointed barbless hook is required, treble hooks do not meet the definition. In Arkansas, several trout streams require the use of a single-pointed barbless hook.

How many fish can you have in a 1 acre pond?

A typical pond stocking strategy for a warm-water pond would be 1,000-1,500 bluegills, 50-100 bass, and 50-200 catfish per acre. Many recreational pond owners, however, prefer to stock bluegills and catfish to increase the size and population of bass.

How much does it cost to stock a small pond?

How much does it cost to stock a pond? Stocking a pond costs $1.25 to $4.50 per fish.

How many fish can you have in a 1/4 acre pond?

Large fish will prey on newly stocked fingerlings. Obtaining a balanced predator (bass) to prey (sunfish) ratio is the key to a healthy fishery. We recommend 100 bass to 500 sunfish per acre for a self-sustaining fishery....Fish Stocking Recommendations.Swimming PondSpeciesRedear Sunfish1/4 Acre1501/2 Acre2503/4 Acre4001 Acre5005 more columns

How deep should a 1 acre pond be?

A couple variables come into play with fish pond depth. Everyone wants a pond super deep. However, the average pond we dig is 12' deep throughout and depending on the size at least one area 15' deep. If the pond is large enough, say 1 acre we can dig a couple holes in the pond 15" to 20' deep and maybe 25' round.

What is trout fishing in Arkansas?

Arkansas's trout fisheries are the result of cold-water discharge downstream from many U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dams. Before these dams, the White River was full of smallmouth bass and other warmwater fish. The coldwater discharge wiped out the smallmouth fisheries. The federal government mitigated the damage through the annual stocking ...

Do brown trout need annual stockings in Arkansas?

The federal government mitigated the damage through the annual stocking of trout, which can handle much colder water temperatures. Brown trout can reproduce successfully in Arkansas, but rainbow trout populations require annual stockings. Scheduled Trout Stocking.

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