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apple valley waste schedule 2022

by Jarret Brown Jr. Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Why choose Apple Valley Waste?

Apple Valley Waste continues to increase its services across West Virginia, Maryland and the D.C. metro area, providing technology-driven waste management solutions and resources for our home and business customers, as well as contractors and jobsite managers. We haul your trash. We recycle your reusable materials.

How do I get billed for Apple Valley services?

Services are billed by the Town of Apple Valley. website at and local newspaper for dates and times). For more information click here. For more information click here.

Is Apple Valley part of the Mojave Desert JPA?

The Town of Apple Valley is part of the Mojave Desert & Mountain Recycling Joint Powers Authority, or “JPA,” for short. Other members of the JPA are Victorville, Barstow, Needles, City of Big Bear, Town of Yucca Valley, 29 Palms, Adelanto and San Bernardino County. Visit the JPA’s website here!


How do I dispose of paint in Berkeley County WV?

Berkeley County does not have a paint recycling program. We recommend that unused paint be donated. For disposal, paint must be hardened using a substance such as kitty litter or mortar mix before disposing into the regular trash.

How do you dispose of paint in Washington County?

The County does not recycle paint. Paint cans can be disposed of with your regular trash but they MUST be empty or the paint must be completely dry. The landfill cannot accept liquids of any kind.

Is recycling mandatory in Seattle?

Seattle adopted a mandatory commercial recycling ordinance in 2003, a Zero Waste Resolution (PDF) (11 pp, 560 K, About PDF) in 2007, and a Zero Waste Strategy in 2010.

How much waste is recycled in San Jose?

In fact, San José has been doing well with a local recycling rate around 75 percent, well above the U.S. average.

How do I get rid of old paint near me?

California residents and businesses can now recycle leftover paint for free at local retail stores. For locations and program details, visit or call 855-724-6809. You may also dispose of unused oil and latex paint by doing the following: Drop off at a mobile Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event.

How do you dispose of Sterno cans?

Disposal optionsAre accepted as special recycling at all CSWD Drop-Off Centers except the Burlington and Hinesburg locations.Are accepted at the CSWD Environmental Depot by appointment only.Can be placed in household trash.

Are deodorant containers recyclable?

As well as the metal part, aerosol cans also contain plastic and rubber parts such as the lid and the tube. The metals in all common deodorant aerosol types can be recycled.

Are egg cartons recyclable in Seattle?

No, egg cartons are not recyclable in Seattle.

Can Styrofoam be recycled?

Styrofoam can be recycled, and there are many ways to recycle styrofoam. One way to recycle styrofoam is to use it to make new products. Styrofoam can be used to make new products such as pens, picture frames and egg cartons.

Can I recycle Styrofoam in San Jose?

Expanded polystyrene is not recyclable through San Jose's curbside program. To reduce its use, the City disallowed the use of foam food containers in 2015.

Does San Jose recycle glass?

In San José, recycling is easy. You can always recycle empty glass, cans, plastic containers, and clean and dry paper and cardboard.

What plastics does San Jose recycle?

Plastic Bag Drop-OffBread Bags.Bubble Wrap.Case Wrap.Cereal Bags & Box Liners.Diaper Packaging.Dry Cleaning Bags.Newspaper Bags.Padded Envelopes (All Plastic)More items...

How do you get rid of paint?

Paint DisposalStep 1: Combine With Cat Litter. Here's how to dispose of latex paint without taking it to a recycling center. ... Step 2: Allow the Mixture to Set. Stir the cat litter into the paint until it thickens and won't spill. ... Step 3: Throw It in the Garbage. Throw the dried paint in the can in the garbage.

What can you do with leftover paint?

Use your leftover paint with these 15 DIY projects.Accent wall. If you have a large amount of paint left over but still not enough to do an entire room, now's your chance to try an accent wall. ... Trims. Baseboards don't have to be white, and neither do your window frames. ... Doors. ... Cabinets. ... Drawers. ... Furniture. ... Floors. ... Murals.More items...•

How do you harden paint?

Mix saw dust or cat litter into the paint. Stir with a stick until well blended. (Alternatively, you can use a commercially made paint hardener, purchased from a paint or hardware store) Add more sawdust or litter as necessary, until the consistency of the mixture is crumbly.

How do you dispose of water based paint?

Get a 5-gallon bucket, put 6-8 inches of clumping cat litter in the bottom and pour your paint water in there. Once it clumps, remove all the clumps and dispose of it in the trash. With this approach, none of your paint water goes down the drain.

When is the leaf bag distribution in the fall?

In the fall (mid-October through December), the Division is responsible for maintaining supplies and distributing biodegradable leaf bags to homeowners. The Township policy is that homeowners may acquire two bundles of twenty leaf bags.

What is the division of recycling and solid waste?

The Division of Recycling and Solid Waste is responsible for overseeing the various sanitation operations that Piscataway administers. This includes management of the Recycling/Trash Center (Mini-Dump), located adjacent to the public works building. The Division also performs trash cleanup of illegally dumped refuse within Township properties and right-of-ways.

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