Will there be any fall professional development programs at aims?
Plans for fall professional development programs are in the works; contact AIMS staff (contactus@aimsmddc.org) if you have any suggestions for topics or speakers for the 2022-23 school year! Thanks to all AIMS faculty, staff, and administrators who have been involved in professional learning workshops, conferences, and roundtables this year!
Are there any summer programs that aims will be offering?
Summer programs will be added to the event schedule on an ongoing basis. Here are a few programs that AIMS will be offering this summer. Click on the event name to get additional information for any program that might be of interest to you and to access the registration form. Join AIMS colleagues for an overview and training on the DASL system.
What is aims insights?
AIMS Insights is designed to inform members about interesting and exciting events in the AIMS community, and to highlight member school successes. Our goal is to build community and better communicate the value of independent schools, and the importance of the process of accreditation.
Do you offer meetings for aims members by affinity?
We offer monthly meetings for division heads here. We also offer monthly meetings for AIMS members by affinity, including Asian-Americans, Black Men, Latinx, LGBTQIA, Muslim Heritage and White Educators Aspiring Towards Antiracism. You can learn more and sign up for these groups here.

What are the consequences of national emergencies?
National or state emergencies, including public health emergencies, weather-related emergencies, and natural disasters, may impact the continuity of your education. As a result of these emergency situations, it may be necessary to alter class schedules, change the method of instruction, cancel classes, or delay internships.
Can AIMS guarantee clinical internship?
AIMS Education cannot guarantee when your clinical internship will start, but we will work with our clinical site partners to ensure all students are able to complete the valuable clinical experience. The institution will consider all options and methods to maintain the continuity of education, but we must follow the guidance provided by federal, state, and local authorities, as well as our accrediting agencies. Any gaps in your education may also result in delays to graduation.
Who administers AIMS health plan?
The AIMS Health Plan is available to all AIMS member schools. The plan is administered by Educators Benefit Services (EBS ).
What is AIMS in marketing?
AIMS is offering a series of workshops for communications and marketing professionals who use Google Analytics or Google Ads for understanding, managing, and optimizing traffic flow to school Web sites. AIMS Heads Luncheon.