How many hours is a drill period in the Air Force Reserves?
These are the 2022 drill pay charts for the National Guard and Reserve soldiers who perform drilling and other training duties. A drill period is defined as four hours, and a weekend would be considered four drill periods. There are two drill periods for each day. What is a drill weekend in the Air Force Reserves?
Does the Air Force National Guard get drill pay?
Drill Pay for an Air National Guard or Reserve Airman depends on the Airman's length of service and Air Force rank (most enlisted Airmen enter the Air Force as an Airman Basic). Air Force Reserve officers and enlisted Airmen are eligible for Drill Pay as they serve their weekend and other training duties.
Where can I find the 2022 drill pay scales?
You can contact your finance or accounting office for more specific details. Here are the 2022 drill pay scales for officers, prior-enlisted officers and warrant officers serving in the National Guard and Reserves.
How often do you get deployed in the Air Force Reserve?
Generally there is no set deployment schedule for the Air Force Reserve. It isn’t unusual to not be deployed at all. If you get deployed once in six years, that would be typical, but it could be more than that. Most likely your mission will be of a logistical or support nature. How long are Air Force Reserve deployments?

What is a drill weekend in the Air Force Reserves?
These are important events—it is the one time each month when everyone in the unit, including the part-time Drill Status Guardsmen (DSG), will be together and train. For most units that have a flying mission, they will schedule either Saturday or Sunday as a fly day.
What happens if you miss drill in the reserves?
Reservists in the Army and Air National Guard who skip drills are subject to punishment under the laws of their state. Punishment can be minimal to severe depending on the state and reasons for absences. A soldier who just stops going to drills in the Army reserves can even be arrested, according to the GI Hotline.
What do army reservists do on drill weekends?
A drill weekend normally consists of eight hours of training on Saturday and eight hours of training on Sunday. Sometimes it can be longer and sometimes it can be less. This is when the Soldiers assemble to conduct the scheduled unit training.
How long does drill weekend last?
IDT periods, also known as drills, are typically performed on a unit's scheduled IDT weekend each month. One paid IDT period is four hours and one non-paid IDT period is two hours. A typical drill weekend consists of four IDT periods (two on Saturday, two on Sunday) and equals four days of basic pay.
How many days of drill can I miss?
One drill weekend is comprised of four 4-hour UTAs. If one drill weekend is missed, four UTAs have been missed. Missing eight UTAs within one year is considered sufficient indication of intentional misconduct and meets justification for reduction in rank or discharge.
What Discharge do you get for not showing up to drill?
When you just stop showing up, after the first drill you will receive a certified letter explaining that you were Unauthorized Absent for 4 UTAs, with some boilerplate explanations covering how 9 total UTAs of Unathorized Absence will result in your AWOL discharge, characterized as Other Than Honorable, listing the ...
How many drills can you miss in the reserves?
nineArmy Reserves and National Guard Rules After IADT, Reservists who have accrued in any one-year period a total of nine or more unexcused absences from scheduled drill, or who miss Annual Training (AT) are considered "unsatisfactory participants." What happens then is up to the unit commander.
What happens if you miss a drill weekend?
The rules for guard members missing drill and what can be done about it vary from state to state. In practice, punishments for missing a part or all of a weekend drill range from nothing, to not being paid, to having to make up the drill, and in some rare instances arrest and punishment.
How much do I get paid for drill weekend?
A single drill is 1/30th the amount of the monthly base pay. A standard drill weekend includes four drill periods. You can see the standard active-duty 2022 military pay charts here.
Do you go home during drill weekend?
Yes and no, Dependant on how far it is to drill. During drill weekends we often stay at the armory, in barracks, or in the field. Yes, you can sleep on a cot to save gas and prevent from spending money on a hotel.
Does weekend drill count as active duty?
The weekend drills are called inactive duty training (IDT), and the annual training falls into the category of ADT. Neither IDT nor ADT counts toward service requirements for veteran's benefits.
How often do Reserves drill?
once a monthTraditionally, drills are held once a month on weekends. On an average weekend, reservists are paid for four drills, five if the drill starts on a Friday. It is important to ask about a unit's drill schedule before joining.
How many drills can I miss in the Army Reserves?
Army Reserves and National Guard Rules After IADT, Reservists who have accrued in any one-year period a total of nine or more unexcused absences from scheduled drill, or who miss Annual Training (AT) are considered "unsatisfactory participants." What happens then is up to the unit commander.
What happens if I cant go to drill?
If you miss AT, then you can be picked up by either local law enforcement or MP's at home, and brought to the training area. You will then meet with your commanders to discuss possible legal action against you for failing to come to drill.
What happens if you stop going to Navy Reserve drill?
What happens if I cannot drill for a period of time? Naval Reservists who stop drilling for personal reasons are normally transferred to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR).
Can I quit the Army Reserves?
According to the U.S. Army website, an army reserve commitment can range from three to eight years, depending on the job. It is best to wait until the commitment ends to quit so that future benefits are unaffected. Reservists can quit earlier if they present an acceptable justification for leaving.
2022 Drill Pay Charts: Officers, Prior Enlisted Officers and Warrant Officers
Here are the 2022 drill pay scales for officers, prior-enlisted officers and warrant officers serving in the National Guard and Reserves.
2022 Drill Pay Charts: Enlisted Members
Here are the drill pay charts for enlisted members of the National Guard and Reserves.
About Reserve Component Pay
The Reserve component consists of the National Guard and Reserves, including the Air Force National Guard and Air Force Reserves, Army National Guard and Army Reserves, Coast Guard Reserves, Marine Corps Reserves and Navy Reserves.