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air force basic training schedule 2022

by Miss Aleen Abshire MD Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Air Force Basic Training Graduation Dates

Basic Training Start Date Basic Training Graduation
August 2, 2022 September 22, 2022
August 9, 2022 September 29, 2022
August 16, 2022 October 6, 2022
August 23, 2022 October 13, 2022
Oct 12 2022

Air Force Basic Training Graduation Dates
Basic Training Start DateBasic Training Graduation
September 6, 2022October 27, 2022
September 13, 2022November 3, 2022
September 20, 2022November 10, 2022
September 27, 2022November 17, 2022
7 more rows

Full Answer

What is the basic training schedule for the Air Force?

Air Force Basic Military Training is held at a single location–Lackland–and is known to run from seven weeks to eight and a half weeks depending on health protection conditions and other variables. In general the BMT is broken down on a week-by-week basis from Week Zero to Graduation day. The Air Force official site lists an eight-week BMT schedule, which we will discuss here but talk to your recruiter about the actual length of BMT based on current DoD or Air Force guidance.

Does the Air Force have basic training?

Your career in the Air Force officially begins with Basic Military Training (BMT). It is a challenging experience both mentally and physically but will ultimately transform you from humble recruit to confident Airman with the skills and confidence you need to excel as a member of the U.S. Air Force.

What happens after Air Force basic training?

Air Force Tech School is a major progression in the young life of a cadet. After completing Basic Military Training, you advance to Air Force Tech School where you learn the tools of your trade while also getting paid.. There are several advantages to joining the Air Force and learning career training at a tech school, compared to the civilian world.

What are the basic training requirements for the Air Force?


  • Thunderbolt or Warhawk status in the fitness test
  • Must pass all inspections
  • A score of 90 and above on written exams
  • Recommendation from MTI for the award


What is the schedule for Air Force basic training?

You'll begin your career in the Air Force with Basic Military Training (BMT)....A Typical Day at BMT.0445Reveille0500-0600PC. One day, you run; the next day, you do aerobic exercises.0600-0615Breakfast0630-0745Dorm set-up0800-1130Drilling, classes, record checks, shots, uniform issue, etc.6 more rows

How long is basic training for the Air Force 2022?

7.5 weeksQ: How long is BMT? A: (current as of 4 May 22) BMT is 7.5 weeks long.

Do you get any days off in Air Force basic training?

Unless you have a verified family emergency (death or serious injury/illness of an immediate family member), you're not allowed to take leave during basic training. If you joined the Navy or Air Force, you're not usually allowed to take leave until you finish your military job training.

What time do you wake up in Air Force basic training?

Getting That Morning Wake-Up Call In military basic training, there's no such thing as sleeping in. You'll get up at 5 a.m. every single day. Waking up in the morning is an adjustment process that's the same for every single basic training class.

What branch has the easiest basic training?

the Air ForceAmong active-duty service members and veterans, it is agreed that the easiest military branch to get into, in terms of basic training, is the Air Force because programs are more spread out. Plus, the duration is, overall, shorter.

Is Air Force basic training 2022 hard?

Air Force basic training is one of the most difficult challenges anyone can undertake. The Air Force prides itself on excellence, perseverance and has extremely high standards it expects recruits to rapidly start meeting. Recruits are tested physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Do you get your phone in Air Force basic training?

Trainees will use cell phones only under direct supervision of a staff member. 4. Trainees are authorized access to their personal cell phones during the fourth week and at the end of the seventh week of training to firm up travel arrangements with family and guests.

Do you get to go home after basic training?

Soldiers are not often given time to go home after basic training. Check-in for AIT School is most often the day after graduation, if not the same day.

How often can you go home in the Air Force?

Airman earn 2.5 days of leave each month for a total of 30 paid leave days per year. Leave not taken in a year is carried over into the next fiscal year but only a maximum of 75 leave days is allowed to be on the books. There are many opportunities for Airman to take leave throughout their career in the Air Force.

Do you have to shower together in the Air Force?

In basic training, you take group showers. There's no way out of communal showers. They're required. Everyone in your barracks will enter the shower room assigned to your barracks when commanded.

How much sleep do you get in Air Force Basic Training?

During training exercises, service members may sleep fewer than five hours per night. Typically, that five hours is split up into multiple episodes of sleep, usually lasting less than two hours each.

How many miles do you run in Air Force Basic Training?

Enlistees failing to meet either: 1) aerobic fitness standards of: 1.5 mile run times of 18:30 for males, 21:35 for females, or 2) body composition standards of: Maximum abdominal circumference of 39.0 inches male, 35.5 inches female or maximum body fat of 20% for males, 28% for females upon arrival at BMT are deemed ...

Can you have your phone in Air Force basic training?

Trainees will use cell phones only under direct supervision of a staff member. 4. Trainees are authorized access to their personal cell phones during the fourth week and at the end of the seventh week of training to firm up travel arrangements with family and guests.

Can you fail basic training Air Force?

Unfortunately, it is possible to fail Air Force basic training. In fact, this happens to around 15% of all recruits who join the military every year.

Do you get paid during basic training Air Force?

Air Force Basic Training Pay As an E-1 Airman Basic, you will receive a base salary of $1,733 per month, beginning on the first day of Basic Military Training.

How much do you get paid in the Air Force basic training?

Basic Training Base Salary An E1 Air Force recruit -- the lowest rank -- will be paid approximately $1599 a month or $19,198 a year. This is the pay that a new recruit with only a high school education receives. Recruits with more than this level of education might enter at a higher rank.

Where is Air Force Basic Training held?

Under normal circumstances, Air Force Basic Training Graduation would be held at JBSA Lackland located in the City of San Antonio.

How long does basic training take?

Starting with basic training, the overall time spent for new recruits in basic training has been reduced from the standard 8.5 weeks down to seven weeks to adjust for lost time and social distancing.

How does Cozid 19 affect the Air Force?

In nearly every way, Cozid-19 has had a direct effect on the way that Air Force trainees are going about their training and how they will graduate. While the situation is constantly changing and evolving, there have been many measures taken over the past months to ensure the safety of everyone on and off of the base.

How many friends can you invite to an Air Force graduation?

The rules for Air Force graduation state that each trainee is allowed to invite up to 10 friends or family to their graduation event. Something to note however is that children and those with any military affiliation are not counted in this maximum number.

How long does the Air Force graduation ceremony last?

Unlike some other branches where the graduation event is just one day, the Air Force Graduation ceremony lasts an entire weekend.

Is the Air Force graduation live stream?

This precaution to ensure the efficient and safe training of the next generation of Air Force members means that all graduation ceremonies are being conducted virtually via live stream. Despite the lack of in-person graduation for families of the trainees, the live streams still provide a connection between the families at home and ...

Do you have to fill out special passes to get onto a military base?

Getting onto any military base requires action to be taken well before a family member steps foot on the base. For events like graduation, a trainee will be required to fill out special passes detailing who they want to let onto the base for their graduation ceremony.

What is the BMT in the Air Force?

Your career in the Air Force officially begins with Basic Military Training (BMT). It is a challenging experience both mentally and physically but will ultimately transform you from humble recruit to confident Airman with the skills and confidence you need to excel as a member of the U.S. Air Force.

How long is BMT?

BMT is now seven and a half weeks long versus eight; and graduation ceremonies are now open to a limited number of guests and are also live-streamed on social media. Click below for the latest information about BMT.

How many days a week do you have to be up for basic training?

You’ll be up and at physical training (PT) by 0500 6 days a week. A great deal of the time you’ll want to be up before 0430 to take care of any details like keeping your hair in regulation, since this is the only time you’ll have to do it. PT staggers strength and running days, so you’ll never be using the exact movements two days in a row.

What is the first assignment you will have after joining the Air Force?

Air Force Basic Training, also called Basic Military Training or BMT, is the first assignment you’ll have after joining up. The most important thing you can do to help yourself before leaving for BMT is to get into decent physical shape. Your cardiovascular and musculature health is going to be taxed to the max during the several weeks of exercises and tests, and going in with a solid workout routine already under your belt will give you a serious advantage over your peers. At the start of BMT there will be an initial assessment.

What is week 0 in BMT?

Week 0 is a lot like the first day of school. It’s the adjustment period where you’re shown what’s expected of you for your time in BMT and given the tools to succeed. One of the first things that’ll happen is that you’ll attend a briefing with the 737th Training Group and be assigned to your Military Training Instructor (MTI). You’ll snag your Air Force-provided gear, get educated on how to use it, and how to fall in during drill. You’ll be given a primer on how to make your bed to standard, clean your shoes, and keep the rest of your outfit looking sharp. This is also when you’re given a rundown on the physical requirements of BMT.

How much does a BMT make?

Pay for BMT depends upon your rank. Every enlisted recruit starts out as an E1, and can expect an annual salary of around $20,000.

How long is BMT?

BMT is eight and a half weeks long. Each week begins a new phase of training. You’ll be put through your paces in new and exciting ways every seven days. You’ll only get a few short weeks to make the physical fitness requirements, so it’s vital that you come prepared.

What to do in week 2 of Air Force?

Week 2 takes the pace up a notch. Here you’ll dive further into classroom learning and drill. You’ll start with the history of the Air Force and its organization. You’ll be given detailed career guidance and have the opportunity to figure out what it is you want to do with your time as an airman. You’ll also be tested on the information you absorbed in Week 1. The MTI will ask you to demonstrate weapon care and maintenance, and they’ll inspect your living quarters to make sure you’re meeting regulations so far. You’ll learn more about professional interaction with your peers and what’s expected of you in an Air Force environment and participate in team-building exercises. Drill exercises will teach you how to move crisply as a group, with weapons and without, and teach postures and movements like parade rest, present arms, fix bayonets, and more. PT will continue to ramp up, with strength days increasing in reps and intensity.

What is the first week of MTI?

And now it begins. Monday of Week 1 brings with it the initial physical assessment to show your MTI where you stand. Hopefully, you’ve been training at home and are ready to bring it. You’ll learn how to report and salute, check in to base, fold your clothes and sheets to military standards, how to recognize rank, what will be expected of you in the classroom, and more. Week 1 is also when your weapon is assigned and analyzed. This is also the time for introductory classes on behavioral expectations and successful integration into your training group, and will include lessons on topics like appearance, cultural sensitivity, and suicide prevention. Week 1 begins individual and group drills. This is when the real fun begins.

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